Chapter 143

Monday, October 10.

In the morning, when Jian Sichun woke up, she found that her head was in excruciating pain.

It was as if she had been taken off and put into a front-loading washing machine for half an hour. The terrifying dizziness made it difficult for her to even straighten her upper body.

Dry mouth, chest tightness and shortness of breath, the stomach is bubbling and stirring like boiling water... Immediately, the feeling of nausea and vomiting rushed to the brain.

Jian Sichun hurriedly covered her mouth with both hands, and took a while to hold back her mouth without spitting it out.

There is no doubt that this is a symptom of a hangover.

It's painful as hell.


After lying on the bed for nearly 10 minutes, she was finally able to straighten her upper body.

Speaking of which... it seems like I'm back in my room?

But she didn't have the impression of going back to the room...

She still remembers successfully convincing Shi Hai to attend the moon appreciation reception, and later Liu Zhenshan joined in, and from then on, she drank too much wine one after another.

Just when I was about to lose my hold, I left for a short rest.

Then he hugged Zhu Lingjie's thigh, trying to linger until the end.

and then?
Then what happened?
Don't remember at all.

It seems that this is the so-called 'drinking pieces'.

Since you can't remember it, you can only infer.

First of all, Jian Sichun lifted the quilt and looked at his current state.

What she was wearing was no longer a bunny girl outfit, but the camisole and shorts that she usually wore when she was at home.

Then she looked up, but she didn't see the bunny girl costume that had been taken off in the room.

That means... didn't you change your clothes yourself?

Jian Sichun suddenly became excited, and she immediately carried out a more detailed, comprehensive and in-depth physical examination...

Then I was disappointed to find that my body was safe and sound, unscathed...

In other words, what she expected didn't happen.

It seems that I am not the winner who survived to the end...

Jian Sichun quickly accepted the reality.

After all, in yesterday's reception, he was the weakest group, so it was only natural that he would be eliminated first.

It seems that the "drunk battle" can be completely abandoned, and it is impossible for him to drink Shihai anyway.

I just don’t know, who lived to the end yesterday?

Senior sister Tianshui?Or Lingling?
Or is it completely wiped out and no one is spared?
Thinking about these things, Jian Sichun got out of bed and put on her slippers, and went to the full-length mirror to take a look at her appearance.

Her hair was disheveled, and her body still smelled of alcohol. It could be said that she had no femininity at all.

Stomach is still uncomfortable... Vomiting surges...

Maybe that's what it feels like when you're pregnant...

Jian Sichun patted his cheek vigorously to encourage himself.

good!cheer up!Jane Sichun!

The Golden Week holiday has just begun!

There are still plenty of opportunities waiting for you!
That's right, whether it's the bunny girl photo session or the moon appreciation reception, it's just one of many plans prepared by Jian Sichun.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, although I didn't taste the final sweetness, I had a very happy time yesterday.

Dressed up as a bunny girl with everyone, took a happy photo of Shi Hai, took a family portrait, made moon cakes together, and drank together at the end...

Lively and lively, happy, isn't it pretty good?

Thinking of this, Jian Sichun's mood rose a lot.

Until she glanced at her phone...

The current time is...

Actually!It's already afternoon!
The morning of the first day of Golden Week just disappeared!

How can it be!Was it attacked by the Crimson King?
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Jian Sichun hugged his head and knelt on the ground, feeling that his whole body was not well.

This is much stronger than the blow he suffered just now when he found out that he was still a perfect body.

After all, this is a full half a day!
And judging by his current virtue, it is estimated that the afternoon will be wasted.

Nothing to do, a day off is over?
How could this be!

"What's wrong? What's wrong? What happened?"

Hearing Jian Sichun's screams, Zhu Lingjie hurried over to check the situation. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Jian Sichun sitting on the ground with a duck.

"Sisi? You're awake..."

"Woo... Lingling...!"

Jian Sichun stretched out his hands towards her with a mournful face, and Zhu Lingjie went and hugged her very well.

"Hey... tell me, what happened?"

"Time... time it disappeared!"


Time gone?
What does it mean?
Zhu Lingjie was at a loss.

"I didn't get up until the afternoon...the first day of Golden Week is gone!"

So this is it...

Zhu Lingjie exhaled secretly, and comforted her with relief.

"I was scared to death. I thought something happened... After all, you drank so much yesterday, it's not surprising that you have slept till now. I made some porridge, let's get up and drink some."

"Well... thank you... Lingling is the best..."

Jian Sichun, who hugged Zhu Lingjie and felt the warmth of her chest, suddenly felt that it was really a great thing to have a good girlfriend who is gentle and considerate.

She has never received such care from a friend of the same sex who is similar in age before.

No wonder Shi Hai would marry her as his wife... Even she thought his wife should be Zhu Lingjie.

Belonging is being spoiled.

But hugging and hugging, she felt that something was wrong, and suddenly raised her head and asked.

"Wait...! Lingling, you have nothing to do! Isn't the hangover super uncomfortable!"

Zhu Lingjie scratched her cheek, as if she had done something wrong, she replied with dodge eyes.

"Although I did drink a lot yesterday, but I drank beer with low alcohol content. I usually drink beer and it's not easy to get drunk..."

"How cunning! So it was prepared here!"

Zhu Lingjie felt a little guilty after being told, so she lowered her head and explained.

"Well... I'm not all about winning... It's really just because beer is more suitable for people who don't drink much, and I really hope you can try the beer I chose..."

She was very afraid that Jian Sichun would hate her because of this incident.

"Oh, I'm not blaming you, if I drink other wine, I guess I'll pour it faster..."

Jian Sichun was very frank, patted Zhu Lingjie on the shoulder and said.

"Drinking capacity is good, this is also your advantage, Lingling!"


Just as Zhu Lingjie was relieved, Jian Sichun asked.

"However, that means, Lingling, you were the last one left yesterday?"


"Tell me quickly! What happened after that? Details! Process!"

"Actually, nothing happened. After all, Shi Hai wasn't drunk either...he's more sober than me."

"What! Then why don't you pull him to continue! Couldn't it be because of mom?"

"Mom, when she saw that you were all drunk, she announced that the party was over, and then Shi Hai began to take care of you who were drunk...Actually, I really wanted to drag him to continue drinking..."

Zhu Lingjie recalled that yesterday's overly bold self was also Xiafei's cheeks.

In fact, Zhu Lingjie was already a little drunk at that time, and her reason was not so clear. In addition, she just found out that Shi Hai had noticed all the things she did while Shi Hai was asleep...

Because she felt extremely ashamed and angry, Zhu Lingjie wanted to 'revenge' back.

Jian Sichun asked like a curious baby.

"And then? Did he promise you?"


"What! I really don't understand the style! Are you so afraid of getting drunk! No...! I have to talk to him!"

Jian Sichun wanted to fight Zhu Lingjie's injustice.

Obviously she has already worked so hard, but Shi Hai avoided it again...

They are already in a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, is this appropriate?

Zhu Lingjie grabbed the excited Jian Sichun in time and said.

"Wait, Sisi! Shi Hai just saw that I had drunk enough, so he didn't agree... and even if I continued to drink, I must be the first to pass out... He just cared about my body That's all."

"That's also... Can't he pretend to be drunk once!"


He really did that...!
I see……

Only now did Zhu Lingjie understand Shi Hai's thoughtfulness as her husband.

He pretended to be drunk so that he could give his wife a time to relax... Maybe there was also the factor of wanting to see his wife's cute look different from usual.

Thinking about it this way, Zhu Lingjie no longer felt that those memories were her black history.

Now knowing that Shi Hai is pretending to be drunk, those memories that belong to him have become secret memories that belong to their husband and wife.

like last night...

Perhaps because she was relieved, Zhu Lingjie also shyly told what happened yesterday.

"Actually, he drank the last three cups with me..."

This shy reaction!
Something must have happened!
Jian Sichun keenly smelled the smell of the story and hurriedly asked.

"Three glasses? It shouldn't be an ordinary drink? How do you drink it?"

I have to say that Jian Sichun is really an expert in ghs, and she immediately asked the key points.

"Well... Let's exchange glasses of wine first..."

"Wow! Do you want to have a glass of wine? It's so romantic... And then? Now that we've all had a glass of wine, shouldn't it be time to enter the bridal chamber?"

"'s really just drinking..."

Hearing that Zhu Lingjie emphasized the word 'drinking' so much, Jian Sichun knew that something unusual must have happened to the act of drinking, so she asked about the second glass of wine.

"Is that so? What about the second cup? 'How to drink' again?"

It was a precise question to the core.

Zhu Lingjie could only shyly drink the second glass of wine

"How should I put it... it's... um... chewing, no... it should be... mouthwash?"

At that time, after Zhu Lingjie and Shi Hai drank a cup of wine together, it can be said that they were completely 'into the state'.

Then she asked Shi Hai, "Why don't you try your favorite wine?" 'And pour the wine into your mouth first.

But did not swallow.

Because the drink in her mouth was not for herself, but for Shi Hai.

Jian Sichun understood in seconds.

"I it good to drink?"

Zhu Lingjie said awkwardly.

"A-Actually, I didn't get any's delicious."


In fact, there is no need to ask.

Just look at Zhu Lingjie's happy expression.

How could it be bad?
It must be mesmerizing!

But in this way, Jian Sichun became even more curious, the second cup was already a "drunkard's wine", what about the third cup?
"The third cup is..."

"That... I said Sisi, don't laugh at me..."

"If you don't smile or don't laugh, it should be said that I'm too envious!"

"The third cup is that...seaweed wine..."


Jian Sichun doesn't know anything about wine varieties, but she has heard of seaweed wine.

Of course, seaweed wine does not refer to wine brewed with seaweed, but refers to a 'drinking method'.

In other words, starting from the second cup, Zhu Lingjie was not actually drinking, but Shi Hai used her as a 'vessel' to drink.

I think that such a gentle and sweet wife as Zhu Lingjie must often give Shi Hai a knee pillow, so her thighs are very firm and will not leak out.

"I didn't expect... Sure enough, Lingling, you can do it if you want!"

That's right, as long as Zhu Lingjie is willing to take the initiative to fight for it, she will be rewarded.

But if she was the only one, she definitely couldn't do it to this extent.

It is precisely because Shi Hai is no longer Zhu Lingjie's savior alone...

With competition around her, she was afraid of being left behind, which is why she became so aggressive.

The presence of other people greatly stimulated Zhu Lingjie and made her step out of her comfort zone.

Zhu Lingjie did it, turning jealousy into motivation.

But Jian Sichun didn't seem to have any feelings of jealousy, Zhu Lingjie felt very strange.

"That...Sisi...don't you feel jealous?"

"Of course not. Didn't we agree not to be jealous of each other?"

"But...! Feelings of jealousy will still come out!"



it's wired!
Zhu Lingjie couldn't understand.

It is clear that Jian Sichun is a girlfriend who has been with Shi Hai for many years in her own future.

Isn't she jealous at all when she sees her boyfriend in close contact with other women?
Even if he could accept the existence of other women, he would still be jealous.

Just like her own mother, even if she accepts Xiao San's existence, it doesn't mean she will treat Xiao San well...

Could it be that Jian Sichun really likes herself?
She really did it?

The love triangle of the most solid two-way arrows...

Is it only her arrow towards Jian Sichun that has not yet been completed?
"Lingling... I am actually a person without dreams."


Zhu Lingjie was even more confused, she didn't understand why Jian Sichun suddenly mentioned this.

Jian Sichun has no dreams.

No willpower either.

So she is interested in anything that looks interesting and is willing to try it.

But after the freshness wears off, it will soon get tired.

It is commonly known as '3-minute heat'.

So she didn't find a serious job later, but because she caught up with the good times, and she has a lively personality and likes to interact. In addition, she does have a talent for playing games, so she can make money through webcasting.

In addition, she has the 'power of action' to execute immediately on a 'whim'.

This is different from most people.

People often say that they want to take a trip as soon as they say it, but few people actually start such a trip.

And if Jian Sichun really has this kind of thought, no matter where he is going, he will not think about other trivial things, and he will set off on the same day.

Do whatever you want.

She is such a freewheeling girl.

Generally, girls with this kind of character are very playful. When they see one and fall in love with another, they may change boyfriends every now and then.

However, Jian Sichun insisted on "first love" until now.

This is the only thing she has persisted in so far... and will continue to persist in the future.

"But even if I don't have a dream, there are things that I feel from the bottom of my heart that 'it would be great if I could continue like this'..."

"What's that?"

"Lingling, you should have seen it too. It's a 'sit show' like Friends that doesn't have a main story."

"Well, I've seen Love Apartment too..."

"I was just thinking, it would be great if we became like that, many people live together under the same roof, and live happily every day..."

"It feels like we are now..."

"Right! I just want to maintain the 'daily' like 'now'! There may be new characters joining in the future, some trivial things may happen, there may be some small conflicts, but there will be reconciliation later... ...In short, it will continue..."

Jian Sichun spoke the truth.

"Never Ending!"

What she wants is a never-ending routine.

(End of this chapter)

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