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Under the cover of the afterglow of the setting sun, the entire suburb showed a sad and incomplete beauty, as if it was holding back something.

Murong Xiao was walking alone on the national road in the suburbs. The sky was filled with fiery red clouds and a blood-like sunset. Beside him were speeding cars from time to time. The ancient blood-clothed clothes swayed gently in the wind blowing from the vehicles. Under the afterglow of the trees and the setting sun, there is a bit of painting.

Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon.

Murong Xiao's steps seem to be very slow, as if taking a leisurely walk after dinner, but his speed is extremely fast, often appearing several meters away in the blink of an eye, forming a strong contrast between slow and fast.

The scattered plants and hills in the suburbs gradually become smaller and smaller, and finally fall into the horizon. What you see are two neat rows of artificial green belts, which are neatly trimmed and meticulous, as if they were planted from the same mold.

As night fell slowly, the noisy city did not calm down, but became more prosperous because of the sporadic dots of various bright neon lights.

The outline of the city is gradually enlarged in the eyes, and pedestrians in twos and threes are either busy, leisurely, bored, or impatient, walking to and from the city, providing power for its operation.

The service point for air tickets is probably closed at this time, Murong Xiao doesn't care, and plans to stay in the hotel for one night, and then go to handle it early tomorrow morning.

"Help! Is there anyone! Help!"

Murong Xiao moved her ears, and vaguely caught the cry for help coming from a distance.

The voice of the person calling for help was very crisp, and according to Murong Xiao's judgment, it should be a young woman.

Without the slightest hesitation, Murong Xiao's figure instantly turned around and rushed towards the source of the sound.

"Haha, you are screaming, even if you scream, no one will come to save you. Haha!"

A proud male bass let out bursts of laughter, indicating that he is in a very good mood now.

Immediately following the deep male voice, there were several voices of wanton laughter.

"Little sister, are you thinking that a hero with high martial arts skills will descend from the sky, beat us to death, and then take you away?"

"Haha, Shanzi, you've watched too many martial arts movies, people are looking forward to Prince Charming! Hahaha."

"Little girl, I think you still follow my brothers! I promise to let you experience the thrill of yu fairy yu!"

"Hey, don't you think it's fun to play with rebellious prey? Taming a fierce horse is often more rewarding!"

"You!... Aren't you afraid of going to jail! If you... do that, you will be sentenced, many, many years!"

In a remote alley, more than a dozen men surrounded this narrow dead-end alley, with a green light like a hungry wolf shining in their eyes, staring at the surrounded one, with their backs leaning against the wall. , fashionably dressed young woman with frightened eyes.

"Prison? Haven't you heard that if you die under a peony flower, you can be a ghost? What's more, it's just a mere prison."

A ten-nine-year-old boy laughed and said, his eyes showed a trace of unbearable and sympathetic, but more, he was obscene and fiery, his throat kept wriggling, thinking that he was about to have an intimate relationship with a beautiful woman Because of her relationship with her, her lower body can't help standing upright. Although she is ranked behind many people, at least she has a chance to kiss Fangze.In normal times, even a glance at a beauty of this level is a great feast for the eyes, let alone...

Involuntarily, the boy secretly felt that he followed the right boss.


A crisp slap interrupted the boy's fantasy, but it was a young man beside him who slapped him on the back of the head.

"Stinky boy! Don't you know that there is someone above Brother Long! I have done this kind of thing once or twice, buddy, which time was not suppressed by Brother Long?!"

"That's right! If you want to hang out with Brother Long, don't say these unlucky words, the sky is falling, and Brother Long is there!"

"You boy, be more careful in what you say in the future!"

All the older youths scolded one after another, as if this so-called Brother Long was very taboo.

"Yes yes yes! Didn't I just talk to Brother Long, please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

The boy with dyed yellow hair nodded repeatedly, not daring to rub the back of his head which was so painful from being patted.

"You... my father is very rich, please don't do this, I can give you a lot of money, a lot..."

The remarks of this group of men became more and more obscene and explicit, which made the woman who had been pampered all day panic, her psychological defenses were completely broken, and she began to speak indiscriminately.


"This chick is so cute!"

"I like her so much!"

"It's been a long time since I met such a naive person!"

"Brother Long, I think it's almost the same."

"Just tie her up and play with her every day."

Facing the sudden laughter from the group of men opposite, the young woman was at a loss. She didn't know why they were laughing, let alone what they meant, but it was obvious that her lure was unsuccessful, and things were turning in a bad direction.

"You...don't act recklessly! There is still kingly law in this world, you will definitely be punished! My bodyguards are coming soon, don't come over!"

"Haha! Wang Fa?"

A young man who looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old stood out from the crowd, with a kind of superior indifference in his eyes.

"In City S, I am Wang Fa! What I say is the law!"


"True man!"

"If you're with Big Brother, you have to be like Brother Long!"

A sound of flattery came from behind, which made the young man named Long Ge feel elated.


Brother Long waved his hand, and the sound of flattery behind him immediately stopped.

"No matter how rich your father is, in my opinion, he is just an upstart. A word from me can make him bankrupt within a few months, do you believe it?"

"Impossible! My father will never let you go!"

"Hehe, maybe, after your father knows my identity, he will clean you up and give you to me honestly?"

Brother Long smiled contemptuously, with strong conceit in his words.

"Power, power is such a good thing, you can do whatever you want. In a word, you can decide the fate of thousands of people in the future. You ordinary people will never understand how happy it is to have power. A person's life-long painstaking efforts go to waste!"

As Brother Long said, he closed his eyes slightly, as if a godless king was feeling his own world. The despair rising in the woman's eyes gave him a pleasure that he couldn't even get by taking drugs.

This is the pleasure of power, but unfortunately, it only belongs to my father for the time being.But, soon.

"If you take good care of me, maybe I will make your father's career go to a higher level. Otherwise, your father will wait a lifetime to pay off his debts, and he may be imprisoned for economic crimes. Whether he can come out alive depends on my father." Feeling."

"is it?"

A sarcastic voice suddenly sounded in this remote alley.


Everyone was shocked. This place is close to the suburbs, and there are countless remote alleys. Usually, no one can be seen. That's why they dared to do this outrageous thing. Now a strange voice suddenly appeared. Not surprised? !

A blood-colored figure slowly approached the alley.

"Let go of that girl."

Murong Xiao glanced lightly across the dozens of faces, and finally fixed on the young man named Long Ge.

"Ha! Unexpectedly, there is such a plot! A hero saves the beauty? Boy, don't think that you can become a hero when you wear an ancient costume. The people here will punch you one by one, and you will still be flat when you are cured! Get out of here , don’t spoil Brother Long’s interest, or I’ll sell you to a black factory!”

"Go away! Otherwise, you will suffer!"

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth! Brother Long's death is just a matter of one sentence!"

"Young man, this is the real world, go home and eat nai!"

"Go away, or your family will never have a peaceful day!"

Faced with all kinds of clamor and threats, Murong Xiao turned a deaf ear to it, and calmly looked at Brother Long who was already tearing the woman's clothes.

"Hey, it's too late to go now, I'm in a bad mood, I broke his leg, let him watch us do it! Then put the matter on him."

Murong Xiao's eyes were so calm, so calm that Brother Long's heart shuddered, and he ordered to the younger brothers behind him.

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