Chapter 283 Add money! (4k chapters)
Chance?what chance?Mom, help me... Qi Rui'er shrank back desperately, but the space in the car was limited, so she couldn't escape from Tian Ji's 'claw' in the end.

The little hands are so slippery and tender... Tian Jiben said with satisfaction: "Of course I can handle His Majesty!"

Oh, it’s not allowed here... Qi Rui’er blinked her beautiful big eyes, with a look of hesitation on her face, but in the end, her desire for knowledge prevailed, she lowered her head, and whispered, "Please, please teach me..."

"The weather is hot, and my heart is full of fire..." Tian Ji had a smug look on her face, she leaned into Qi Rui'er's ear, and muttered softly.

Sister Tian Ji understands well...Qi Rui'er's legs twisted together slightly, her once noble and glamorous pretty face was blushing as if bleeding, and her breathing became short of breath.

"Don't teach the little girl bad!" Zhao Ji put down the embroidery frame in her hand, stretched out her hand and pulled Qi Rui'er away from Tian Ji.

She glanced at Tian Ji, put her arms around Qi Rui'er and continued: "Don't listen to her, be careful of self-defeating, Your Majesty is not the kind of superficial person who is easily addicted to women!"

Did she mean the Majesty I know?Hehe... The corner of Tian Ji's mouth was smiling, and the water in Taohua's eyes was flowing, and she was extraordinarily gorgeous and incomparable.

Great looking?Hehe...Zhao Ji didn't speak, her almond eyes were slightly closed, and she was vaguely murderous.

Mom, I'm afraid... Qi Rui'er lowered her head, trying to avoid today's 'battle', but her mind is full of methods taught by Tian Ji to seduce men.

"Look, it's my fief to the east from here!" Ying Yinman lay on the car window, happily looking at the scenery along the way, ignoring the smokeless war that was happening around her.

She sighed and said: "It's a pity that the emperor's brother is letting people renovate my princess mansion. Otherwise, I will go to the princess mansion for a few days first, and then go to Linguang Palace!"

Qi Rui'er also leaned over to take a look, and then exclaimed: "Wow, Yunyang, Your Majesty spoils you too much. The road leading to the Princess' Mansion is actually paved with the same cement as Chidao!"

Hearing Qi Rui'er's words, Ying Yinman put her hands on her hips, raised her head, and looked proud.

Zhao Ji glanced at it, then chuckled, and in the eyes of everyone looking over, she smiled without saying a word.

As the only person who has been to Lin Guang Palace, she knows very well that this road not only leads to Ying Yinman's Princess Yunyang Mansion, but most importantly, it also leads to the textile workshop.

The reason why this road is paved with cement, it can be said with certainty, is to transport the spun wool yarn to Xianyang City for sale...

"Well, Your Majesty is a good brother and will definitely be a good father in the future!" Tian Ji touched her swollen belly with a happy smile.

I'm so envious... Qi Rui'er looked down at herself, and immediately remembered Tian Ji's words, so her legs were twisted together again.

"Fuck, is this what was drawn in the sketch?"

Fusu looked at the scene in front of him and blinked, feeling a little unexpected joy.

Today, under the escort of the Qimen Army, he went to the Lantian Industrial Zone to inspect the simple lathe he ordered. Thousands of troops went to Lin Guang Palace to escape the summer heat.

Although Lin Guanggong is a short distance away from Xianyang City, in order to deter ambitious people, there are about 3 elite troops who accompanied him to leave Xianyang City, the center of power, this year.

Jiangzuo Shaofu public transportation rail pointed to the wooden lathe on the side of the canal and said with a smile: "Actually, there are similar instruments like this, whether it is the Mohist family, my public loser, or even those craftsmen who make jade."

Fusu shook his head invisibly. A simple lathe is not a great invention. A large lathe powered by flowing water like the one in his drawing, even if it is a simple lathe, its functions and capabilities are as good as The five-axis CNC machine tools of later generations, one in the sky and the other in the ground, but the impact they can have on the world is beyond the imagination of the natives of the Qin Dynasty.

Gong Shugui led the hesitant young master Yan forward, pointed at the lathe making harsh metal cutting sounds, and said, "Look, Shaofu, here are the main shaft, the bed, the pallet tool holder..."

Gong Ziyan waved his hand, and interrupted the words of the public transportation rail impatiently: "270 million yuan, is this thing built? I think most of it is wood, you won't get money from it?"

As Fusu's big housekeeper, it's nothing to spend money, the key is that the money is spent inexplicably, and it's such a hot day, coupled with the harsh sound of the lathe working, it makes him feel extra irritable.

Gong Chugui gave Young Master Yan a look with a dark face, walked quickly to Fusu, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty knows, I don't dare to have the idea of ​​deceitful, and every one of the 270 million yuan was spent on the construction of the lathe. Come on, my lord..."

Fu Su pinched the bridge of his nose, he stayed in Shanglin Garden these days, the weather was hot and the mosquitoes were everywhere, so he didn't sleep well.

He patted Gong Shugui on the shoulder: "I believe you are not such a person!"

Immediately turned his head, looked at the irritable young master Yan and said: "Industry, the investment in the early stage is already huge, and the 270 million yuan is actually just the beginning..."

Gong Ziyan looked surprised: "It's just the beginning? Does Your Majesty know how many stones of corn can be bought with 270 million yuan?"

Fusu sighed lightly, and said with a smile: "That's not how the account is calculated! Although this thing is expensive, and it continues to burn money. Well, it's like the porcelain kiln I built here before, and the initial investment is also a lot, but Isn’t the current income already earned back what was invested before?”

Gong Ziyan shook his head and said, "But this, well, a lathe is different from a kiln! These things are all made of wood. Look, Your Majesty, they are still shaking!"

He looked at the prodigal son's expression and said, "I think these wooden frames won't last three days!"

Fu Su nodded and said, "I deeply agree with Shao Fu's words!"

Pointing to the lathe, he continued: "This is just a basic version, and if you can handle it for three to five days, you will earn money! Let me tell you, it is already a remarkable thing that such a simple thing can be successfully produced in one go. Already!"

"Its mission is to sharpen its own handle with its own knife and process the subsequent upgraded version! Of course, during this period, it is certain to spend money like water!"

Fusu ignored the contempt in Gong Ziyan's eyes, turned his head to look at Gong Shugui and said, "I forgot just now, remember to report the list of craftsmen who made the lathe later, and all of them will be rewarded! An additional reward of a professional technical level!"

"Huh?" Gong Ziyan asked before the public transmission rail had agreed, "What is the professional technical level?"

Did I embarrass you, I didn't talk to you, yet you dare to rush to answer... Fu Su glanced coldly at Gong Ziyan, who suddenly trembled, his back was wet all of a sudden.

"Your Majesty is guilty, please punish me!" Young Master Yan Chang bowed to the ground, his voice full of panic.

Clan relatives are no better than courtiers. Fusu, as the Dazong of the Ying surname, can use the patriarchal method to deal with them at any time, just like in later generations Liu Xiaozhu dealt with his uncle Tian Fu's son, using the excuse of wearing the wrong clothes, and directly smashed his cousins ​​to the end... …

Seeing Gongzi Yan's statement, Fu Su stretched out his hand to help him up, with a seemingly warm but cold smile on his face: "The Shaofu is a relative of the country, it doesn't have to be like this, it doesn't have to be like this..."

Hey, what a fucking hypocrisy...Fu Su sighed slightly in his heart, suddenly felt that he had become a little strange at this moment.

Perhaps, this is power...

Gong Ziyan straightened up and looked at Gong Shugui with lingering fear. He secretly rejoiced that Fusu still showed some face to these old officials in many things. Landed!
Gong Shugui glanced at Fusu and saw that his expression was as usual, so he smiled and said to Gong Ziyan: "The professional technical level mentioned by your majesty corresponds to the twentieth rank of military merit, and it is specially used for a hundred craftsmen. an incentive."

He looked at Fusu again with gratitude on his face: "Unlike military meritorious titles, in addition to guaranteeing one hundred acres of land for the professional technical level, it no longer rewards farming according to the level. What is rewarded is wages. And the corresponding title."

Gong Ziyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Tianmu Lichen was not awarded, the interests of these [-]th-class military meritorious titles would not be affected.

After all, land is fundamental!
The limitations of the emerging landlord class... Fusu glanced at Young Master Yan, he couldn't be more clear about the thoughts of military nobles.

However, unlike the landlords who inherited poems and books in the later Song, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, the military landlords have always had a strong desire to open up.

Especially the "violent Qin" known as the tiger and wolf, and the later Han and Tang. The difference is that the Qin Dynasty moved from separatism to unification, while the Han and Tang expanded in all directions.

Although it was mentioned in Du Fu's "Song of Soldiers and Chariots": the front court bleeds into sea water, and the Emperor Wu had no intention of opening the side.

But the circle of Chinese civilization has always been actively and openly exporting its own cultural values ​​to the entire earth.

The honorable class in this period, the standard of evaluation of imperial power has always been to expand the territory and expand the territory is the achievement that shines through the ages.

It wasn't until the Song Dynasty when the imperial examination system really came into being that the whole society began a frenzied 'involution'.

This is mainly because scholar-bureaucrats are more from the social level and pay more attention to the livelihood of the people at the bottom.

However, the emperor's ambitious conquest will be regarded as a waste of money and people, and will be fiercely and resolutely criticized by the scholar-official class.

For example, Dameng, the scholar-bureaucrats directly burned the sea charts for voyages to the West...

That is to say, starting from this period, the central government composed of the landlord class who inherited poems and books paid more attention to the publicity of the sufferings of the people.

Well, it's publicity. As for who caused the suffering of the common people, it doesn't matter.

It's like a hot man chanting, 'Bones are exposed in the wild, no rooster crows for thousands of miles; there are more than one hundred people alive, and the thought will break the heart' while mercilessly massacring the city...


South County, Jiangling County.

Just after noon, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and suddenly there was a downpour of lightning and thunder.

"Didn't it mean the summer rain, the child's face? Why did the whole afternoon pass, and why didn't the rain show any sign of stopping?"

Meng Yi was wearing a white unlined garment, holding a cattail fan in one hand, and leaning on a pillar with the other, standing under the eaves with his chest bare and backless, looking at the water droplets falling like bead curtains in front of him, he felt a little lucky in his heart.

"Fortunately, we didn't stop working when the ditches were being repaired. Otherwise, the rice fields with a slightly lower terrain would have no harvest this year after the rain!"

Meng Yi shook his cattail fan, and the splashing raindrops hit his body, which was still somewhat cool, making him involuntarily pull up his clothes to cover his exposed body.

"Sir Meng, good news!"

Xiong Que came trotting all the way from a distance, his rain-wet hair stuck to his face, and the clothes on his lower body were also covered with mud.

Meng Yi put down his cattail fan, cupped his hands and said, "It's hard work to inspect the drainage canal in the rain, hard work!"

Xiong Que shook his head and said: "It's all a matter of duty, the county guard doesn't have to be like this..."

Meng Yi smiled, then turned around and looked at his entourage and said, "Order the kitchen to cook a bowl of ginger soup for Xiong Juncheng to get rid of the cold."

After finishing speaking, Meng Yi dragged the muddy Xiong Que to the house: "Tell me, what's the condition of the fields beside Yunmengze?"

Xiong Que shook his head slightly and said: "The rice fields around Jiangling County are fine, and the sugarcane fish ponds planted beside Yunmeng Ze must be fine, but the fish in the ponds probably won't be able to keep... After all, the rain is too heavy. It’s too big, if we don’t release the water and flood His Majesty’s sugarcane, we will have a hard time explaining it!”

Meng Yi sighed, and said wryly: "But this fish is the private property of our Nanjun officials, if it all runs away, what shall we do?"

Xiong Que said with relief: "This is a natural disaster, I think everyone can understand it!"

Meng Yi touched his beard and said: "I think so, wait until the water recedes in a few days, organize some fishermen, go to Yunmeng Lake to catch some big fish, and raise them in the pond again..."

Xiong Que nodded and said: "That's the only way... It's all your fault, what kind of mulberry fish pond, sugarcane fish pond! The fish raised in this fish pond are fatter than those fished out of the lake! "

He immediately looked at Meng Yi and said, "However, let the fishermen go to the lake to catch fish, will you give me money?"

Meng Yi was full of surprise and said: "Of course I gave money! This county guard is not the kind of person who is ruled by fish and meat!"

Xiong Que said in a solemn voice, "Then, if you want to fill up all the fishponds, it will cost a lot of money, right? Taking money from the treasury is not good for the public and private interests, isn't it?"

Meng Yi pondered for a while and said: "When I was in Xianyang City, I heard His Majesty say a term, add money!"

Xiong Que asked, "What do you mean?"

Meng Yi said with a smile: "The noble titles exchanged by the big households in the county need to be reported to Xianyang City and approved by His Majesty before it will take effect. How about this, pay an extra [-] shi grains and receive the title within one month; fifty shi For grain, you will be honored within a year; for those who don’t get rid of a hair, you will be honored for the rest of your life..."

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Tang Yanzi', 'wswhk', 'I can't hold you for a long time', 'Wenshanren', 'Feng Chuyun', 'One Thought Walker Without Borders', 'Wang Chengsi'!

(End of this chapter)

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