dream redemption

Chapter 104 Going Out

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My own experience is already an infinite novel, so I can only let go of this interest.

After closing the author's page, Murong Xiao opened another news page, and the front page immediately caught his attention.

"Shocking! Brain death has occurred inexplicably all over the world! There are tens of thousands of cases!!!"

After Murong Xiao clicked in, he directly skipped the explanations and comforts of Zhuanjia and Jiaoshou, and found a few pictures and the autopsy report.

Judging from the picture, the deceased did not have any trauma on his body, and the expression on his face was very peaceful, as if he was in a deep sleep.

However, according to the autopsy report and visceral examination, the internal organs of these deceased all stopped functioning at the same time, and died instantly, as if something important and indispensable had suddenly been lost.

There are all kinds of rumors and speculations on the Internet, some say that there is a new type of infectious disease, some say that there are accumulations of polluting elements, some say that some are affected by nuclear radiation, and some people even say that it is caused by the leakage of poisonous gas secretly researched by Japan ...

Murong Xiao was completely subdued by the imagination of the masses, but there were various bricks to suppress it, and it didn't cause any panic among the public.

Compared with this big news, one piece of news seems insignificant. This is a report about the unexplained disappearance of people all over the world. This year, it has increased by [-]% compared with previous years!

Reached more than 2000 people worldwide! [Crying for the numbers I wrote indiscriminately, everyone should not link them with reality. 】

Divide it by two, and the number of invitees who have guides is as high as a thousand!This does not include those without families like Murong Xiao who did not report.


Murong Xiao tried to search for entries on Baidu, and got information on various novels and movies.

"Interesting, I've been ignoring it. Dreamspace doesn't have any restrictions on speech."

As he said that, Murong Xiao quickly posted some basic information about the dream space in the form of a post, but after posting, the display was blank.

"Master, non-invitees, all remarks about the dream space will be erased. Just like what you tried, the content of the post will disappear, and writing with a pen will disappear. If you say it with your mouth, you will be banned for a period of time." Oh."

Lucifer's voice sounded in his mind at the right time.

"Then why didn't you say so sooner?"

"People say that the master will try it himself..."

Murong Xiao smiled lightly: "You know me quite well."

"Guides who don't understand the master's mind will be fired."

Lucifer's proud voice came from his mind again.

"Then guess what I want to do next?"

"It should be to take Xiaohuandan to improve the cultivation of the real world. After all, this thing has little meaning to the master in the fantasy space."

"Smart, help me protect the law."

Murong Xiao smiled, sat cross-legged on the bed, and put on a posture with five hearts turned upside down.

70.00% of Murong Xiao's internal power has been sealed, except for the quality, the quantity is almost the same as before entering the dream space last time, the difference is that last time it was sealed 90.00% five, this time it was sealed [-]%.

A white jade bottle of suet appeared in the palm of his hand amidst ripples in space.

Gently uncorking the jade bottle stopper, a faint fragrance wafted out of the bottle mouth, and ten white pills were neatly stacked in the bottle.

These small Huandan beads are round, jade-run, crystal clear and transparent, reflecting a little bit of light faintly, and against the backdrop of the jade vase, they appear more dazzling than the jade beads.

"Xiao Huan Dan, one pill can increase one's skill for ten years!"

"If ordinary people don't have a six-year-old skill, taking it will be harmful and useless!"

"My current internal strength is roughly equivalent to 30 years of penance for ordinary people, and it is not enough to take it. But..."

Murong Xiao's eyes flashed brightly: "My actual cultivation has already reached the standard of ordinary people's 200 years of painstaking cultivation. My experience and mental state of cultivation are all close to each other, and I have even reached the state of integration and penetration. It's just ten small pills. Speak!"

Xiao Huan Pill, according to legend, is a Shaolin secret elixir. It is refined with several kinds of precious natural materials and earth treasures, and it contains tens of years of energy equivalent to that of ordinary people.

Oral administration is the most common way to take elixirs, but Murong Xiao did not choose this way, but held these ten elixirs in his hand, and at the same time put the Weeping Sword flat on his knee.


From Murong Xiao's body, a fierce and sharp air emerged, and suddenly poured into the Weeping Sword!

There was also a tearful sword intent coming from the Weeping Sword, which merged with Murong Xiao's sharpness!

The two sword intents merged into a brand new sword intent, stirring from the void!

The internal force in Murong Xiao's body suddenly became sharp, forming a false sword energy, following the pull of the sword intent, flowing towards the weeping sword body, and finally poured into Xiao Huan Dan in Murong Xiao's palm.

As soon as Xiao Huandan was stimulated by the false sword qi, the essence contained in it was immediately stimulated, and under the traction of the fake sword qi, it flowed into the Weeping Sword.

The Weeping Sword, which was originally calm, trembled under the infusion of Jing Qi, and the mirror-smooth sword body emitted a faint light, covering the entire room in a layer of haze.

Xiao Huan Dan's Jing Qi was refined into internal force in the Weeping Sword and sent back to Dan Tian Qi Sea.

This move has two benefits. First, it can improve the quality of the Weeping Tears Sword, adapting it to internal force and true energy, and reducing the obstacles of energy transmission in it; second, although Xiao Huan Dan looks pure and flawless, there must be impurities in it. It can also be refined by using the Weeping Sword as a cauldron.

Murong Xiao's internal strength, supported by Xiao Huan Dan's powerful medicine, is increasing at a rapid speed!

Ten small redemption pills are equivalent to the essence of ordinary people for hundreds of years. Even for ordinary warriors, it takes several months to refine them.But Murong Xiao relied on the fierceness of the false sword energy, and it only took nine days to completely refine the medicinal power of Xiaohuandan!

"call out!"

Between the opening and closing of Murong Xiao's eyes, a faint jing light flickered, and his internal energy rose from 30 years to 100 years, returning to half of its peak!

"Except for the various advantages brought by blood, my combat power is already [-]% of what it was in its heyday!"

The gleam in Murong Xiao's eyes gradually faded away, returning to ordinary, only brighter than ordinary people.

The sudden increase of internal force fully adapts after a few laps in the body, and there is no sign of unstable foundation.

The Weeping Sword trembled, and imperceptible impurities drifted away, and Murong Xiao's gaze fell, and finally fixed on the bedding.

It was a soft and lustrous black silk, Murong Xiao was sure that it was not her own.

A wisp of trouble, a touch of daughter's fragrance.

This is Qing Wu's hair, Murong Xiao's nose, and he can even vaguely smell that intoxicating fragrance.

"Go to her."

In Murong Xiao's heart, a voice suddenly appeared, constantly urging.

Murong Xiao picked up the tip of the sword, and this strand of hair was immediately caught in his hand by a force of ingenuity.

When people go to Liu Xiang, Qing Wu takes away her luggage, but cannot take away Murong Xiao's feelings and thoughts.

"When I miss you, are you thinking of me?"

Murong Xiao muttered to himself, looking out of the window, looking at the city in the distance; or, further away, there was no landing point.The same is true for the heart.

"City B."

There was a flash of light in Murong Xiao's eyes, the Weeping Sword had been hidden in the sleeve between the flipped palms, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Of course, Murong Xiao didn't know about the customer service hotline for flight reservations. He originally thought that he would not be able to travel far in his life. He stayed in this city and was just like most ordinary people. Afterwards, they marry wives and have children, and then gradually grow old and die, submerged in the long river of time and history, leaving no trace.

However, the invitation from the fantasy space completely changed the trajectory of his life, gradually leading his life path away from the trajectory of ordinary people, just like two parallel lines that are very close to each other. It seems that they are not far apart, but in reality they will never be. May intersect.

"Since I am destined to be extraordinary in this life, I don't want to leave any regrets for myself, and I will never leave any regrets!"

Murong Xiao said softly, glanced at the villa that looked somewhat holy under the afterglow of the setting sun, and left resolutely.

The bloody sunset gradually set behind the villa behind him, stretching Murong Xiao's shadow very long, very long, as if whispering a kind of nostalgia.

Under the cover of the afterglow of the setting sun, the entire suburb showed a sad and incomplete beauty, as if it was holding back something.

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