Chapter 165 Bet
However, Chu Tianshu remained silent, but in the eyes of everyone, it was another kind of silent resistance.

Su Yang and others on the stage found Chu Tianshu more and more displeased.

Buy Yunfei paused again: "Chutian, why don't you go back and pick up dung? You don't have anything to do here!"

"You're a waste, you are not qualified to order me!" Chu Tianshu said lightly.

"You?" Buyunfei was furious.

He intends to teach Chu Tianshu a lesson, but he also knows that he is not Chu Tianshu's opponent at all.

He could only look at Su Yang: "Brother Su Yang, do you see?"

Su Yang sneered and said, "Chutian, do you really want to resist my order?"

Chu Tianshu stared at Su Yang: "It's not that I want to resist your order, but that all of us are dissatisfied with you. The so-called no rules, even if you are a senior, you have to follow the rules, right? Everyone said Yes or no?"

Having said that, Chu Tianshu looked at the surrounding people again.

All those who came to watch the game nodded silently in their hearts.

Everyone practices hard, not only to achieve higher achievements in the future, but also to improve the current environment?
Who wants to be a coolie every day?

Chu Tianshu's words were equivalent to helping them speak out what was in their hearts.

It's just that before, they were too angry to speak up!

Chu Tianshu continued: "As a big brother of the outer sect, he should abide by the rules more than us, instead of being unreasonable and domineering, and he should not act unfairly according to his own preferences, otherwise, how can he convince the public? "

Su Yang's complexion became more and more difficult to look at.

For so many years, there has never been a new outer sect junior who dared to speak to him like this.

But what Chu Tianshu said made him unable to refute.

Because the matter has already been done by him, it is impossible to take it back.

After getting angry, he clenched his fists tightly and said: "Just because my cultivation base is higher than yours, just because my fist is stronger than yours!"

"In this way, if we new disciples surpass you in cultivation, we can step on you casually, or ignore any rules, right?" Chu Tianshu asked back.

"I'm afraid you don't have that ability!" Su Yang's expression became colder and colder.

"What if I defeat you? I wonder if you dare to use your position as a bet?" Chu Tianshu chatted happily.

Su Yang sneered again and again: "After all, you still want to challenge me, okay, I promise you, if you can defeat me today, then I will give you the position of managing the outer sect. As for whether you can It depends on what the elders and the head of the sect mean!"

When Chu Tianshu heard this, he was overjoyed.

From Su Yang's point of view, it seems that the position of steward of the outer sect still needs the approval of the elders or the head of the sect.

In this way, it shouldn't be difficult to meet the two of them in the future!

"That's what you said!" Chu Tianshu sneered.


Su Yang jumped out from behind the table and stood opposite Chu Tianshu.

He glanced around those people with lower cultivation levels, and said: "I know that all of you are dissatisfied with me, so today I will tell you why I am a big brother of the outer sect, but you can only obey my orders !"

"Clap clap clap..."

At this time, a burst of applause came from far and near.

Everyone turned their heads and saw three people wearing inner door costumes walking towards here.

"Senior Brother Chen Yu? Senior Sister Lin Xiyuan?"

Someone recognized two of them at a glance.

Especially Lin Xiyuan, who is the goddess in the minds of many outer disciples.

However, Chu Tianshu looked at the third person.

This person was the Zhao Liancheng who passed through the iron rope at the same time as him, but possessed a higher talent and was directly accepted as an inner disciple.

Their arrival immediately made everyone take it seriously.

The four people who were originally sitting on the chairs also stood up at the same time.

Everyone bowed one after another and said, "I've seen Senior Sister Lin, I've seen Senior Brother Chen!"

Lin Xiyuan smiled lightly: "Everyone is exempted!"

Everyone got up.

Chen Yu looked at Chu Tianshu: "What an arrogant rookie, he dared to challenge the big brother from the outer sect just after he started, that's amazing!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Chu Tianshu to answer, he looked at the rest of the people and said, "I'm here today to introduce to you an inner disciple who has just started, his name is Zhao Liancheng, and he will He is one of your inner disciples!"

Zhao Liancheng smiled proudly, nodded to everyone and said, "Everyone, be polite!"

"I've met Senior Brother Zhao!" Everyone saluted.

But Chu Tianshu remained motionless.

Zhao Liancheng had long noticed this young man who was fighting with him before.

He stared at Chu Tianshu, and said coldly: "What? This junior from the outer sect has a lot of opinions on me, a senior from the inner sect?"

"No!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Then why don't you salute me?"

"I only salute the strong. Although you are an inner disciple, your cultivation level does not seem to be higher than mine. When you surpass me, I will naturally salute you!" Chu Tianshu said lightly. .

"Hehe..." Zhao Liancheng sneered.

Chen Yu and Lin Xiyuan frowned.

It's not like they haven't seen stubborn people.

But it was the first time they encountered a thorny head like Chu Tianshu.

To disrespect Zhao Liancheng is to disrespect them.

Before they reprimanded them, Su Yang said angrily: "Senior Brother, Senior Sister, this person is extremely arrogant. Just now, he actually forced me to use my position as the steward of the outer sect as a bet to fight a duel with him. I also asked Senior Brother and Senior Sister to make the decision." !"

Actually, needless to say, Chen Yu and Lin Xiyuan already knew about it.

Chen Yu looked at Chu Tianshu and said, "Are you sure you want to fight Su Yang?"

"I also ask Brother Chen to be considerate. Brother Chen has no choice but to do this, because Brother Su Yang did something unfair..."

Chu Tianshu also narrated what happened just now.

When it was over, he said again: "I also ask Senior Brother Chen to be our referee. If I lose, then I have nothing to say, and I am willing to listen to his orders in the future. If I win, please Su Yang do what I say!"

Su Yang also bowed and said: "The three brothers are also invited to be the masters!"

Chen Yu nodded: "Our Xuanling Sect has always respected the strong. Today I will be the referee. Let's start!"

Su Yang looked at Chu Tianshu and sneered.

However, Chu Tianshu had already fallen into a dream in an instant, his whole body seemed to have become dull, and his eyes were a little dull!
"watch out!"

Su Yang's body was like a spring, and suddenly jumped several meters.

Directly to the front of Chu Tianshu.

His five fingers were like claws, and he grabbed Chu Tianshu's vitals.

Looking at the five fingers that suddenly became thicker, Chu Tianshu knew that this person should have practiced profound arts similar to Eagle Claw Skill.

Under the perspective of his eyes, he can clearly see the operation method of the profound energy in his body.

The eyes unknowingly displayed the phantom technique in the dream.

The body quickly tilted to the side, easily dodging the blow.

Immediately afterwards, he punched out, hitting Su Yang's shoulder.

But in Su Yang's eyes, Chu Tianshu suddenly transformed into five arms.

Five fists hit five directions of his body at the same time.

This also surprised him. He didn't know what kind of profound art Chu Tianshu was using.

Even if he wanted to hide, he couldn't do it anymore, because all escape routes were blocked.

While secretly startled, he could only protect his vitals with his arms and resist Chu Tianshu's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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