dream redemption

Chapter 143 Soul battle cable!


The flames of hell on Ghost Rider's hands suddenly surged, and quickly spread along the iron chain in his hand!


This iron lock seemed to be endowed with life, and it let out a soft sound, and the whole body became dark red and transparent, like glass, lingering with fiery hellfire!

One end of the iron lock suddenly wrapped around the ghost knight's arm bone, and was swung by it, like a long whip, firmly lashing at Old Demon's body!

The iron chains were entangled, and the power of the hellfire erupted, instantly restraining the old demon's body and soul, and he couldn't even integrate into the natural elements!Old Demon, has lost the best chance to escape!

"No kindness to you."

Ghost Rider's hoarse voice was full of killing intent, and the power of the hellfire was pushed to the limit!


The flames of hell spread, and the body of the old demon gradually turned into a stone statue howling in pain under the burning of the flames of hell. It shattered into ashes with a light pull, and disappeared completely with a breeze. None left!

"Ding! Kill Old Demon, a plot character in the mission world, and get 5000 Dream God Power. The progress of the mission is improved. The progress of the current mission is [-]%!"

A bone palm, also burning with the fire of hell, is firmly held in the middle of the iron lock!

"You... are guilty!"

Ghost Rider's empty eye sockets were fixed on Murong Xiao's eye sockets burning with blue flames, and his hoarse voice was like a god judging good and evil.

"Whether there is a crime or not, you don't need to judge."

Murong Xiao's voice was also hoarse. With a flick of his arm, the other end of the iron lock was also wrapped around his arm, and he was in a stalemate with Ghost Rider.


On the two bone palms, the flames of hell surged at the same time, and powerful fluctuations of power suddenly spread along the iron chains, colliding fiercely together!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Hellfire vs Hellfire!Where the two forces collided, the aftermath of the tyrannical force surged out, and several trucks parked beside the two of them suddenly seemed to be lifted by an invisible big hand, smashed hard to the ground, and exploded violently!

The two kinds of hellfire use this iron chain as a carrier, and they blatantly collide in one place!


An ancient evil spirit lives in the body of the Ghost Rider, and the power of the hellfire that erupts is as surging and surging as the sea, with bottomless depths, trying to submerge Murong Xiao's power!

If the hellfire of Ghost Rider is the sea, then Murong Xiao's hellfire is the dragon, and the dragon swims in the sea, and the sea water retreats!

The flames of hell in Murong Xiao's hands are all-pervasive, like a head of violent raging flood dragons, crushing all the flames of hell of the ghost knight!

Murong Xiao's lower body sank slightly, and his legs were firmly attached to the ground, as unshakable as a rock!

"come over!"

Arms around the waist, a powerful force suddenly burst out, pulling the Ghost Rider's body forcibly!

Sudden strong impact, the Ghost Rider was not Chu Xuan, he didn't have the slightest sense of fighting, and he didn't know what to do. He could only watch himself lose his center of gravity and quickly fly towards Murong Xiao.

With the fist in the left hand, the fire of hell burns fiercely, like a round of hell rising into the sky, releasing a strange attraction!

"let go!"

Murong Xiao kicked her legs violently, and a terrifying spider web crack appeared on the ground, spreading out for ten feet!

Under the huge reaction force, Murong Xiao's body popped out like a cannonball, bursts of piercing sounds stirred up, dragging out a gorgeous flame light and shadow in the air, like a giant dragon soaring through the sky!

The left fist pulled out a long afterimage in the void. At this moment, it seemed that thousands of punches were struck at the same time, hitting a point in an instant!



Murong Xiao's fist used the eagle strike's force method, all the strength in his body was condensed into one point, and exploded!

The body of the Ghost Rider, under Murong Xiao's huge burst of force, was almost instantly covered with cracks, and the flames of hell faded away like a tide, as if it would be completely shattered at the touch of a touch!

Dust was flying, Ghost Rider's body was deeply embedded in the wall, and the collapsed bricks completely buried him!

"Have you let go yet?"

The corner of Murong Xiao's mouth twitched, and the arm holding the iron lock suddenly pulled back!


A skeleton frame buried in the masonry was suddenly pulled out by the straight iron lock, and fell powerlessly to the ground.


A weak flame of hell, stronger than weeds, burned unrelentingly on Ghost Rider's body, and the dense cracks disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Is this the immortal body? With the powerful soul of the ancient fallen angel, it is really difficult to deal with."

Murong Xiao murmured in a hoarse voice, his gaze fell on the arm bone holding the iron lock tightly.

"If you don't let go, go to hell for me!"

Murong Xiao raised his right arm high, the Ghost Rider's talent allowed him to control the iron chain as much as he could with a sword!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The iron lock made a sound of friction, and a force was transmitted through it layer by layer, and finally acted on the arm bone of the ghost rider!

The ghost rider's body was driven by the arm bones to fly high into the air, and when it reached the apex, Murong Xiao used his body as a fulcrum to smash it hard to the ground.


Ghost Rider's body was like a shooting star, pulling up its long light tail and hitting the ground brazenly.

The ground trembled, dust filled the sky, and the hard concrete floor was instantly shattered under the impact of the huge force, revealing a terrifying crater with a diameter of three feet and a depth of one foot, as if it had been hit by a meteorite!

Although the undead body is very powerful and difficult to deal with, it is not invincible, and it also has a certain limit.

Under Murong Xiao's continuous heavy blows, Ghost Rider's consciousness fell into a coma, and he naturally quit the transformation state, turning into a naked man with weak breathing.

"It took five seconds, two seconds longer than expected, and the undead body is more difficult than imagined."

Murong Xiao murmured softly, and glanced at the arm that was still gripping the iron lock tightly. With a flick of Murong Xiao's arm, the entire iron chain fell into Murong Xiao's hands immediately.

"He is really a persistent person."

Murong Xiao was talking to herself, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up: "It's a pity that I'm also obsessed."


As soon as the iron chain was separated from the ghost knight's body, it immediately let out a soft cry and trembled violently, as if it had a self-consciousness, wanting to escape Murong Xiao's control!

"I just said, why is there an iron chain filmed to the end in the movie, and Ghost Rider is so persistent about it, there is something weird in it!"

A light flashed in Murong Xiao's eyes, and he muttered to himself in a hoarse voice, the hellfire in his hand suddenly exploded, and scorching heat waves swept out, as if suddenly pouring gasoline!Suppress the iron chain's resistance in one fell swoop!



Lucifer responded lightly, and instantly used his detection skills on the iron chain in Murong Xiao's hand.

A transparent box floated in the air, and Murong Xiao's eyes were brightened by the information of Tiesuo!

"Item: Soul Battle Rope (Exclusive to Ghost Rider!); Introduction: An ordinary iron chain, which has undergone a wonderful evolution after being infused with the remnants of ancient fallen angels, becoming the exclusive artifact of Ghost Rider! Quality: Excellent ;Status: Acceptable!"

"Special Ability [-]: Unlimited Enchanting! Can withstand the energy infusion of hellfire without limit, without the danger of collapse and backlash!"

"Special Ability [-]: Limit Extension! Under the infusion of the power of hellfire, it can even extend from the world to hell!"

"Special Ability [-]: Evolution! You can rely on devouring souls to promote your own evolution!"

The fire of hell in Murong Xiao's hand suddenly blazed to a limit, the struggle of the iron chain in his hand became more and more intense, and a crazy voice could be faintly heard howling!

The wisps of sharpness, together with the blazing hellfire, refine the soul battle rope.

The soul of the ancient fallen angel was naturally unwilling to be refined into a weapon spirit by human life sacrifices, and resisted vigorously.

However, under Murong Xiao's continuous offensive, the defense of this remnant soul gradually weakened.

"In my hands, if it's a dragon, let me coil it; if it's a tiger, let me lie down obediently! The will of the sword, let me practice it!"

As Murong Xiao's hoarse voice fell, an extremely fierce sword intent turned into an invincible spiritual sword, and slashed towards the iron chain in his hand!


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