Chapter 282 Fekenius
The moon of Jixia, the sun is in the willows, in the dim fire, in the middle of Dankui; its day Bingding; its emperor Yandi; its god Zhu Rong; its insect feathers; its sound signs; the rhythm of the forest bell; its number seven; its taste bitter; its Smelly burnt; it sacrifices to the stove; sacrifices to the first lung.

Shanglinyuan, beside Changchi.

Fusu was wearing black clothes that seemed to be very thin in each layer, but had three layers inside and three layers outside.

Behind him, followed by Wang Li, the new Habayashi general, Han Xin, the vigorous general of Huben Zhonglang, and Yan Fu, a descendant of Yan Junji, who was ordered to take care of Shanglin Garden.

Fu Su turned his head and looked at Wang Li: "Are you still used to living in Shanglin Garden? Are your injuries healed?"

Wang Li sighed slightly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern. The wounds on my body are all gone, but the wounds in my heart have never healed."

Um?I remember that Wang Li was not like this before!Could it be that this is an upright persona?Ha ha... Fu Su shook his head with a smile and said: "Although I am the contemporary Bian Que, I can only heal your physical wounds. As for the wounds in your heart, let your mother-in-law treat them to you when you rest and take a bath." rule!"

"Ha!" Han Xin laughed, and then he closed his mouth under Wang Li's glaring gaze, pretending to be looking at the lake and mountains.

The corners of Fusu's mouth raised slightly, and he continued: "Don't think that I don't trust you if I let you be General Yubayashi, who is in charge of a group of children and this royal garden!"

"I tell you, the Habayashi Army in Shanglin Garden is the future of Great Qin! And the crops and livestock in Shanglin Garden are the foundation of Great Qin!"

Wang Li tilted his head: "The future? The foundation?"

Fu Su smiled and said, "That's right! Have you read those children's books?"

A somewhat shy expression appeared on Wang Li's face: "I have read it. Needless to say, the Cangjie chapter, I can also understand some algebra and geometry, but the Gewu chapter... the second son of the minister, Wang Yuan, instead draws inferences! I feel that this minister is not worthy of being a father..."

Well, you really were brought back by Wang Ben from the outside... Fusu gave him a slap in the face, and said with a smile: "My plan is to let the best of the Habayashi army come back after the autumn sowing and during the slack season." The students went to the counties and counties around Xianyang City to teach, and taught the peasants to read for free. I have already thought of the name, and it is called Daqin Public School!"

Wang Li cupped his hands on horseback and bowed: "Your Majesty has a heart for the common people, and it is my great Qin's blessing..."

Fu Su waved his hand, stopping Wang Li from continuing to flatter Han Xin: "You generals should be more straightforward, don't follow Confucian scholars' pretentious eulogy!"

Wang Li was slightly stunned, and then he smiled at Yan Fu. Han Xin was used to the black Confucian scholars who often helped Su without distinction, so he just looked around vigilantly.

Fusu pointed at the cotton fields in the distance with his folding fan on his horseback, turned his head to Wang Li and said, "The female cotton pickers will arrive in two days, remember to supervise them well!"

Wang Li nodded: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely send someone to supervise, so that they can't be lazy at all times!"

Fu Su shook his head and said: "Just now I said that I have a heart for the common people, but now I'm treating me like Zhou Paopi again..."

"What I mean is, supervise their work, and don't let them ruin my cotton seeds. I searched the whole of Lingnan, and only got the seeds of these hundreds of acres of cotton fields!"

"As for picking cotton, I only work in the morning and evening when it's cool. Remember to prepare more herbal tea and mint water. If you suffer from heat stroke, the gain will outweigh the loss!"

A few Qianshou will be replaced after death, His Majesty really... Wang Li did not change his face, and nodded heavily: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely live up to my trust!"

Although Yan Fu also clasped his fists in the same salute, but he kept thinking in his heart, who is Zhou Papi?


Xianyang City, heaven and earth.

A fat, white man with streaky body wrapped in a layer of white gauze walked in with high spirits.

"Have you heard?" He lay on a soft bed and took a sip of the cold water that had just been drawn from the well.

The people around were confused for a while, what did they hear?Is the Riddler?

"Tian Dan, the anti-thief in Linzi County, invaded the people's fields and gathered people to fight against the government. Although he set himself on fire and died, he was still sentenced to the death of a car!" The fat white man took a sip of cold water happily: "The burnt corpses that were divided into several pieces are still hanging in the city. above the head!"

"It should have been like this a long time ago. The imperial court is still too kind to these Shandong tycoons!" A middle-aged man with gray hair echoed a few words.

No one around him questioned Fatty Bai's news.

Because this fat man is none other than Yushi Zhongcheng Zhang Cang.

As one of the bigwigs standing at the top of power, Zhang Cang has absolutely no need to lie to them!

Hearing Zhang Cang's words, Zhang Liang, a scrubber named Han Xing with a beautiful short beard trimmed under his chin, suddenly staggered, as if he stepped on some soap that a customer accidentally slipped.

The moment Zhang Liang fell to the ground, his heart turned like an electric shock:

'Is Tian Dan dead?No, it's impossible, he has been in Di County for so many years, and the cunning rabbit is even three caves, let alone him!But what is the reason for the court to say this?By the way, as long as the court announces Tian Dan's death, even if Tian Dan shouts that he is not dead, no one will believe it!So cruel!A rumor instantly ruined Tian Dan's popularity for more than ten years! '

"Hey, be careful! Are you all right?"

Many regular customers around greeted with concern.

Zhang Liang shook his head with a smile, indicating that he was fine.

Seeing Han Xing walking out, Zhang Cang's eyes lit up. He came out to take a bath in the public bathroom when he was taking advantage of Xiumu today, mainly for this person.

It is rumored in Xianyang City that the number one scrub master in heaven and earth has elegant speech, strong arms, and is proficient in various scrubbing techniques!
"Sir, twenty dollars, salt rub!" Zhang Cang rushed to make an appointment before everyone spoke.

"Sorry, don't rub!" Zhang Liang shook his head and left.

"Why?" Zhang Cang looked confused: "Although we are a little fatter, but others pay ten dollars for rubbing once, can't we pay double the price?"

Zhang Liang chuckled: "It has nothing to do with money, if someone is pleasing to the eye, it is not impossible to not take any money!"

"Looking at your face, I don't know if there are three things you don't rub, those who don't have high grades don't rub, those with serious physical diseases don't rub, and those who don't like you don't rub!"

"Mr.'s white body looks uncomfortable, so I don't rub it!"

Zhang Cang opened his mouth wide, thinking, what's wrong with Baipang, it's none of your business!Still, with style, I like it!

On the Chi Road to the north of Xianyang City.

Thousands of soldiers surrounded a convoy and moved quickly on the road.

After entering June, the weather is getting hotter every day. According to the usual practice, the emperor will go to Lin Guang Palace to escape the summer heat.

It's just that Fusu still has important matters, and he can't leave Xianyang for the time being, so only Tian Ji and others sat in his luxury four-wheeled carriage.

"Little beauty, you have to seize this opportunity!" Tian Ji stroked Qi Rui'er's little hand with a satisfied face.

(End of this chapter)

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