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With Murong Xiao's current state, jumping off directly will undoubtedly cause the suppressed injury to explode more violently, and at that time, he can only wait to die.

Murong Xiao's figure quickly passed the elevator door, like a phantom, approaching the safe passage indicated by the sign!

The safety passage door locked by iron chains was opened when people in the building escaped. One end of the slender iron chain was wrapped around the metal doorknob, and the other end hung down feebly, falling to the ground, and there were traces of being trampled on, showing that The urgency of the situation at that time.

Murong Xiao's figure faltered, turning into a wisp of light smoke and flashing into it.

The stairs of the safety passage adopt a double-fold style and are built very wide to facilitate the passage of a large flow of people.

Murong Xiao grabbed the solid guardrail with one hand, and without the slightest stagnation, she directly stepped down the stairs and fell into the safe passage on the eighth floor of No.20.

The powerful spiritual force brought power micro-control so that Murong Xiao's body did not shake at all, like an old tree rooted in the ground, motionless like a mountain!

With a height of only a few meters, even an ordinary person would not be hurt if he used his joints to cushion his body when he was prepared, let alone an ancient warrior like Murong Xiao.

The reaction between the body and the ground when the body fell was instantly transformed into a forward momentum under the action of several muscles in the legs, pushing Murong Xiao's body to the guardrail on one side.

Immediately afterwards, there was a repeated movement, Murong Xiao kept climbing over the guardrail, without the slightest stagnation in his body.Go downstairs at a speed that is not much slower than falling directly!

In just over 30 seconds, Murong Xiao's figure fell to the first floor.The first floor is the reception hall, which is very spacious, because there is nothing else except a few sofas and two reception desks.

Looking out from the huge transparent glass door, there is no pedestrian on the street that has suffered a disaster, and it is as empty as a ghost road.

With Murong Xiao's keen five senses, he naturally discovered the special police team ambushing at the door immediately.

However, compared to the army that is about to arrive.These little shrimps were nothing, and the threat factor was basically zero.

Without the slightest hesitation, Murong Xiao charged directly to the street outside the building!

Under the impact of Murong Xiao's incomparably powerful body, the extremely strong tempered glass door was instantly shattered, and the inside was completely destroyed, like an ice crystal burst!

The powerful super-spiritual power spread from the void, and Murong Xiao instantly felt several guns pointing at his body.One of them made my eyebrows twitch suddenly, and I felt a tingling sensation!


Murong Xiao's gaze narrowed slightly.This is the feeling of being locked in by a killing intent!

The body deflected instinctively to the left, followed by a loud gunshot.The slender, specially-made bullets cut through the air, and shot out with the confidence of a sniper!


The extremely keen sense of hearing caught a piercing howl, and a slender warhead was spinning, with a deadly light, and suddenly flew in front of Murong Xiao's eyebrows!

"Prediction! Impossible..."

The light in Murong Xiao's eyes flickered, and the sword light pierced the void with tears in his hand, and with a flash of crystal sword light, he instantly cut off the incoming bullets!


A cluster of flames lit up on the weeping sword.The slender sniper warhead was smashed to pieces by this extremely fast sword light!

"No, it's not prediction. Even with the prediction skill, the opponent's nervous reflexes still have to keep up with my speed. Just now it was... miss."

Murong Xiao's thoughts turned, and he instantly analyzed the reason why this shot could capture his figure, it seemed that there was only this coincidence.

"Impossible!! How can a person's reaction keep up with the bullet?! Not to mention the use of cold weapons to block!!!"

Observation through a sniper scope.The young sniper was completely shocked by the scene in front of him, and an inexplicable fear instantly swept every corner of his body!Cold sweat immediately drenched his shooting finger.

Through the sniper scope, the young sniper met the man's gaze.

What kind of gaze is this?separated by hundreds of meters.But it seems to be so close at hand, like a sharp sword, people dare not look directly at it!

The sniper's eyes seemed to be severed by a sharp sword, he couldn't see for a moment, his consciousness fell into a blur, and only the sword-like eyes remained!

"Falcon Falcon! The target is charging us! Sniper suppression! Sniper suppression!"

"Falcon! Cover! Cover!"

The familiar voices of his teammates came from the headset, but the sniper didn't seem to hear them, and kept shooting in a daze.



With the last roar from the headset, the Falcon suddenly woke up with a quick consciousness, loaded the bullet instinctively, turned the gun, and made a hasty sound to the headset at the same time.

"Captain, what did you say?"

Through the sniper scope, Falcon saw an extremely dazzling sword light, replacing the world in his eyes, and immediately, the perspective was an eternal darkness.

On the tip of the weeping sword, a drop of blood fell gently, unable to attach.The crystal clear sword body is pure and flawless, like a cold moon shining brightly, dignified and holy.Spotless, not stained with blood.

Murong Xiao's eyes were calm and unwavering, his body turned into an afterimage, shooting out of a building in front of him.

City b has a large population and dense buildings. No matter how many and efficient the police are, it is impossible to completely seal off this area in a short period of time and evacuate all the people, even if it is the army!

Therefore, Murong Xiao's current situation is relatively safe. With his ability, it is easy for him to escape the army's arrest.

"Report, the second team has lost contact!"

"Received! The first team has gone to investigate, and the third team is on standby. Be vigilant! Repeat..."

Years of capable police officers have been relying on the advanced sleeve outside line telescope to observe, and at the same time, according to the situation, they are constantly issuing various orders.

The first team that received the order immediately rushed to the other side of the building, where the second team was in ambush!

The captain of the first team is a young and upright policeman, with a capable expression on his upright face, and his steps are extremely light and fast, like a civet.

Each special police unit is equipped with a sniper who has undergone strict militarized training, and is no different from some shooting masters in the army.

And this young policeman, relying on his extraordinary shooting skills and acrobatics, convinced every member of the team and won the captain's throne.

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