()(Please recommend for collection! The collection is almost a thousand!

The sea of ​​dantian qi, the highly condensed and atomized true qi swirl is like a super-powerful pulverizer, crushing all the energy that enters it, refining it fiercely, and then going through the Zhoutian circulation of true qi, It is hammered and polished to remove impurities and form extremely pure bright energy!

The upgrade of the Oneiroi system will take days, and after days, everything is unknown!Murong Xiao decided to come after practicing Jinghoutian. Before he has enough strength, it is king to keep a low profile and hide his clumsiness. \

Of course, Murong Xiao didn't blindly practice in seclusion. She devoted a part of her mind to keep an eye on the outside world at all times. Every morning, she devoted a part of her time to exercising her body and paying attention to the news.

Time passed quietly in such a boring and fulfilling life, calm and without any waves.

The first day passed peacefully, and the mysterious disappearance of four police officers in the police station made headlines.

The next day, a mass shooting occurred in California, USA. A total of 30 people were killed, including the governor and his bodyguards. Except for bullet casings, no clues about the murderer were left at the scene.According to eyewitnesses, there was only one murderer. This case shocked the world and was treated as a large-scale terrorist attack!

On the third day, it was as calm as water, but a reporter from a news website claimed that he had witnessed the Spider-Man in the movie in New York swinging freely between tall buildings, assisting the local police in arresting a criminal, and attached a photo.But the police said they had no comment and their attitude was ambiguous.

On the fourth day, it was follow-up reports on these news, but no valuable clues were obtained.

Putting the bronze cross into the space ring, Murong Xiao quickly activated the Qi and blood, and the surging Qi and blood flowed in the body, filling every inch of flesh, every bone and every bone in Murong Xiao's body. Power, like a great river, is surging!

If someone is very close to Murong Xiao's room at this time, they will hear the sound of a rushing river, and suddenly seem to have come to the edge of the river, and their minds will be captured by this rushing and majestic momentum!

Since this is a cheap hotel, there are no waiters who come to clean and inquire about the dining situation, so no one bothers Murong Xiao's cleaning up.

As for the food, it was completely replaced by low-grade blood yuan marching rations. Only one piece of this kind of extremely small marching rations was enough for Murong Xiao to consume for dozens of days in his normal state.

"Hey, why is it so quiet today? There's not even the sound of cars passing by."

Murong Xiao frowned slightly, her whole body relaxed instantly, her eyes seemed to open or close.

At this time, as long as there is any strange fluctuation in the surroundings, Murong Xiao's sword will definitely be able to kill here immediately!

Loose on the outside and tight on the inside!Only when the human body relaxes the whole body before attacking can it burst out with the strongest strength in an instant!Of course, except those who practice special skills.

Gently push open the swaying wooden door, the narrow corridor is dark and deep, with dim lights cast down, giving people a ghostly feeling.

"What the hell, why is the atmosphere so weird all of a sudden."

The ring on Murong Xiao's hand flashed with light, and the bronze cross fell into his hand, and the strong bright aura was subdued.

The mental power that is as strong as the eighth level gives him a faint feeling, this feeling is vague, this kind of practitioner is so sensitive to the extreme, he even thinks it is an illusion.

Predicting bad luck, according to Lucifer, when the soul binding is opened to [-]%, after the first level of soul binding, you can predict bad luck to a certain extent.

Chaos on a whim is not just an idiom, sometimes it really has something to do.

Although Murong Xiao's soul binding level has not reached the first level, it is as high as the eighth level, and this kind of mysterious induction can occasionally appear.

Looking around the corridor, Murong Xiao turned and walked back to the room.

In a slightly narrow and messy room, a narrow broken window was covered by an old poster, only a glimmer of light leaked from the edge, blown by the wind.

The slender fingers of the sword stuck to the dilapidated window frame, and when he spat out forcefully, dust was thrown out immediately, and the paper posters were scattered into debris all over the sky.


Murong Xiao faintly felt something was wrong, but soon, all his mind was attracted by the scene outside the window!

Fog, the entire bustling street is filled with fog like in a dream space!Eerie and silent!

However, what really attracted Murong Xiao was not the weird fog, but the road!

The road, the cement paved road, seemed a little narrow in the bustling city B, but, in the past few days, there was a constant flow of vehicles.

But now, all the vehicles, as if they had encountered some kind of catastrophe, were chaotically crowded together, most of the car shells were deformed, and there were some bloodstains from the spotted orangutan sleeves, dripping downwards under the force of gravity .

The blood is still very fresh, exuding a strong blood energy, like little snakes rushing into Murong Xiao's nose first.

But the people in the car have disappeared, leaving only blood and some abandoned items.

"Where did everyone go? How could it be here..."

Murong Xiao frowned, and whispered to himself, everything in front of him reminded him of the Biohazard just happened!

While thinking about it, Murong Xiao's figure flew out of the small window!

Murong Xiao's room is located on the highest floor of the hotel, the fifth floor, 17 meters above the ground!

With arms relaxed, Murong Xiao's figure is like a big bird, circling down from a height of 17 meters, leaving afterimages in the air!


A circle of light smoke-like dust swayed slightly and merged into the thick mist.

Fall silent!

Compared with the huge momentum caused by the landing before, Murong Xiao's control over strength has undoubtedly reached a higher level at this time, reaching a state of subtlety, and can maximize its effect!

Stretching out a hand to straighten a strand of long hair that floated to her forehead, Murong Xiao's sharp gaze turned into a sharp sword light under the blessing of true energy, cutting a path through the thick fog!

Just now on the fifth floor, even with Murong Xiao's eyesight, he couldn't fully understand the street shrouded in fog.However, at this moment, in his eyes, there is nothing to hide!

The originally relatively wide road was congested and became extremely narrow.

Under the countless dark car windows, there are a few crazy figures swaying, vigorously slapping the doors and windows, telling endless hunger and wildness!

cruel!Blood gorilla!nausea!

Blood has become the main theme at this time.

Broken car windows, deformed car shells, asphalt roads, and a strong smell of blood that almost makes people faint, as well as chewed minced meat, even under several cars, there are several corpses that have been gnawed beyond recognition !

Murong Xiao stopped in front of a white BMW, and pulled out a relatively intact corpse from under the car.

This is the corpse of a woman. From her still intact skin, it can be seen that she was only in her twenties when she was alive, and the blue face formed a sharp contrast, which was a great irony.

"It is indeed the tooth marks of humans..."

Murong Xiao frowned, he even sensed the breath of the T virus!And these fogs are the same as his previous trial missions, crossing the barrier between dreams and reality!

"Could it be that the fantasy space has invaded reality?

Murong Xiao suddenly thought of this conjecture, her pupils narrowed into needlepoints, extremely dangerous!

What an astonishing possibility! ! !

At this time, the female corpse lying at Murong Xiao's feet trembled suddenly as if being electrocuted, and her body, driven by some kind of instinct, began to regain its vitality!


Murong Xiao let out a cold snort, and spat out his hand forcefully, the pure zhenqi instantly shattered its cervical spine in the air!


It wasn't until this time that Murong Xiao realized that the weakening of Meng Meng had disappeared at some point, and now his combat power had returned to its prime!

"Is it because of the fog?"

While Murong Xiao was thinking, the crisp sound of bones breaking came out, echoing strangely throughout the entire silent street!


It was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and all the hidden zombies swarmed out!

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