The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 247 Good people do it to the end

Chapter 247 Good people do it to the end

Hou Jingshan regretted it!

I can't wait to slap myself a few times!

Why stay when you can go before?
This young master didn't intend to deal with him, but he insisted on bumping into him to seek death!

Their physical bodies are so strong that they are comparable to junior and middle level great mystic masters.

This is the three cultivation of body, energy and soul!

She is simply a monster!

Such a person, is also something he can offend?

He gave a wry smile, spitting out blood from his mouth!

He looked at Chu Tianshu and said, "Can you tell me, who are you?"

"Mengtian!" Chu Tianshu seriously babbled a name!
"Hehe...hahaha... I wasted my arrogant life, but I didn't expect to die in the hands of a doll. I am so unwilling, but..."

Hou Jingshan's expression suddenly turned cold, and there was a thousand murderous intent in his eyes: "You will not end well after all, my father will not let you go, and that Liuye City will also be killed by me!" Tianmen is destroyed, no one can live..."

A sword energy emerged out of thin air and pierced Hou Jingshan's throat!

His breath is also getting weaker and weaker!

In the end, I will die with regret!
Chu Tianshu touched Hou Jingshan's body, and found out the animal skin bag where the snake king's body was collected!
"This thing should be called a storage bag, right? I've seen it in the books of Xuanlingmen, but this thing is extremely precious. It is said that only the stomach of a monster that contains the blood of an ancient beast can be refined!"

The divine beast gluttony can only get in and out!
Can devour quality infinitely!

That's because its stomach has the same ability as a small dimension!

In this world, there are also legends of gluttony. In the monster mountain range, there are also some extremely rare monsters that contain the blood of gluttony!
Inheriting some gluttonous abilities!

After being hunted and killed by humans, the stomach is removed and refined into a storage bag that can be controlled with mysterious symbols!
However, every storage bag has a mysterious symbol as a key!

Chu Tianshu didn't know the mysterious talisman that was opened, so he couldn't open it for the time being, so he could only throw it in his own crystal space first, and study it slowly later!
That girl Liu Feifei came out of the woods beside her tremblingly!

In his hand, he held a broken armor and several broken fragments of demon spirit bones!
It seems that they have already picked up all the things left by the other dead great mystic masters!

To Chu Tianshu, these broken things are nothing at all!
But for Liu Feifei, it may be a great opportunity!

In her bosom, there are still a few pieces of Jade Talismans, which should record some important exercises or mysterious techniques!
It's just that it's too late to read it!
When she came to Chu Tianshu, she took out all the things.

Looking eagerly at Chu Tianshu, he said, "Senior, this is something from them!"

"You keep it!" Chu Tianshu said.

But Liu Feifei fell to her knees with a plop, and touched her head to the ground: "Please, senior, save me Liuyecheng!"

Chu Tianshu frowned!

He never imagined that he would cause so many troubles when he came to Snake King Valley!
From what Hou Jingshan said before his death, he probably regarded himself as a member of Liuye City.

Chitianmen killed six great mystic masters all of a sudden, if they can't find themselves, they will definitely go to Liuyecheng for trouble!
Perhaps, it will really massacre the city!

If I just leave like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to feel at ease!

But he, Chu Tianshu, doesn't have the ability to kill Daxuan Grandmaster now!
What's more, there is not one Daxuan Grandmaster in Chitianmen, but four!

How to fight?

Find two more demon spirit bones, so that my nine distractions are equal to having all the demon spirit bones!
Nine against one, combined with formations, there is still hope of winning!
It's just that the third-level large formation cannot be arranged in a short time!

So, he said: "You Liuye City, do you have a big formation to protect the city?"

Liu Feifei nodded hurriedly: "Yes, in this chaotic place, even small villages usually have formations, otherwise, it is impossible to deal with monsters that may appear anytime and anywhere. The formations of our Liuye City, It is a second-level peak formation, and has its own formation soul!"

"It's only the second-level peak, then, you need a third-level demon soul to advance to the third-level formation!"

A third-level demon soul, comparable to the realm of a great master, is it so easy to possess?

I can't find it!

"Then do you have demon bones?" Chu Tianshu asked!

"Yes, our city lord should still have two demon spirit bones!"

"Such a coincidence?" Chu Tianshu was slightly surprised!

Before Chu Tianshu asked for it, Liu Feifei hurriedly said: "The owner of the city is my uncle. I can persuade my uncle to give the demon spirit bone to senior, and it will be my reward for saving Liuye City!"

Chu Tianshu was silent!

The matter has come to this point, it seems that there is really no way to ignore it!
Anyway, go check it out!

According to the map, Liuye City is also on the way to Daxuanzong!

If it was impossible, he, Chu Tianshu, would not risk his life for Liuye City!
He has the confidence to escape under the attack of the Grandmaster!

"Let's go, I'll take you back!"

Liu Feifei was overjoyed, and hurriedly packed all the things she picked up.

Afterwards, Chu Tianshu grabbed her by the shoulders and flew into the air!

The swordfish spirit bone turned into a flying sword, carrying Chu Tianshu and Liu Feifei, and flew towards Liuyecheng!
After half a moment!

An old man with bursting hair, who looked like a liger, suddenly fell from the sky!

He looked at Hou Jingshan's body with a cold expression, and his eyeballs immediately turned red!

After trembling for a long time, he raised his head and roared: "Who is it? Who killed my son? I, Hou Ba, swear here that I will never die with you!"

The sound was like thunder, echoing in the surrounding mountains!
He picked up Hou Jingshan's body, gritted his teeth again and said, "Son, don't worry, I will slaughter that Liuye City first, and let those tens of thousands of people be buried with you!"


Two hundred miles away!
A small city located in the mountains has appeared in Chu Tianshu's sight!

The small town is not big, equivalent to the former Yanhuang County!

The residents inside are estimated to be only [-] to [-]!
Chu Tianshu and Liu Feifei landed directly from the city while being invisible!

Afterwards, Chu Tianshu released the illusion!

Liu Feifei showed excitement, and looked at Chu Tianshu with more and more admiration!

Said: "Senior, you come with me, I will take you to see the uncle of the city lord right now!"

"No, I'm going to find a hotel nearby for meditation. You go back and communicate with your uncle first. If...he is willing to accept my help, then let your uncle come and talk to me in person. If not, just treat it as I haven't been here before!" Chu Tianshu said.

Liu Feifei hesitated for a while, then nodded: "Our home is in the city, and there happens to be a small courtyard that no one lives in. I'll take senior there!"

"it is good!"

Chu Tianshu did not refuse!
Afterwards, the two came to a quiet courtyard in the west city together!
A typical courtyard house is very suitable for temporary living!
After making arrangements for Chu Tianshu, Liu Feifei left!

When Chu Tianshu came to the bedroom, he took out the spirit bone of the Snake King, poured distraction into it, and began to refine it!
(End of this chapter)

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