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The weeping sword light was already close and did not kill at all, but under Murong Xiao's superb swordsmanship, it turned suddenly at an incredible angle, and slashed out again!

The Sword of Judgment is dazzling, like a dark round of the sun, emitting infinite light and heat, with a holy and bright breath, it is an illusion of detachment and happiness that people are born and die under its sharp edge!

Murong Xiao's murderous aura was like numbness, and the sharpness of the two accompanying swords was revealed. With an extremely fierce will, he swept close to the bodies of the remaining soldiers in an instant!

at this time!Two bullets exuding an absolutely dangerous aura, with a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and from an extremely strange and tricky angle, suddenly shot towards Murong Xiao's body!

If Murong Xiao continued to kill the soldiers at this time, even with the slightest hesitation, he would be shot through his body mercilessly by these two bullets and be seriously injured!

Murong Xiao stepped out with a sword step, and under unfathomable circumstances, a force suddenly emerged from his figure, and he moved half a meter horizontally. The two swords in his hands even took advantage of the change in the center of gravity of his body, and slashed back at an indescribable speed. Come!

"Ding Ding!"

The intense flames temporarily blinded almost all soldiers, so they stopped shooting immediately to prevent accidental injury to their comrades!

The power of the sniper bullets this time was at least [-]% lower than before, and it was easily shredded by the Weeping Sword Light and the Judgment Sword, without causing the slightest threat!

However, Fang Zheng's goal has been achieved, and the lives of dozens of soldiers, under the cover of his two bullets, have gained respite!

but.Just gasp!

"Bang bang bang!"

The military sniper ambushing upstairs displayed a quality far beyond the usual level, instantly caught Murong Xiao's stagnation when he was chopping bullets, and pulled the trigger!

Three slender sniper bullets pierced through the air, drawing accurate trajectory, and suddenly bombarded Murong Xiao's body!

"Puff puff!"

Outside of Murong Xiao's body, a layer of pure white light suddenly rose, and three sniper bullets bombarded it, causing violent ripples, penetrating an inch!

but.That's all!

With the energy-concentrating clothes providing a powerful recovery speed of true qi, Murong Xiao used the body-protecting true qi that all ancient warriors could release after stepping on the acquired and condensed true qi for the first time!

Protecting the body with true qi can be used by ancient warriors who have reached the level of true qi release, but depending on factors such as comprehension and the quality of true qi, the effect may vary.

There are martial artists who specialize in this way and have developed many special and powerful exercises, or to improve the body's true qi.

But in general, the consumption of true energy for body protection is too high, and generally only innate masters can afford it.

but.With the energy-gathering clothes as the backing, Murong Xiao has no worries.In the face of military sniper rifles, this technique was used without any scruples!

"Puff puff!"

The true energy in Murong Xiao's body shook, and the three sniper bullets were shot out in an instant, with kinetic energy absolutely not inferior to that of ordinary sniper bullets, instantly piercing through the bodies of three soldiers!

Blood sprayed, and the three soldiers fell down in response. With strong unwillingness and disbelief in their eyes, they fell heavily!

The body protection is not a big problem against ordinary bullets, but it is for some heavy sniper rifles.It still seemed a bit weak, even with Murong Xiao's true energy strength, he was almost pierced by three ordinary snipers!

Murong Xiao's spiritual power is extremely powerful, and with all his strength to activate the effect of the energy-concentrating clothing, the energy in the surrounding air is immediately forcibly drawn by the vortex in the provincial city in his body, and is refined into bright true energy to replenish and consume it!

"This... what is this thing? How can people dodge bullets?!"

"What is that layer of light shield? It can actually bounce back sniper bullets?!"

Armored vehicles, several high-level officers looked at each other.Their eyes were full of shock. Before they received an order to say that it was a supernatural creature, they thought it was just a genetic mutation and a person with special abilities.Unexpectedly, this is really fucking supernatural, even heavy sniper rifles can't hit it.


"Impossible! Impossible! Haozi!..."

"Bullets! He's not afraid of bullets!"

"Little Wang! Little Wang!"

"Beast! Beast! Give back my brother's life!"

"I fought with you!"

"Go to hell!"

"Machine guns! Heavy machine guns! Shells! Where are they going?! Hit me! Hit me hard!"

The soldiers were shocked at first, then couldn't believe it, and then found that their fallen comrades, the scene of the previous relationship came to mind, and a wordless grief and anger welled up in their hearts, instantly igniting their anger!

The eyes of the sleeves were closed in an instant, and the soldiers who survived within a few meters of Murong Xiao squeezed the trigger forcefully, roaring ferociously, as if the violent roar of gunfire was not enough to vent their anger!

The irrational soldiers' marksmanship had no aim or purpose, and they just poured out for venting. The threat to Murong Xiao was basically zero.

With a flash of Murong Xiao's figure, he shot out like a beam of light from a sword, piercing the sky.The moment he left, there were three bomb craters on the ground!

Once Murong Xiao's speed exploded, the three snipers of the army couldn't lock his figure at all, so they couldn't shoot.

However, just like the flies buzzing around people, although they can't threaten Murong Xiao, they are also very disgusting. After being harassed twice, Murong Xiao finally got tired of it!

When a person is annoyed by flies, he slaps him to death.

In the flash of his figure, three incomparably condensed sword qi shot out suddenly, with unparalleled speed, like a rainbow through the sky!


"Puff puff!"

The sword qi pierced through the air like a sword without a trace, and suddenly shot out, piercing through the bodies of the three snipers before they could react!

In the air, separated by hundreds of meters of space, three sniper elites were brazenly beheaded!

Although after a distance of hundreds of meters, the power of the sword energy has been weakened to an extreme, it is still not something ordinary people can resist!

"Horrible! It's terrifying!"

"Unbelievable! It's just unbelievable!"

In one of the armored vehicles, the young lieutenant and Major Wang Erbao were also shocked. Although the images sent back through the satellite in the sky were blurry, they could clearly see Murong Xiao straddling hundreds of meters and forcibly beheading three snipers. Shocking scene!

"What kind of power is this! It can compete with an army! No wonder the country can't allow the existence of such people, because they are really terrible..."

Wang Erbao sighed, indeed, if he also had this kind of power, he would never let others manipulate him or her to work for the country.

"Sir, what shall we do now?"

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