Chapter 248
Willow City!
City Lord's Mansion!
Liu Tiandao, who is over fifty years old, is a serious nine-level great mystic master!
His wife, Ye Zhilin, was also sitting beside him!
Covered in Tsing Yi, she still has her charm!
His cultivation base is also a ninth-level Great Mysterious Master!

Liuye City was also named after their husband and wife's surnames!
It can also be said that this city was originally created by them!
From a village with only a few hundred people to a small town of 3 to [-] people, this is also the pride of the couple!

Both of them listened to Liu Feifei with a blank face, and told the story of the matter!
"Uncle, that senior said that as long as we take out two demon spirit bones, he can save us Liuyecheng!" Liu Feifei said.

The husband and wife looked at each other with solemn expressions!

Chitianmen, it's not so easy to offend!
Not to mention the four great masters, even if there is one, they cannot compete with two!
"The senior you mentioned is the grand master?" Liu Tiandao asked.

Liu Feifei shook her head: "I don't know, but if he can kill Hou Jingshan, he must not be a master, and he is not much worse!"

"Even if he is a young grandmaster, do you think he might be the opponent of Hou Ba and other grandmasters of Chitianmen?" Liu Tiandao asked back.

Liu Feifei shook her head again: "My niece doesn't know either, but he is really powerful. He killed five or six great mystic masters by himself!"

"We know, you go down first, let me discuss with your aunt, how to deal with this matter!"

"OK then!"

Liu Feifei felt that her uncle's reaction seemed to be somewhat different from what she expected!

Fortunately, the young master didn't come here with me, otherwise, it would definitely be very embarrassing!
But she couldn't understand, uncle and aunt, why hesitate!
People from Chitianmen will come at any time!
After quitting, she planned to go to Chu Tianshu's place first, so as not to panic the young senior!
However, two servant girls from the City Lord's Mansion came up.

"Miss, the city lord just said that you should go to the backyard to play with the young master for a while!"

Liu Feifei froze for a moment!
Afterwards, his eyes rolled, but he didn't refuse, and left with the two maids.

In the hall!
Liu Tiandao let out an exclamation: "Hey... It's really a person sitting at home, and the disaster came from the sky. Four outstanding disciples died all at once, and they also offended the Chitianmen!"

"Husband, don't you want to go and see that young master?"

"The young master? How likely do you think it is? You have also heard about the fighting experience. If the young man is really the master, he still needs to fight Hou Jingshan for so long? Do you still need to ask if we have a large defense formation?" Liu Tian The way of the knife.

"But...they have good intentions after all!" Ye Zhilin said.

"Otherwise, he wants the demon spirit bone in our hands. You and I both know how precious the demon spirit bone is. Once we hand over the demon spirit bone to him, he will definitely run away immediately!"

"Then what should we do?" Ye Zhilin asked!

"What else can we do? Fight to the death with Chitianmen? We don't have that ability. The four elders of Chitianmen are all Daxuan Grandmasters. Even Hou Ba has been a grandmaster for seven years. If Tianmen is against you, that is courting death!" Liu Tiandao replied.

Ye Zhilin fell silent!

If you can't fight against it, you can only cooperate!
Even if one of your own is killed, you still have to please the other party!

If Chu Tianshu can't come, they really have nothing to do!
Because they can't guarantee whether they can extinguish Hou Ba's anger!

But Chu Tianshu unexpectedly came here uninvited, then things have a turning point!
"It's worth sacrificing one of you for the sake of the 3 or [-] people in Liuye City. I hope you don't blame us for being cruel!"

After Liu Tiandao talked to himself, he raised his voice again: "Come here!"

Immediately outside the door, a profound master stepped in: "City Lord, what are your orders?"

"Immediately put under surveillance the boy who sent someone to bring Liu Feifei into the city..."


At this time, Chu Tianshu is refining the demon spirit bones with one mind and two minds!

At the same time, he was also thinking about his own demons!
However, soon, he was outside the courtyard and sensed the aura of some profound masters!

Through perspective, he could see that this group of people was carefully staring at the courtyard door!

"Could it be someone from the City Lord's Mansion? What do they mean?" Chu Tianshu frowned slightly!

Those who are not familiar with the place of life can't help being careless!
After all, people's hearts are unpredictable!
You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others!

"I hope you don't do anything stupid, otherwise, you will only be the ones who are unlucky!"

Thinking of this, Chu Tianshu left the room in invisibility!
However, he did not go far, but found a hotel 90 meters away!
And Liu Feifei's residence happened to be within the coverage of his dreamland!
He only needs to condense a phantom clone!
Almost as soon as he settled down, there was a huge coercion covering the entire Willow Leaf City!
The people in the city were all startled and looked up one after another!
I saw a blood-red afterimage directly landed in the City Lord's Mansion!

"Liu Tiandao, get out!"

Hou Ba is finally here!

Liu Tiandao and Ye Zhilin have been waiting for a long time!
They walked out of the room at the same time and bowed!
"Senior, don't be impatient. There is no enmity between us. We are not familiar with the person who killed your son. If senior wants to take revenge, we can lead the way for him. This person is in Liuye City!" Liu Tian Knife cold sweat has flowed out!

Hou Ba was taken aback for a moment, and said with a sneer: "So, City Lord Liu, is planning to cooperate with the old man?"

"Don't dare not!"

"Since that's the case, then you and your husband should lead the way!"

"Of course!"

Liu Tiandao and Ye Zhilin soared into the sky together!

After only a few flashes, they came to the small courtyard where Chu Tianshu lived!

As soon as he landed, a profound master walked up, clasped his fists and said: "City Lord, that person has not gone out in the courtyard all this time!"

"That's great!" Liu Tiandao heaved a sigh of relief!

Hou Ba stood in the yard with murderous eyes and said, "Get out of here?"


The door is open!

Chu Tianshu came out from inside!

But seeing him with delicate features, like a little scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken, everyone was taken aback!
Hou Ba stared at Chu Tianshu's phantom clone with sharp eyes. For some reason, he always felt that the person in front of him was a bit fake!

There is no blood in the whole body!

Not to mention any profound energy fluctuations, he is simply a dead man!

"You?" Hou Ba was a little surprised!
This kind of technique, the level is definitely not low!
It was Chu Tianshu who spoke first: "The two of you should be the Lord Liu and Mrs. Liu, right? You came to help Liuye City out of kindness, and you actually treat me like this?"

Liu Tiandao was a little embarrassed in his heart, but he still replied: "Little brother, if you want to blame, you can only blame you for being too cruel and merciless, killing Master Hou's son, even we husband and wife dare not protect you!"

"Hahaha... What a cover-up, I hope you don't regret it!" Chu Tianshu laughed out loud!
But Hou Ba became angry from embarrassment, and said: "Pretend to be a ghost, go to hell!"

The coercion hit Chu Tianshu like an ocean wave!

Chu Tianshu's body was cracked inch by inch, dissipating with the wind!

(End of this chapter)

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