dream redemption

Chapter 177 Backstab and Backhand Backstab

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Completely transforming the true energy in the body is a desperate method. Although the destructive sword energy has minimized the damage to the meridians under the strong control of Murong Xiao's sword intent, it still cannot be ignored. In an instant, a trace of paleness appeared on his face, and then there was an unhealthy dizziness. This is a sign that the meridians have been severely injured!

Of course, the price paid will be rewarded accordingly, without the protection of true energy, after the step of transforming sword energy, Murong Xiao's attack speed suddenly doubles, and Dao Dao Guang's sword energy becomes more fierce, trying to pierce the void!

A sword, as fast as lightning, with the white sword light flashing, it has already slashed in front of the Huanwang, as if directly passing through the space, slashing powerfully!

The pupils of the Phantom King's beautiful eyes suddenly contracted into extremely dangerous needle-like shapes, and a pitch-black phantom of a crow passed by.


The King of Huan shouted, and the pitch-black dagger shot out a dazzling blue luster for the first time, like a magic pen, it instantly hit the weeping sword!


The light blue energy of the Magic King is like steel needles, containing extremely terrifying destructive power, gushing out like a tide! "laugh!"

Once contacted, the extremely fierce nature of the Bright Sword Qi was brought to the extreme. With the will to cut through everything, the energy pierced by the King of Phantom was smashed to pieces in one fell swoop. The huge cutting power contained in the sword drove Phantom Wang's body rose into the air, completely losing its center of gravity!

Murong Xiao's eyes were shining brightly, as if they were more dazzling than the sun in the sky.The numbing murderous aura almost condensed into substance, causing a few birds in the sky to flap their wings desperately and flee in a panic!

A force burst out from under the feet, causing the cracked roof to collapse completely, like a tiankeng formed in an instant!

The figure is like a sword, cutting through the void!The speed of the sword step was brought to the extreme by Murong Xiao, like a sword light cutting through all obstacles, cutting right in front of Huan Wang's body that lost his center of gravity in an instant!

Huan Wang didn't even have time to react in the air, maybe when she controlled her body to regain her center of gravity, Murong Xiao's sword energy had completely chopped her body apart!

"Wait! Don't kill me! I'm useful. \Have a lot of information! Also, I'm good in bed..."

The light in Murong Xiao's eyes didn't fluctuate in the slightest, the tears in his hands and the sword light showed no compassion, and before Huan Wang finished speaking, he slashed down brazenly!Like a peerless swordsman freezing the indifference of the world, making all her words and emotions stand still!


The glittering and dazzling sword light, like a bolt of cold electricity, blatantly cut into the charming body of the Magic King.The fierce sword energy erupted in an instant, and dazzling sword lights burst out from the inside of the Huan Wang's body.Cut it into pieces in an instant!

A dark phantom of a crow flickered in the eyes of the Magic King. After the sword light burst out, there was no trace of blood. The body of the Magic King suddenly turned into dozens of huge black crows, flying all over the sky!


Murong Xiao's eyes suddenly focused, his body fell fiercely into the ruins of the rooftop, and the two swords in his hands suddenly pierced out behind him, and the sharp edge raged!

"Backstab with backhand!"

The charming voice of Huan Wang was like the judgment of death.With a sharp green light, the pitch-black dagger traced an extremely strange and trance trajectory, avoiding the twin swords stabbed by Murong Xiao, and pierced Murong Xiao's back in an instant!

The swordsmanship of the body has been honed over and over again, and it has been tempered to a strong body that is as strong as steel. It is as easy to be pierced as paper paste!

The tip of a black dagger with blood on his sleeve.Protruding from Murong Xiao's chest, blood drops containing exuberant energy kept falling, and the location was exactly the heart!

Murong Xiao's powerful body softened instantly.The blood of the orangutan sleeve continued to flow from the corner of the mouth, and the sword of judgment fell powerlessly, turning into a simple bronze cross.

"Heck, the game is over!"

Huan Wang's coquettish voice came, the pitch-black dagger twisted forcefully, and the light blue energy was like a meat grinder, instantly smashing Murong Xiao's heart to pieces!

With a morbid smile on his face, Huan Wang stretched out his fresh-sleeved tongue, licking the blood from the corner of Murong Xiao's mouth clean, and then poked his mouth even more recklessly, greedily sucking the blood that contained exuberant jing energy!

Suddenly, Murong Xiao's gloomy eyes shot out two extremely bright divine lights, and the will to cut through the void suddenly condensed out with the sword!

The power of qi and blood remaining in the body all exploded, and several hideous cracks suddenly appeared on the roof floor under Murong Xiao's feet, unable to bear the sudden burst of power!

Murong Xiaoyan's sword intent was condensed to the extreme, all the essence, qi, and spirit in the body were condensed into one point, turning into an extremely dazzling sword light, which instantly skipped the void at an incredible speed!

Like the first ray of light in the vast chaos, with endless light and faith, it passed by at an unimaginable speed!

The moment Murong Xiao's body moved, Huan Wang already felt that something was wrong, his figure seemed to shrink into an inch, and he retreated instantly!

A sudden resistance came from above the dagger in his hand, causing Huan Wang's retreating figure to pause slightly, and the muscles in Murong Xiao's body firmly clamped the dagger!

make a prompt decision!The Magic King let go of his weapon without hesitation, and stepped back!Retire!Retire!

But, it's too late!

How fast is Murong Xiao's sword light?Not even the incomparably quick mind can capture it!When Huanwang's body paused for a moment because of the dagger, the ending was already doomed!

Like the first ray of light passing through the chaos, with an unimaginable speed, the moment the tearful sword light flickered, it had passed by the slender pink neck of the Magic King, bringing a cluster of blood on the sleeves!

"Ding, kill a senior invitee, reward: none."

After exhausting the last potential of his body and slashing this amazing sword with all his beliefs, Murong Xiao's body fell down like a golden mountain or a jade pillar, and all the vitality quickly flowed from the empty heart. Drain everywhere!

Warriors, or creatures with strong vitality, as long as the brain is not damaged, even if the heart is hit by a destructive force, they can survive for a while!There was once a record of a giant sea turtle surviving 180 days after its heart was removed!

However, Murong Xiao's last sword burst out with unprecedented light, which also made him use up all his energy and blood to keep his body moving!

The dazzling sunlight, swaying down from the sky, provides the most primitive energy source for the operation of the earth, and endows all living things with vitality.But at this moment, it became Murong Xiao's fatal reminder!

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