() (please recommend collection!

The air barrier was instantly pierced by its powerful force, and even the void seemed unable to withstand the sharpness of this sword, and the indifferent space rippled away!

Slowly bring the true energy into the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian, and separate a part of the mind to control its movement. Murong Xiao's body gives people an extremely round and harmonious feeling. The physical body and the spirit are completely coordinated, from the heart to the body!

Eighth-level soul binding!

In three days, Murong Xiao successfully unlocked the eighth-level soul binding in just one day!For the remaining two days, I have been relying on the conditional resources of the dream space to temper my body!

Now, his body has reached an unimaginable level, so strong that he can maintain a [-]% soul-bound state!The combat power has been greatly improved!

Of course, his Oneiroi power was also exhausted to an extremely pitiful point. In 2000, if the auction house hadn't sold all the genetic medicines and supplemented some of the funds, the account would probably be negative now.

"Ding! The Oneiroi system will be upgraded in 10 minutes, and the estimated time is one natural day. All invitees are invited to return to the real world within 10 minutes, and those who violate it will be obliterated!"

"Ding! The Oneiroi system will be upgraded in 10 minutes..."



Lucifer blinked mischievously, and the energy light wings behind his back gradually enlarged, covering Murong Xiao's body.

"The invitee is about to cross reality, carry items, ability test..."

"Ding! Abnormal mental power! In-depth analysis..."

"The analysis is complete, without any enhancement in the dream space, the test passed!"

"Ding! The private space authority is level [-], space rings, swords of judgment and other items are allowed to be brought out!"

"Ding! Inner Heaven and Earth, quality: none, passed the judgment, allowed to take out!"

"Ding! Ability: Ghost Rider transforms, affects the order of the real world, weakens 70.00% five!"

"Ding! Skills: primary lightness kung fu, master-level firearms control, and superb swordsmanship); the judgment is passed! Integrating and penetrating the real energy of the realm, weakening it by 70.00% five!"

"The test is passed, allowing you to enter the real world!"

The judgment of the dream space passed instantly, and a series of notification sounds sounded in Murong Xiao's mind, which were analyzed by powerful mental power in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Murong Xiao felt that he had passed through a thick fog, and the scene in front of him quickly collapsed and reorganized.A slightly familiar office came into view. Several police officers in police uniforms stared at Murong Xiao who appeared suddenly with their mouths open. They didn't know what words to use to describe their feelings and feelings. This weird phenomenon.

It's broad daylight!This is the police station!Here, there have been murders...

Thinking of this, several police officers who came to work felt a gloomy chill instantly swept through the spine and spread to every corner of the body!

"You...you...how did...appear?"

A young policeman was slightly fattened, and pointed at Murong Xiao with trembling fingers.


The flame totem between the eyebrows jumped violently, and Murong Xiao, who was in the shadow, instantly transformed into a ghost knight.

"look into my eyes!"

"Do not!……"


After coming out of the police station, Hellfire had four more units of sinful souls.The fire of hell is definitely the best ability to destroy corpses and destroy the world. Under the control of spiritual power, all traces will be burned cleanly, while other items will not be damaged at all.

In addition, Murong Xiao also discovered that when returning to the real world this time, all abilities were not sealed, but were restricted by certain rules, which greatly weakened their destructive power!

To use an analogy, Murong Xiao now casually slashes a sword qi. In the dream space, it is enough to cut a car into a pile of iron filings, but in the real world, it can only be cut into two pieces. The difference is enough. several times!

"This is an interesting phenomenon..."

Murong Xiao straightened his collar. The denim suit he bought in the mission world had been damaged in the fierce battle. What he was wearing now was the ordinary clothes he bought in bulk in the fantasy space.

Also by volume, clothes are more expensive than cash...

Lowering the brim of the hat, the sunglasses simulated by Lucifer covered most of the cheeks, even if familiar people saw it, they would not be able to recognize it immediately.

Last time Murong Xiao committed another major crime at the police station, and he didn't clean up the evidence. It is estimated that it has been compiled online by now. Even if he didn't, there is nothing wrong with being more cautious.

Bought a newly launched Yali 5 on the mobile phone street, and after recharging the phone bill which was no less than the price of this mobile phone, Murong Xiao used it to browse the latest news online.

Murong Xiao didn't find any noteworthy news on the major news websites. The only thing he cared about was that after this period of public opinion pressure, the hometown that was originally under military blockade has been opened, all communications have been restored, and the army has withdrawn.

"Well, none of the invitees have revealed their power in front of the public..."

Murong Xiao rested her chin with one hand, her eyes turned and her thoughts turned.

"Maybe it was known by some departments, but the news was blocked. After all, with such a large number base, it is hard to guarantee that there are no zhengfu officials..."

Shaking her head slightly, Murong Xiao seemed to want to shake off these complicated thoughts.

"I don't know what's going on with Qing Wu now, whether she's been implicated..."

Although her heart was full of thoughts, Murong Xiao knew in her heart that this was not the time, and her sensitive identity would bring her troubles.


"Strength above the law and hot weapons..."

Clenching his fists slightly, the light in Murong Xiao's eyes became even brighter, like stars in the sky.

"My God? Soon..."

Lowering the brim of the hat again, Murong Xiao casually stuffed Yali 5 back into his pocket, running counter to the bustling scene in the city center.

After walking for more than an hour, Murong Xiao stopped in front of a small hotel that looked very dilapidated.

City b, as an important waterway transportation hub in the country, naturally has a very developed economy. It is rare to see a small hotel like this one in front of Murong Xiao that does not require identity registration.

After paying the money, Murong Xiao found her own room, led by the greasy waiter, a narrow and messy space.

The simple folding bed was covered with a layer of sheets randomly, and the supposedly white quilt was also covered with various stains, as if it had just been wiped off a wet and dirty floor.

Although it claims to have 24-hour hot water supply and broadband Internet access, Murong Xiao has given up hope just by looking at it.

The even narrower bathroom was covered with scorched yellow rust, and even had a stench wafting from it.As for the computer, are you sure this big square box wasn't picked up from the trash?

As if seeing Murong Xiao's frown, the slightly fat young waitress showed a mocking smile.

"What? Do you think the environment is not good? Come on, this is not a star-rated hotel. It's good to have a place to live for 50 yuan a day. The inferior people should have the consciousness of the inferior people."

"Oh, I've been taught."

Murong Xiao didn't care, she smiled lightly and made a gesture of please.

"Cut, poor and sour energy..."

The chubby waitress grumbled, strode out of the room, and closed the door heavily, shaking the loose door frame trembling with her strength, as if it would collapse at any moment.

Shaking his head lightly, although the requirements for these materials are not high, at least they must be presentable and not be hated.But such a bad condition, it has never been tried.

A surge of true energy swept across his feet, creating a circle of dust like light smoke.

Murong Xiao took out the bronze cross from the interspatial ring, and a strong light breath was immediately stimulated from the palm of his hand, permeating the entire narrow space, like a piece of warm precious jade, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility.

Murong Xiao sat down cross-legged, posing in a strange training posture, holding the bronze cross in his hand, and the true energy flowed through his hands constantly, drawing its bright breath back into his body.

The sea of ​​dantian qi, the highly condensed and atomized true qi swirl is like a super-powerful pulverizer, crushing all the energy that enters it, refining it fiercely, and then going through the Zhoutian circulation of true qi, It is hammered and polished to remove impurities and form extremely pure bright energy!

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