The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 244 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 244 Lead the snake out of the hole
Wait until it's all over!
Chu Tianshu also heaved a sigh of relief, somewhat excited in his heart!

The first time I came out to practice, I got so many benefits, it was definitely a good start!

He wanted to open that half of the scroll again, but he held back after all.

It's not safe here!

If you want to practice God, you must go all out, and you can't divide your soul into too many distractions!

It would be bad if I fell into a coma again!
After scanning the cave again to make sure there was nothing missing, Chu Tianshu stepped out!


As soon as he got out of the cave, he sensed waves of powerful coercion coming from outside the valley!
"Huh? It's really lively!"

Chu Tianshu restrained his breath and hid behind a rock in the valley!
Not long after, five great mystic masters came forward.

Two of the high-ranking great mystic masters are flying spirits!

The other three are middle-level great mystic masters!

The strength should not be underestimated!
After landing, without further ado, he just burrowed into the cave!

When they saw the corpses of Lie Wuhen and Snake King, their expressions were even more gloomy and terrifying!
"Who is it? How dare you kill someone from our Chitianmen?" The leader of the ninth-level great mystic with flying fighting spirit gritted his teeth.

"It's still a step too late. The Snake King has already been killed by that person. However, our disciples of Chitianmen have already seen him, so we should be able to copy his appearance. When the time comes, we will issue a reward order. Just let Xuanxiu from all walks of life find this person!"

"That's the only way to go. However, we will also take away the body of the Snake King!"

"That's right, the flesh, bones, and skin of the Snake King are still valuable!"

The ninth-level great mystic master took out the animal skin bag with the mysterious talisman!

When a mysterious talisman was inserted, the mouth of the bag would automatically open, and when it floated up, a beam of light flew out, covering the corpse of the Snake King!

The corpse of the Snake King seemed to have shrunk, and quickly flew into the animal skin bag!
In the end, the traceless corpses were carried away.

After getting out of the cave, the ninth-level great mystic master even looked around!
With a slight squint of the eyes, he soared into the air!

The rest of the people quickly followed!
These people come and go faster!

Disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Chu Tianshu's figure also emerged!

Looking at the bodies of those snake monsters in the valley, I felt emotional in my heart: It is indeed a paradise for Xuanxiu, and it is also worthy of being a place of chaos. Middle and high-ranking great mystic masters can be seen everywhere!

Afterwards, he also stepped out of the valley.

In the grass at the mouth of the valley!
Four of the five men and women in Liuye City have been killed!

Only the girl who kindly reminded Chu Tianshu to escape was left behind!
A few profound masters from Chitianmen stared at the girl with evil smiles!

"Quickly tell me, is the person who killed Lie Wuhen from your Liuye City?"

A ninth-level mysterious master with the highest cultivation base pointed at the woman with the tip of his sword, and said coldly.

The girl showed horror and shook her head desperately: "No, not from us!"

"Do you think that if you don't tell me, there's nothing I can do?"

This ninth-level mysterious master, with the tip of a sword, a woman's clothes: stabbed...

A piece of white snow was exposed in front of everyone!

The woman exclaimed, "Ah!"

She hurriedly put her hands on her chest, and her eyes were full of terrified pleading!
"Hey... Senior Brother Wu Yang, I didn't expect that this girl looks delicate and thin on the surface, but in some places, she is still full. It's a pity to kill her like this. Why don't you give her to me, Junior Brother, and I promise that she will be safe forever." Will tell everything obediently!"

"Do you want to eat alone? Even if you want to enjoy it, Senior Brother Wu Yang will come first. Senior Brother, we are not in a hurry. Please come first, we will come back later!"

Several other profound masters also turned around and left the bushes while speaking.

Wu Yang, who had a cold expression just now, also showed a hint of greed.

Why kill four and leave this one?
Is it because she is weak and beautiful?

Seeing this, the girl became even more frightened, and kept shrinking back: "What are you doing? Don't come here, don't come here..."

But Wu Yang bent down, grabbed the girl's white neck, and said wretchedly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, as long as you can make me comfortable, maybe I will bring you back to Chitianmen Be my slave girl, but if you dare to resist, then the fate of your senior brothers and sisters will be your example!"


There was another sound of clothes being broken!

The girl's coat has been completely torn!
"Ah... help!"

The girl exclaimed again, struggling constantly!

On the top of the mountain on the side of the valley!
The five great profound masters of Chitianmen who just left are actually standing here, condescending, watching everything below!
Only one person said: "Brother, is that person who killed Lie Wuhen really still in the valley?"

"Of course, the Snake King's body is still warm, so even if that person leaves, he won't be able to go far. However, this person should be proficient in the technique of restraining breath, and even our battle spirits can't detect it!" The super mystical master said!

"Brother's battle spirit is the blue-eyed phantom sparrow, with one eye and two pupils, can't you see it?" Another eighth-level great mystic master asked.

"If he's hiding in the dark and something blocks him, my battle spirit won't be able to see him, but as long as he comes out, even if he doesn't reveal his breath, I can still find him!"

"I just don't know if the other party will fall for it!"

"What if the other party is not from Liuye City? Maybe they don't care about the life of this little girl at all!"

"Even if you can't lure that poisonous snake, so what? Let's treat it like Wu Yang!"

The others were speechless!

Wu Yang is a disciple of Hou Jingshan, the ninth-level mystic master!
He is also the most promising junior to be promoted to Great Mysterious Master!

Bringing people here today is nothing more than hunting down the Snake King, taking his demon soul, and seizing his demon spirit bones!
However, he didn't expect that someone would take the lead and kill Lie Wuhen who led the team!
How could Hou Jingshan not be angry?
After receiving the summons from the disciples of the sect, they came as quickly as possible, but it was still a step too late!
However, for the other party to actually dare to kill someone from Chitianmen here, that is the biggest challenge to Chitianmen!
If you don't find it and kill it, it will be hard to relieve the hatred in your heart!


After walking out of the valley, Chu Tianshu entered the invisible state again!
See everything in front of you!
However, seeing the scene in the grass ahead, he couldn't help but sigh!
I want to leave like this, but I still can't pass the mental barrier!
What is the use of cultivating if one sees death but does not save it, sees evil and does not get rid of it?
After all, he still stepped forward, his body was like a flash of lightning, [-] meters in an instant!

Lightly came behind Wu Yang!
Hand out the long sword!


A sword through the heart!
Wu Yang, who was crawling on the woman's body, was frozen like this!
The girl was still struggling for help at first, but suddenly found that a sword tip came out of Wu Yang's heart, and her body trembled violently!

Feel the warm blood!
The girl woke up suddenly again, and looked behind Wu Yang!
I saw a fat and white boy looking at me with sympathy!

(End of this chapter)

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