Chapter 164
Everyone stared at Chu Tianshu, but none of them dared to fight.

Those people who had looked down on Chu Tianshu before, now all looked in awe.

The black bear already represents the most powerful fighting force in the ten regions.

Even the black bear was defeated in one move, so even with a level seven combat power, he was not sure of defeating Chu Tianshu.

People from District [-], represented by Li Hao and Zhang Jie, became more and more excited.

With such a powerful boss leading him, who would dare to bully himself in the future?

However, Chu Tianshu's behavior also caused dissatisfaction among the five referees on the high platform.

A middle-aged man who was sitting in the middle stood up, looked down at Chu Tianshu, and said, "From District [-], bring your mission card here!"

After hearing this, Chu Tianshu was taken aback, a little confused.

But the other party suddenly raised his voice: "Can't you hear me? Bring the wooden sign here?"

Chu Tianshu frowned: "Senior brother, what do you mean?"

"You are not qualified to ask me questions yet, I'll say it again, hand in the task card!" The middle-aged man said with a murderous look.

The venue became silent again!

Everyone's hearts were raised.

But some people have already seen that it is probably because this senior doesn't like Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu hesitated for a while, but in the end, he placed the task card representing the purchase of items on the table in front of the other party.

The person picked up the wooden sign and looked at Senior Brother Yue again.

He opened the mouth and said, "Yue Quan, take the wooden sign back, and give him back the task of cleaning up the trash!"

Senior Brother Yue, who was originally sullen because of his arm injury, immediately showed a smug smile after hearing this.

He ran up in a hurry and took the wooden signboard for purchasing items in his hand.

Then he waved the wooden sign for cleaning garbage in front of Chu Tianshu: "What are you still doing? Take it? Remember, this is Xuanlingmen, not your house, so what if you are very powerful? There are still senior brothers who are stronger than you!"

Chu Tianshu's face instantly turned livid.

He has already seen that this ninth-level senior brother is deliberately targeting him.

People obviously want to step on you!
He looked at the other four ninth-level monks, and asked, "Several brothers, do you also think I should do this?"

The only woman among the five said, "Little brother, since brother Su Yang has arranged for you, then you should follow along, understand?"

"What if I don't agree?" Chu Tianshu took a deep breath.

"Hehehe... unless you can defeat all five of us, then we won't be able to control you in the future!" The woman smiled.

Su Yang, who was sitting in the middle, stared at Chu Tianshu with his head, and said, "To tell you the truth, the five of us are in charge of arranging the mission. As for asking you to challenge each other to decide the assignment, in our eyes Here, it’s just a farce, you have to accept it if you don’t agree, understand?”

After speaking, he raised his arm, intending to slap Chu Tianshu.

But Chu Tianshu backed away suddenly, avoiding the opponent's hand.

His gaze also became colder.

Su Yang smiled again: "I'm very dissatisfied, right? If that's the case, then you don't need to ask for this wooden sign!"

After finishing speaking, he took the wooden sign for cleaning up the garbage that was still in Yue Quan's hand.

After looking at the crowd again, he raised his voice and said, "Bu Yunfei, why don't you get out of here?"

Bu Yunfei, who had been hiding behind to peek at the game, rushed up immediately, nodded and bowed like a dog, "Senior Brother Su, did you call me?"

Su Yang threw the wooden sign for cleaning up the trash to Buy Yunfei, and said, "Take it, from today onwards, you are still a senior in the No. [-] dormitory area, and you will arrange all the tasks. You can let him come to me!"

After finishing speaking, he gave Chu Tianshu a hard look.

Buy Yunfei's back immediately straightened up, and he also stared at Chu Tianshu with a sneer, and said, "You're new, why don't you go back and sweep the toilet for me?"

"How old are you?" Chu Tianshu asked calmly.

Buy Yunfei's face darkened in an instant, and he could only look to Su Yang for help.

Su Yang said lightly: "Your name is Chutian, right? I advise you to be more sensible, otherwise, you won't even be able to get the task of picking dung!"

"Senior Brother Su Yang doesn't need to worry about my affairs, it's not Senior Brother Su Yang's turn to be the master of the Xuanling Sect!"

Chu Tianshu raised his head and chest, looking directly at Su Yang.

"Hehe... Okay, so you want to challenge me?" Su Yang sneered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have such an idea!" Chu Tianshu shrugged.

Su Yang gritted his teeth. He ridiculed Chu Tianshu many times, just hoping that Chu Tianshu could challenge himself.

Only in that way can he get rid of this person who dislikes him.

After all, there are regulations in the sect, those who are at a high position are not allowed to challenge those who are at a low position, otherwise, they will be severely punished.

It would be fine if the two really had animosity.

But Su Yang didn't intend to pay such a price just to teach Chu Tianshu a lesson!

Chu Tianshu also understands the rules here, so naturally he can't let the other party get what he wants!

Of course, if you are really in a hurry!

There is nothing wrong with fighting in public!
As for how to fight, it needs to be carefully calculated, and more benefits must be obtained.

Su Yang nodded fiercely: "Since you dare not challenge me, then accept my arrangement obediently. This outer door, I have the right to say, if you dare to oppose my order again, then, senior brother, I can only I'll deal with you with door rules!"

Eye to eye!

Chu Tianshu already knew Su Yang's inner thoughts like the palm of his hand.

The aggressive method failed, and now he plans to use the door rules to suppress himself.

For ordinary people, at this time, there must be only one way to bow their heads.

But Chu Tianshu did not.

Just staring at Su Yang indifferently, without saying a word!
Su Yang sneered: "What? Don't dare to speak anymore? If you don't have the guts, then obediently listen to Buyunfei. Whatever he tells you, you have to do!"

Holding the wooden sign, Buyunfei looked at Chu Tianshu proudly, and said, "From now on, all the shit picking will be yours."

Chu Tianshu still didn't speak!
The rest of the people waited, but looked at him with pity.

Everyone can see that senior brother Su Yang intends to punish Chu Tianshu deliberately, and the situation of Chu Tianshu in the future can already be imagined.

Li Hao and Zhang Jie felt uneasy in their hearts.

After all, they have already offended Buyunfei.

Now that Buy Yunfei has become their boss again, he probably won't have a good time in the future.

Of course, while ridiculing, these outer disciples at the bottom also felt a sense of grief.

Weakness is the original sin!
Today people can bully Chu Tianshu at will, after that, they can do the same to themselves!

Vaguely, he also felt sympathy for Chu Tianshu!

Chu Tianshu looked around, looked at those people with complicated eyes, and suddenly came up with a bold idea.

Could this opportunity be used to attract the attention of Xiao Tianling or Ren Tianya?

So as to get a chance to meet alone?

(End of this chapter)

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