dream redemption

Chapter 144 Chapter Return Scene

As Murong Xiao's hoarse voice fell, an extremely fierce sword intent turned into an invincible spiritual sword, and slashed towards the iron chain in his hand!


A silent loud noise suddenly came from the iron chain in his hand, and the remnants of the fallen angel's soul seemed to be cut through in one fell swoop by the unrivaled slash of Yi swordsmanship!

A light flashed in Murong Xiao's eyes, and the will of the sword suddenly left Murong Xiao's unique spiritual brand on the deepest part of the fallen angel's unsuspecting soul!

"Master... Master."

A faint mental fluctuation came from the iron chain, quite reluctant but helpless.

Murong Xiao didn't care either, after imprinting a spiritual imprint on this remnant soul, its life and death depended on his own thoughts, so he wasn't afraid that it would make any waves.

A whistle called Lan Huo, and the soul battle thread consciously wrapped around Murong Xiao's shoulder.

Looking down at the evil spirit knight lying in the deep pit, looking down, Murong Xiao's thoughts turned.

The protagonist of this mission world is at least worth tens of thousands of dream powers. With just one thought, Lan Huo can take his life instantly.

However, according to Murong Xiao's intuition, the whereabouts of this Saint Van Gonza contract may still fall on him, and it is obviously not appropriate to kill him now.

"Heh, store it first, fatten it up and then kill it."

Murong Xiao smiled lightly, did he have a problem with raising tigers?

Wu Xinmo and other demons have long disappeared, and Murong Xiao didn't bother to look for them. They will naturally find him when they need it.Just a few seconds of fighting and a period of refining have consumed a unit of sinful souls. He needs to collect as many sinful souls as possible, and the best hunting place is undoubtedly a prison.

Recalling the detailed floor plan of the city in his mind, two prisons were identified, one male and one female, and the number of detainees was more than a hundred.

After relying on well-known buildings for comparison, Murong Xiao slapped his horse on the back, got off the blue fire and immediately understood, and galloped towards the due west!

Glancing at the pale sky, the hell above Murong Xiao's body suddenly turned blue, and the speed of Lan Huo's running suddenly reached a limit!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The powerful power of the hellfire fluctuated, like a tornado and a gust of wind passing through, leaving a scene of disaster, with little flames dancing.


"Who?! This is a prison! Get lost!"

"Come again and I'll shoot!"

"Bang! Bang!"


"Ah! It's... a monster!"

"Skeletons covered in flames!"

"Don't be afraid of bullets!"


"Demon! Demon!"

"look into my eyes!"

"Don't look him in the eye! Don't..."


"Your soul has been stained by the blood of the victim..."

"Feel their pain!"


"A special piece of news is reported today. Two prisons in this city were inexplicably attacked last night. No one was spared, including the prisoners and the prison guards! The parking lot murder is related to the desert town massacre. I'm Roxanne, and I'm reporting for you at the scene..."


Murong Xiao yawned lazily, and drowsily took out the remote control, turned off the automatic TV, rolled up the quilt, and continued to sleep with her head covered.

Last night, even with Murong Xiao's mental strength, he couldn't bear to swallow hundreds of evil souls in a row, and he felt drowsy.

The two large prisons hold 90.00% of the city's prisoners, including the prison guards, there are thousands of people!

Murong Xiao only devoured more than 100 people with the heaviest sinful aura, and the souls of the remaining 900 people were mostly swallowed by the soul battle cables, and the last ones became the food of Lan Huo.

Lan Huo's nostrils can not only spray sparks, but can also suck people's souls. Now it looks brighter and stronger!

The soul battle cable devoured hundreds of souls, and its shape also changed significantly. Sharp locks appeared at both ends, cold light flickered, and the sharp edge raged.After being injected with the fire of hell, the whole body is light blue and transparent, like glass, like a long dragon lingering in the void, breathtaking!

The sinful memory of the sinful soul is also of great benefit to the practice of swordsmanship, like a whetstone, like a sword, it sharpens Murong Xiao's spiritual will more and more!

And its benefits are also obvious, Murong Xiao once again felt that he was about to break through the state of soul binding, and his spiritual power even broke through the limit of the sixth level of soul binding, reaching level seven!As long as you go through a period of running-in, I believe that advancing to the seventh level of soul binding will be a matter of course.

Soul binding, in the final analysis, is also the improvement of spiritual power, undoing [-]% of the soul binding can start the evolution of the source of life...

With Murong Xiao's current physical strength, in the ghost knight transformation state, he can maintain a soul-bound state of between [-]% and [-]% for a long time.Since in the transformation state, the hellfire is controlled by the spirit and the body is driven by the hellfire, Murong Xiao reckons that it should be possible to maintain the state of full soul binding for a long time, but there must be unknown side effects, and it will not work for the time being. Not tried**.

The scorching sun is in the sky, and the temperature in the western city is rising rapidly. The scorching sun seems to dry up all the water, creating a dead country!

However, the reason why human beings are able to be at the top of the food chain today is their strong adaptability and ability to transform the environment!

The high temperature made everyone want to stay in a comfortable air-conditioned room, coupled with the various massacres last night, caused a certain degree of panic among the citizens, and no one wanted to go out unless necessary, which also created a prosperous In the city, there are very few pedestrians on the street during the day!

Murong Xiao, who was holding a parasol, pointed her middle finger to the sun in the sky. The hell fire in her soul is very disgusted with the sun. Once Murong Xiao's body is exposed to the sun, she will feel uncomfortable all over her body, as if her whole body is itchy , but when I want to scratch, I don't know where it is itching.

"Maybe I have to exchange for a weather control skill after I go back, and it will become cloudy when I go out in the future..."

Murong Xiao murmured, and walked quickly to the parking lot in the city center.

From afar, Murong Xiao saw the police cordon drawn up by the police. Two police officers with guns were standing guard at the intersection. Except for reporters and police officers, no one else was allowed to enter.

The corners of Murong Xiao's mouth twitched slightly. This level of defense was useless to him. After a few moments of movement, he walked into the blind spot of the police officers, and Shi Shiran walked into the security zone.

Since Murong Xiao and Ghost Rider will cause huge damage to the environment when they are traveling at full speed, there are thirteen blocks blocked by the police!

Along the way, Murong Xiao saw reporters from various TV stations nervously recording and reporting.

Such a huge murder case naturally shocked the world, and the reporters who came came from all over the world. Murong Xiao also met several reporters from well-known domestic TV stations.

"It's incredible!..."

"Looking at this scene like a disaster scene, I am deeply sorry..."

"Is it a new type of terrorist weapon, or some kind of power that we don't know..."

"The expression of the deceased was terrified, and the way of death was unprecedented..."

Hearing all kinds of reports from the reporters, Murong Xiao's thoughts turned, this city has become the focus, the angel who got the news will definitely come to eliminate the demon, and the rest of the six demons are probably squatting in a corner at this time I don't know what I'm planning.

However, Murong Xiao estimates that their goal is probably also the Saint Van Gonzal contract!Whoever has the contract in his hand will take the initiative.The demon king who has transformed himself into his own dark power...

Before he knew it, Murong Xiao had reached the parking lot where he fought last night. Compared with the street, the damage here was more serious and thorough. Naturally, it also became the focus of the police. You can see the police in twos and threes constantly The alert area is busy.

Murong Xiao lifted the Jing belt, bent down and got in.

"Hey! Didn't you see that this is a red ring? Reporters are not allowed in either! Leave quickly, or you will be charged with obstructing official duties!"

Although there is no police station in this red security zone, the police who work around and take samples are the best and strictest sentries!As soon as Murong Xiao entered the parking lot, she was stopped by a white policeman.

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