dream redemption

Chapter 165 Cultivation

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With the gradual consumption of soul power, Murong Xiao's spiritual world is also expanding little by little, becoming more and more stable, and Murong Xiao's perception of the advanced barrier is becoming more and more clear!

"Will swordsmanship, break it for me!"

Following the refinement of the last trace of Saint Michael's soul power, the barrier between the seventh and eighth level of soul binding became clearer than ever before, and in Murong Xiao's spiritual world, an illusory line appeared. Door!

The length and width of the Gate of Illusion are immeasurable, as if covering his entire spiritual world, the whole body is shining with treasures, and thousands of golden clouds are flowing, as if there are countless coveted treasures hidden behind it!

The fact is indeed the case, there is indeed a treasure house behind this gate, a treasure house of human potential!

"Give it to me, break!!!"

Murong Xiao's spiritual will suddenly turned into a peerless divine sword with sharp sharpness, with the belief of cutting through everything, the determination to shoot all things, slashed out brazenly, and slammed on the gate of emptiness!



It's completely devastated!

Under Murong Xiao's sword that condensed all the spiritual will, all the barriers of intervention are all chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow!

In an instant, this illusory gate was shattered and turned into a golden light that filled the sky, blending into Murong Xiao's spiritual world, making it even stronger!

Eighth-level mental power, success!

Standing on the top of the mountain, Murong Xiao's body was like a lonely peak, suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp sword shadow flashed by!

The sword of judgment lost the infusion of light and true energy, and turned into a bronze cross with the breath of time.


After losing the support of the powerful light force, the terrifying side effects of using the life-burning skill "Angel Judgment" suddenly exploded!

Murong Xiao's body, like a punctured balloon, quickly dried up!

The fair and crystal-clear skin wrinkled, withered, and covered with spots at a speed visible to the naked eye, and several deep ravines appeared on the face in an instant, as if traces left by the ruthless years, and the long black shiny hair instantly became snow-white ,simply!

In the blink of an eye, a young man in his twenties completed the transformation into an old man in his dying years!It was as if, years of special attention to him made him experience a person's life in an instant!

At this time, Murong Xiao's body was almost devoid of any vitality, her breath was like a thread, all her strength had gone away, she was trembling, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

"Is this the state of being old?"

Murong Xiao's already cloudy eyes were shining brightly, and he didn't feel anxious at all, instead he took it as a rare experience.

After a long time, Murong Xiao spoke calmly.

"Full restoration!"

When the words fell, a little golden light and a faint glow emerged from Murong Xiao's body immediately, a mysterious and powerful force, with an omnipotent aura, quickly wandered through his body! <!

The skin full of wrinkles and age spots quickly became smooth and fair, the long hair gradually turned back to black, and the decayed teeth and bones quickly became hard, glowing with jade luster!

The golden light of the body flowed, the powerful vigor surged, and the exuberant spirit rose up, which nourished the spirit, and made Murong Xiao quickly recover the mental power that was lost due to the forced breakthrough after repeated battles!

In less than a moment, under the influence of the mighty power of the dream space, Murong Xiao returned to the peak state, even surpassed the previous peak state, full of energy to the limit, like a seed full of water, waiting to germinate...

Zhen Qi circulated in the whole body for a few times, relying on strong mental strength, Murong Xiao adapted to this change in an instant.

"Lucifer, calculating the gains from this mission, I think it should exceed one hundred thousand Oneiroi points."

Murong Xiao returned to the bamboo house on the mountainside of Jianfeng, and calmly spoke to Lucifer who had manifested an energy body.

"Exceeded, master, look."

With a wave of Lucifer's little hand, a translucent box suddenly appeared from mid-air!

"Through diligent study and hard training, the internal force is advanced and integrated into the realm, condensed into true energy, and obtained 4000 dream power."

"Kill the aborigines of the mission world: Old Demon, and get 5000 Dream God Power."

"Kill the wind demon and get 10000 dream god power."

"Kill the Sand Demon and get 15000 Oneiroi Power."

"Kill the water demon and get 15000 Dream God power."

"Kill the Golden Demon and get 10000 Dream God Power."

"Kill the Wood Demon and get 10000 Dream God Power."

"Kill a group of ghosts, witches and heart demons) and get 20000 Dream God Power."

"Kill the Ice Demon and get 10000 Dream God Power."

"Kill Dianma and get 20000 Oneiroi Power."

"Turn on the flow of time, and fully repair it will consume a total of 9000 Oneiroi Power!"

"Invitee number 9527, remaining Oneiroi power: 110000!"

"Enhance the authority of the private space."

Now that there is a bronze cross for cultivating true qi, there is no need to spend extra, leaving [-] points of Oneiroi power should be enough.

After refining the soul of St. Michael, Murong Xiao obtained a fragment of memory, and learned that the bronze cross engraved a mysterious teleportation array, which is an extremely important part of the struggle between heaven and hell.

"No wonder I'm so anxious about this thing..."

"Ding! The private space authority is currently level three, and it will cost 100000 Dream God power to upgrade to level four. Are you sure?"


As Murong Xiao's voice fell, the entire private space suddenly became turbulent, every inch of space was infused with some kind of inexplicable energy and rules, making the entire private space closer to the real world!The cosmic stars above seem to be closer to me again!

"Ding! Private space privilege upgrade completed!"

"Ding! Announcement to all! Announcement to all! The cumulative consumption of Oneiroi power in the dream space has reached [-] million! It meets the upgrade conditions of the Oneiroi system, and the Oneiroi system will be upgraded in three days! All invitees who are still in the mission world are requested to return to the dream space as soon as possible Or the real world, those who are still in the mission world after three days will be obliterated!"

"Ding! Announcement to all..."

The huge system notification sound resounded in all the private spaces and mission worlds, and all the invitees' brains. It rang three times in a row, causing countless invitees who were still in the mission world to mess up their hands and feet, and cursed at their fathers.


Murong Xiao's eyes flashed brightly, this was a harsh wording that had never been seen in the fantasy world, it was enough to show the importance of this Oneiroi system upgrade!

"Strive to open the eighth-level soul binding within three days."

Murong Xiao's eyes are deep and calm, once the mental strength meets the requirements, and the physical body is strong enough, opening the soul binding is only a matter of course.In this regard, practitioners of spiritual power have a unique advantage.

The entire dream space was also greatly affected by this significant notification sound, and there was a turbulent undercurrent among the invitees!

The invitees who knew the news also held various attitudes, some were excited, looking forward to, and curious, and some were worried, afraid, and indifferent.

But like Murong Xiao, there are not many people who stay at home and don't take it to heart at all...

At the top of the sword peak, on the platform where the sword energy meets, Murong Xiao's body is like a peerless sword. Fingers, palms, legs, fists, knees, elbows, arms, back, every part of the body is in the same position. A sharp trajectory shot out!

Like a battle sword, it cuts through the air continuously, leaving waves of strong wind and howls in the void.


Under the action of several low-grade blood yuan marching rations, the energy and blood flowed like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, majestic and surging, combined with the mysterious method of the body sword technique, the Swing Body Sword Art, turned his body , Hardened hard!

It's like a piece of iron ore, constantly hammering away its impurities, replenishing its essence, and finally tempering it into an indestructible piece of divine iron!


Murong Xiao made a sword with his left hand, all the energy in his body was condensed into one point, following this finger sword, he suddenly struck out!

The air barrier was instantly pierced by its powerful force, and even the void seemed unable to withstand the sharpness of this sword, and the indifferent space rippled away!

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