The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 245 1 enemy 5

Chapter 245
With a strong arm, Chu Tianshu pushed Wu Yang's body aside, and said calmly, "It's all right, let's go!"

"It's you?" The girl also recognized Chu Tianshu!

I hurriedly got up, and unconsciously covered the spring light on my chest with my hands!
"Let's go!" Chu Tianshu said again.

"Thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me, you saved yourself!" Chu Tianshu said calmly.

If the girl hadn't reminded him to run away before, he really wouldn't have rescued her!

It's just that his words just fell off!
His expression changed again, and when he looked up at the sky, he found five great mystic masters swooping towards him from the cliff on one side of the valley.

"Bold, you dare to kill this old man's disciple!"

The explosive roar of the ninth-level Great Mysterious Master Hou Jingshan spread throughout the mountains and forests for tens of miles!

He has been staring at the top of the mountain!
But even so, it was still a step too late!
When he saw Chu Tianshu, Chu Tianshu had already flashed behind his disciples!

He could only watch helplessly as Chu Tianshu pierced his disciple's heart with his sword!

This disciple is closer than his own son!

It was equivalent to wasting half of his life's hard work.

How can you not hate?

"They didn't leave?" Chu Tianshu was a little surprised.

But have no fear!
Just now, the reason why he was invisible was because he didn't want to cause trouble!

Since several people came back to die, Chu Tianshu didn't mind sending each other off once again!
in a blink!
Those five middle and high-ranking great mystic masters fell around Chu Tianshu!
The leader, Hou Jingshan gritted his teeth and glared at Chu Tianshu: "Boy, who are you?"

He couldn't believe that the person who killed Lie Wuhen and Snake King would be Chu Tianshu!
Chu Tianshu is really too young!
Moreover, the cultivation base does not seem to be high!

At most half a step to the Great Mysterious Master!
In such a state, one can sneak attack and kill Wu Yang, but cannot kill a real great mystic who possesses the body of a battle spirit!
Not to mention killing a snake king!

Chu Tianshu sneered and said, "Who am I, does it matter?"

Hou Jingshan was taken aback, and then sneered: "Yes, no matter who you are, even if you are backed by the sect, you will die today because you killed my disciple, but since you appear here, your elders , should be nearby too? Call him out!"

"I came here alone, where can I come from elders?" Chu Tianshu asked back.

"You still don't have the ability to kill Lie Wuhen, let alone a snake king that has evolved successfully, even if the snake king is still weak, so you should be obedient!"

Chu Tianshu hesitated for a moment, glanced at the terrified girl, and said, "You go first!"

The girl hesitated for a while, immediately knelt down, kowtowed three times to Chu Tianshu, and then ran to the distant woods!
The people of Chitianmen didn't care about her going or staying!

They have already seen that Chu Tianshu is not from Liuye City!
Besides, even if the girl ran away, where could she go?

If you want to kill it, it is still within your grasp!

Hou Jingshan said again: "Now, can you tell me who you are and where you come from?"

" name is Mengtian!"

Chu Tianshu came up with a more satisfactory name for himself!

Anyway, in this world, what it seems to be called is just a code name, no one cares about it at all!
After speaking, his eyes suddenly became sharp!
As soon as the divine mind moved, the environment with a radius of nearly [-] meters changed instantly!
The vegetation, trees, and forests seem to have all disappeared, becoming colorful and full of shadows and fog!
"what happened?"

The five great mystic masters were all shocked!

Looking around, there were actually hundreds of Chu Tianshus, killing him and others from all directions.

For a while, it was impossible to tell which was real and which was fake!

You can't dodge at all, you can only resist!

With just one thought, they opened up their battle spirits one after another!

The battle spirits attached to the bones, and also protected their bodies in the middle!
Jingle Jingle!

A loud bang!
Hundreds of Chu Tianshus were actually shattered after touching their battle spirits!

Did not cause the slightest damage to five people!


A middle-level great mystic master felt a crisis approaching.

Directly in front, a bone dragon hit him.

Like a bolt of lightning, hitting his battle spirit!

Easily cut open the profound energy shield on the battle spirit, and collided with the demon spirit bone!
This person's demon spirit bones were instantly shattered!


A sword through the heart!
On his chest, there was a hole the size of a bowl!
The heart has been shattered and separated from the body!

The whole person fell on his back.

"Ah..." Several other people were so frightened by this scene that they all screamed!
Who would have thought that a middle-ranked great mystic master with bones could not resist the opponent's blow?
"No, let's go!"

Hou Jingshan showed a look of panic.

He realized that he had underestimated the young man opposite him!

Where are the elders?
Not only does he have the ability to kill junior great mystic masters, but he also has the ability to instantly kill middle-level great mystic masters!

With one against five, it is still more than enough!
Such a young genius, even if he was not born in a first-class sect, is definitely not something that Chitianmen can provoke!
After exclaiming, he also ignited his blood, and his bone-embellished battle spirit instantly turned into a flesh-and-blood blue-eyed phantom sparrow!

In an instant, five phantoms also split!
Fly in five directions at the same time!

As for the fog that enveloped the surroundings, he didn't care at all!

Chu Tianshu ignored this person!
He has already launched an attack on the second middle-ranked Great Mysterious Master!

Under the cover of the illusion, his body jumped up, and the keel sword slashed at the opponent's body!

Even without the blessing of the main body, the dragon bone sword alone has the attack power of a ninth-level great mystic master when distracted.

The person who was attacked also failed to take Chu Tianshu's blow!
It was split in half on the spot!
Immediately afterwards, the third middle-level great mysterious master also died in the hands of Chu Tianshu!
But Hou Jingshan and another eighth-level great mystic master got out of the fog of illusion created by him!

After thinking for a while, Chu Tianshu threw the Dragon Bone Sword out!
Turn into the body form, chase and kill Hou Jingshan!

But his real self chased and killed that eighth-level great mystic master!
In fact, the so-called pursuit is just a matter of breathing!

Under the presence of distraction, the demon spirit bones are like five flying mysterious weapons!

Its speed is even far higher than that of some junior Daxuan masters!
bang bang bang...

Swordfish Spiritual Bone, Black Water Black Snake Spiritual Bone, White Wolf Demon Spiritual Bone, Rhinoceros Demon Spiritual Bone, and Tiger Demon Spiritual Bone!
They all turned into a rainbow-like light, hitting the top of the eighth-level great mystic master's head!

This person has turned into a flesh-and-blood winged tiger!

The body is three feet long, with wings spread out, covering the void with a radius of tens of meters!
It also protects the body within the core and hardest skull!
Because his demon spirit bone was transformed from the flying tiger skull!
Unfortunately, after five consecutive heavy blows, the flying tiger could only hit the ground!
Even if Chu Tianshu's five great demon spirit bones did not have the ability to generate flesh and blood, but to control their distraction, their soul power was comparable to that of a ninth-level great mystic master.

In addition, they are not bound by the physical body, and their speed is comparable to that of Grandmaster Daxuan!

The attack power of any of them in a short period of time is already comparable to that of a seventh-level great mystic master!
Fighting one out of five is equivalent to gang fights!
This eighth-level great mysterious master doesn't even have the slightest strength to fight back!


Incredibly fast!

Outsiders can only see five afterimages, hitting the body of the eighth-level great mystic master one after another!
In the blink of an eye, there are hundreds of attacks!
(End of this chapter)

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