dream redemption

Chapter 178 Army

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The dazzling sunlight, swaying down from the sky, provides the most primitive energy source for the operation of the earth, and endows all living things with vitality.But at this moment, it became Murong Xiao's fatal reminder!

The breeze is coming, the clouds are rolling and the clouds are relaxing.A large piece of cloud floated gently, following a certain will of Mingming, covering the large area of ​​sunlight and casting cool shadows.


Murong Xiao's vision was incomparably blurred, and he felt that the annoying sunlight suddenly disappeared, and the flames of hell throbbed violently in his blurred soul!


The blue flame totem at the center of the eyebrows was beating violently, and the deep yellow hellfire, carrying the terrifying aura and temperature of burning the soul, shot up from Murong Xiao's body in an instant!


The raging flames carried terrifyingly high temperatures, instantly melting the floor beneath him, turning it into dark magma!

The powerful aura rushed straight into the sky, piercing a big hole in the clouds in the sky, which could not be closed for a long time!

Murong Xiao, who had transformed into a ghost knight, easily got up from the ground, with a pitch-black dagger stuck between the bones in his chest. He was not affected at all by the flames of hell, but gave off a bit of a cool breath instead.

Avoiding direct sunlight, Murong Xiao pulled out the pitch-black dagger from his chest and held it in his hand to watch.

The shape of the dagger is simple and direct, without the slightest fancy, and the whole body is a kind of strange black, which can swallow all the light and fluctuations, and is not affected by the burning of the hell fire. Obviously, it is a rare god. soldier.


Under the fierce oppression of the sun, the fire of hell retreated steadily, and it shrank back to the fire of hell in an instant.

Under the action of a certain special force, Murong Xiao's flesh and blood instantly recovered, and his crushed heart also recovered as before, without any difference, beating very powerfully, conveying energy and blood!

In the heart, two huge and terrifying blood holes still exist, and the meridians in the body are still severely damaged.Urgent need for treatment!

However, Murong Xiao's mental state was unprecedentedly good. When he was on the verge of death, the potential of his soul was forced to the extreme and fed back an extremely pure spiritual power, which merged into Murong Xiao's sword intent, making his The level of spiritual power broke through the limit of level eight in one fell swoop, reaching level four!

Just need to consolidate for a while now.Unlock the super soul binding, and it will happen when conditions are ripe!

Murong Xiao moved her ears.The five keen senses were used to the limit, and a piercing jingle was accurately captured from the noisy human voice!

"The police came really fast..."

Murong Xiao put the corpse of the Huanwang into the space ring, and the dropped bronze cross floated up, and fell into Murong Xiao's hands accurately!

It's not that the bronze cross has been upgraded suddenly and knows how to recognize the master, but that after Murong Xiao's spiritual power has reached the first level, he can rely on his almost condensed spiritual power to achieve imperial power!

However, this kind of imperial object is somewhat different from the skills of spirits.It's all based on brute strength, without the slightest skill at all, and its practicality is almost zero.

The terrible sound of the hurricane has stopped, and the police who rushed to the scene quickly evacuated the crowd and even fired warning shots to make these spectators aware of the seriousness of the matter!

Under the building, due to the huge movement.The people in it had already evacuated urgently, and it was empty.

The heavily armed special police surrounded the entire building in the form of a small team.Several snipers occupy a favorable position, covering all exits within shooting range!

"Attention! All teams, please pay attention! What we need to deal with this time is some kind of supernatural creature, which is unprecedentedly difficult! My request to you is that even if you sacrifice your life, you must hold back the target and wait for the army to take over! Do you understand?! "

A majestic voice sounded from each special headset.


The pupils of all the special forces shrank slightly, and their tone of voice was as one person, showing a strong psychological quality.

"You are the heroes of city b, I wish you good luck!"

The wireless call ended here, and the special car of the tall man stopped in the disaster area full of police, and a senior police officer who was directing immediately came up to him.

"Mayor, this place is too dangerous, please go back quickly, we still need you in city b!"

This senior police officer is about 40 years old, in his prime, with a capable temperament.

"This is not your responsibility. Your task is to control this place and wait for the army to take over. Don't let me down."

The majestic mayor's tone was flat, and his eyes fell on the almost demolished building in the distance, shining with an inexplicable light.

For a senior police officer to be able to reach his current position at this relatively young age, he is naturally a man. He knows exactly what to say and what to do.Therefore, after bowing slightly, he quickly returned to his post, using the telescope and headset outside his sleeve to give unified command to the spies.

In a high-level office somewhere in the building, Murong Xiao keenly observed through the special sightseeing glass that there are more than a dozen armored vehicles equipped with heavy weapons constantly coming here from the northeast, and there are several armed helicopters flying in the sky in the distance. Come, stir the air!

Referring to the marching speed, it is estimated that they will arrive in 5 minutes!The phantom king's words are just a tactic.

"According to the size of the establishment, the army that came here must have no less than 1000 people! If it weren't for..."

While Murong Xiao was thinking, he poured life energy potions continuously.

Once a bottle of medicine worth a thousand points of Dream God Power enters the stomach, it immediately turns into wisps of life energy, quickly repairing the injuries in the body!

However, Murong Xiao's body is strong, and these medicines can only temporarily suppress the injury and carry out preliminary repairs. It is impossible to recover in a short time.

After drinking ten bottles of life energy recovery potion in a row, the injuries in Murong Xiao's body were temporarily suppressed. The bronze cross in his hand provided an endless supply of energy for the recovery of his true energy. It quickly recovered to [-]% of its heyday!

"Estimated arrival time of the army, 2 minutes..."

Murong Xiao's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the inner charm flashed away, lighting up the whole room, like lightning flashed across!

The building where Murong Xiao lives is not too tall, only about [-] floors, which is considered a relatively old building in City B.

Murong Xiao is now on the twentieth floor, hundreds of meters above the ground, even if a lump of steel falls, it will be distorted and deformed. With Murong Xiao's current state, jumping directly will undoubtedly make the suppressed injury even worse. If it erupts violently, when the time comes, you can only wait to die.

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