dream redemption

Chapter 189 Rewards

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Murong Xiao's finger contained a seed of the inner world, which gave birth to a chaotic space. It is said that it can evolve the four supreme laws!

In addition to his cultivation, Murong Xiao used various attacks to try to expand his space.So far, the space for the seeds of the inner world has been two cubic meters, with the upper circle and the lower one.

The strange light was like a phantom, and the moment it fully touched Murong Xiao, it disappeared directly, just like its coming, without a sound.

"Hurry up! There is a situation!"

"Assemble urgently! Bring your weapons and enter the state of readiness!"

In the quiet and serious barracks, there was a loud siren sound, and the well-trained soldiers quickly put on their equipment and assembled at the designated place!

More citizens who fell asleep were also awakened one after another. They lit up the lights in the room and looked out curiously, wanting to see what happened.

Thousands of meters away, on the top of a landmark high-rise building in City B, a young man with a resolute face carried a sniper rifle that was as tall as a person and looked like a ferocious beast on his back. Through a high-altitude view, Keenly watch below while looking for another sniper position.

"I know you are a good person, but if you break the law, you are breaking the law! I must arrest you and accept the trial of the law!"

This person is the captain of the special police first team, Fang Zheng!It was also the incident of the villa group, the only justice police who helped Murong Xiao!His identity turned out to be a senior invitee!

Residential building.Beside the almost crumbling wall.

After a faint light was forcibly entered into the inner space of heaven and earth, it penetrated fiercely into the chaos, like an indestructible arrow!


In the chaos, this pitch-black bullet that turned into a gloomy light encountered extremely strong resistance. After penetrating a few centimeters, it finally couldn't advance an inch, and suddenly burst open!

The chaotic space trembled slightly, a hemispherical space with the mouth of a bowl was covered by this corrosive explosive force.Bombarded out!

The space in the inner world has been opened up a bit, but Murong Xiao couldn't feel any joy. This sniper hiding in the distance gave him a deadly threat!

Stepping out with sword steps, Murong Xiao's figure turned into a sharp sword light, and shot out suddenly!

"Quick, quick! Surround here, be careful not to accidentally injure civilians!"

There was a cry, from far to near.It was quickly passed to Murong Xiaoer, and dozens of armored vehicles started to move!


Several searchlights suddenly locked onto Murong Xiao's figure.Dispel all the darkness around him!

Teams of infantry moved quickly and surrounded Murong Xiao firmly from all directions!

"This person is extremely dangerous, there is no need to live, kill him on the spot, shoot!"

A decisive voice came from the speaker outside an armored vehicle.Full of iron and blood killing spirit!

Dozens of hundreds of soldiers, after hearing the order, immediately pulled the triggers in their hands, and the black muzzles shot out dazzling flames instantly, as dazzling as lightning!

These soldiers have been trained all the year round, and their individual quality has reached the level of special forces. They are veritable special forces.Have a very good sense of collaboration!

Dozens of hundreds of muzzles cooperate with each other to make up for leaks, and hundreds of bullets shoot out, interweaving an impeccable net of death firepower in the air!They believe.No one can escape this indiscriminate all-round sweeping sweep!

Compared with ordinary people and even some ancient warriors, the dense firepower network woven by soldiers is indeed invulnerable and unstoppable!

However, to Murong Xiao, this level of blow seemed a bit childish. Even if he stood still, with the power of these firearms, he still couldn't break his protective qi!

What Murong Xiao was really afraid of was that invitee from far away!

With a mysterious footwork under his feet, like a slippery loach, he easily shuttled through the firepower net without even the corner of his clothes being hit by bullets.

"Da da da da da!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Hundreds of icy metal bullets, with the heat when they came out of the chamber, grazed Murong Xiao's body, and all blasted into the residential buildings and the ground behind him!

All of a sudden, dust filled the air, and the ground and walls, under the bombardment of bullets, revealed pits and gaps of uneven size, like irregular honeycombs!

"Bang bang bang!"

The snipers who had already ambushed nearby had difficulty locking on to Murong Xiao's figure, so they had to rely on their intuition to shoot, hoping to block his speed for a while.

The distance between Murong Xiao and the surrounding soldiers was only three to forty meters. For an ancient warrior like him, it was just a blink of an eye!

Plus the time spent dodging bullets, less than one second.

one second!In less than a second, Murong Xiao's figure instantly charged in front of these soldiers at a speed that ordinary people could not comprehend!

The crystal weeping sword light was like a straight lightning that pierced the sky, flashing in an instant!

Without the slightest fancy, without the slightest stagnation, the weeping sword light streaked across the void, and dozens of smears of blood appeared all the way, reflecting a death trajectory in the void!

"Ding! Kill fifteen elite soldiers and get 150 Dream God power!"

The notification sound of the dream space suddenly sounded from Murong Xiao's mind, like the voice of a devil, full of temptation!

Those who kill the real person can get ten times the reward of the mission world!

"Dream space upgrade, what exactly do you want to do?"

Murong Xiao had killed people in the real world before, even two days ago, there was no reward for killing people in the real world!

However, now that he is fighting, no matter how many doubts and puzzles arise in his heart, he will be cut through by Murong Xiao's sword intent. Distraction is a big taboo!


Fangzheng, who appeared in another building, let out a suppressed and angry roar, and the sniper rifle was like a beast, and the sniper rifle suddenly split into two, and he held it with his left and right hands!


The cold and deadly slender bullet shot out from the muzzle of the gun suddenly, the huge gunshot was left behind, leaving two vacuum ballistics in the air!

Fifteen kills with one sword!

Murong Xiao just felt extremely happy, the sword of judgment suddenly ejected the energy blade, the light of the weeping sword did not stagnate at all, and left two bloody trails in the air with the sword of judgment!

The weeping sword light was already close and did not kill at all, but under Murong Xiao's superb swordsmanship, it turned suddenly at an incredible angle, and slashed out again!

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