Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 281 Old Qin people never talk

Chapter 281 Old Qin people never talk

blah blah blah!
The sound of horseshoes is crisp.

Although Li Qian and his party only had [-] riders, they marched like a thousand horses!

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it!
The flying hooves of the war horse seemed to be stepping directly on the heart of the Yuezhi people.

All the Yuezhi people who retreated to the side only heard the sound of their own rapid heartbeat in a trance.

King Yuezhi didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly stood up and led Mu Ya and others to meet him.

"Lieutenant Li came from a long way, and this Marquis is really rude for not being able to meet him from afar!"

Li Qian jumped off his horse and went straight around, staring at the envoy of the Huns sitting motionless on the ground with a calm and prestige expression on his face.

He asked coldly: "Huns?"

The Xiongnu envoy put down the leg of lamb in his hand, wiped off the food residue on his beard, wiped it on his body casually, and said defiantly: "I am the only one who supports the plow..."

In a trance, he only saw a flash of white light, followed by a whirlwind. During this period, he tried to open his mouth wide, but he was still unable to speak.

"Ah... this figure looks so familiar!"

"No, it seems to be me!"

"Ah, I'm dead..."

The Hun envoy raised his eyelids and looked at a headless figure full of doubts. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, and then fell into darkness.

Li Qian put the knife back into its sheath, and looked at the surrounding Yueshi warriors who suddenly changed color: "Don't move, if you move, the clan will be wiped out!"

Beside him, the knights of the Qin army who came with him also drew their swords out of their sheaths, and chopped down a group of Huns who were not carrying any weapons because they were attending the banquet.

King Yueshi was furious, his lips trembled a few times: "Li Qian, what are you doing!"

"Who gave you the guts to call me by my name?" Li Qian turned around slowly, staring directly at King Yuezhi with wolf-like eyes.

King Yuezhi took two steps back immediately, and said sternly: "I am the Marquis of Guiyi who was personally conferred by His Majesty the Emperor. The official position is above yours, why can't I just call you by your name!"

Li Qian laughed, and said in a gloomy voice: "You are from the Yue clan, and our captain is the captain of the Hu Yue clan. If you call me by my name, you will be executed if you commit the crime!"

King Yueshi's voice trembled slightly: "You, you dare to kill me?"

The smile on Li Qian's face was slightly suppressed, and he walked slowly towards King Yueshi.

One step, two steps...

Suddenly, thin cold sweat broke out on King Yuezhi's forehead. He found that under Li Qian's gaze, although his brain desperately gave orders to resist, his body remained motionless!

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that in the old days, the eldest son, his second son's sons, and the brave and fearless Yue clan warriors all retreated aside, no one dared to step forward!

"Lieutenant Li, don't...please!" Mu Ya resisted her fear, opened her arms, and stood between Li Qian and King Yueshi.

Huh, finally there is someone who is sensible... Li Qian stopped in his tracks, turned his gloomy eyes around Mu Ya and King Yueshi, and immediately laughed heartily.

In an instant, all Yuezhi people felt that the weather seemed to have become clearer, and the huge boulder that was suppressed in their hearts disappeared.

Li Qian said with a smile all over his face, "You are so lucky, Guiyihou!"

King Yueshi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and was about to speak when he heard Li Qian continue to say:

"Your Majesty once told such a story that there was a beautiful woman in the state of Qi, and two families came to propose marriage. The man from the east family was ugly but rich, and the man from the west family was beautiful but poor."

"Parents hesitated and couldn't make a decision, so they asked their daughter, and asked her to decide who she wanted to marry, and which one she fell in love with, and she would show one arm."

"Who would have thought that woman bared her two arms and said that she wanted to eat at the east's house and stay at the west's house!"

After Li Qian finished speaking, he walked up to King Yueshi, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low and dark voice: "Usually, we would kill people like this without mercy! So, you can do it yourself." !"

King Yueshi stared blankly into the distance, where all the Hun warriors were slaughtered, and their bloody heads were placed on plates on the table.

And the dozen or so knights of the Qin Army wiped the blood stains on the ring-shoulders with the clothes of the Huns as if there was no one there, and drank the fine wine prepared for the Huns envoys.

Li Qian whistled and got on his horse: "Let's go, don't disturb the Yueshi brothers' drinking!"


Li Qian rode his horse and walked a few steps away, then suddenly turned his horse's head and came back, stopping beside King Yuezhi, the horse under his crotch snorted heavily, and sprayed King Yuezhi's face with saliva.

Li Qian pointed at the dancer from the Western Regions standing by the bonfire with a horsewhip. She was dressed coolly, tall, with straight breasts and hips, and a pretty face. She was full of exotic styles and said:
"I like those women from the Western Regions very much, so send them to Zhaowu City! Don't look at me like that, I don't want them, I'm going to present them to His Majesty! Don't worry, it's our joint contribution, I won't rob you credit!"

Seeing Li Qian riding away as if no one was there, Xiu Mi Xihou spat heavily and said angrily, "Qin people are so rude!"

Mu Ya glanced at him contemptuously: "Lieutenant Li hasn't gone far, you can catch up and reason with him!"

Xiu Mi Xihou said nothing, his face flushed red: "The princess is so devoted to the people of Qin, why don't you just marry the people of Qin!"

Mu Ya's pretty face flushed, and a tall figure sitting on the emperor's throne involuntarily appeared in her heart, she was holding the corner of her clothes, showing a rare little girl's expression.

King Yueshi didn't notice his daughter's expression, he looked up at the setting sun and muttered to himself:
"The news that the Huns and the Da Yuezhi will meet here, apart from Wubu Xihou and Mu Ya, very few people know about it!"

"Then, who would tell the Qin people the secret?"

He turned his head, and a pair of eyes full of suspicion swept over the five Xihou's faces one by one.

In his heart, after betraying him, the only ones who can benefit directly are these five people!
"there is only one truth!"

"It was me, I sent someone to tell Colonel Li!" Mu Ya knelt down on her knees and prostrated herself in front of King Yueshi.

"You! You're going to piss me off!" In the mocking eyes of Wubu Xihou, King Yuezhi pointed at Muya and cursed a few words, and then said angrily:
"Even if I made a mistake in forming an alliance with the Huns without telling the Qin people, but putting aside the facts, is it not the Qin people who are wrong? Is there nothing wrong with Li Qian, the captain of the Huyue clan?"

"If it wasn't for Mu Ya who stood in front of him, I'm afraid he would have killed me, the Marquis of Gui Yi, who was conferred by the Emperor Qin personally!"

"People in Qin often say that uncles can be tolerated, but aunts cannot be tolerated! I must ask the above-mentioned emperor to judge!"

(End of this chapter)

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