The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 266 Frontal 1 Battle

Chapter 266 A Frontal Battle

Weng Taihong vomited blood for no reason, it must be caused by that invisible person again.

Who wouldn't worry about such an unpredictable method?

Naturally, it is better to go first!
After Weng Taihong vomited blood, he also hurriedly called out the Battle Soul Beast!
This is a red-feathered crested ibis, with a body length of 30 meters and a spread of wings of more than 100 meters!
Weng Taihong's body stands on the back of the crested ibis, his feet are almost fused with the crested ibis!
Seeing this, the red sword dragon in the mountain guard formation also flew out!
However, Weng Taihong turned his head and said: "Chi Jianlong, you stay in the formation, this matter has nothing to do with you and those disciples!"

Before Chi Jianlong could reply, Weng Taihong looked at the void in front of him again, and said, "Your Excellency, don't you want me to die? Do you dare to come out and fight me to the death? This old man can swear that no matter whether he lives or dies, he will never ask others for help." !"

Chu Tianshu was a little surprised, but he didn't show up immediately!

Weng Taihong continued: "This old man is also a Daxuan Grandmaster. It is impossible for you to let this old man commit suicide, and this old man will commit suicide. A Grandmaster has the dignity of a Grandmaster. Even if this old man is not your opponent, he should not die so aggrieved. Come out and fight with this old man." A battle, let the old man die happily!"

This time, Chu Tianshu appeared!

He must give an explanation to the tens of thousands of undead in Liuye City!
If the resentment is not eliminated, the undead will be tortured in pain!

Since Weng Taihong is willing to take the responsibility, the undead will naturally agree!
He said: "I respect people with integrity, even if you are a villain, I promise you, after you die, I will not seek revenge from Chitianmen again!"

"Summon your battle spirit beast!" Weng Taihong looked solemn, but he didn't attack immediately!

Some of the rest, stay away again!
Worried about being injured by the aftermath of the battle between the two masters!

Chu Tianshu also had to become serious.

To be precise, he is not Grandmaster Daxuan yet!
The profound energy in his body is only at the level of a half-step great profound master!
It is only with the help of the tyrannical body and soul that the bone-attached battle soul is given flesh and blood, giving people the illusion of a high-ranking great mystic master!
And Weng Taihong is the Daxuan Grandmaster at the peak of the elementary level!
It is infinitely close to the middle level.

As for Grandmaster Daxuan, Chu Tianshu already knew something from the classics of Xuanlingmen!

They can practice earth-level profound arts!

It seems to understand the power of momentum!
The wind has the wind, the water has the water, and the fire has the fire!

As the saying goes, the general trend is invincible!
Knowing the wind, you only need a little strength to produce a powerful tornado!
Knowing the terrain is equivalent to grasping the pulse of the earth, and only then can one perform profound techniques comparable to earthquakes!
The power of offense and defense can be multiplied!
Even if it's just an ordinary person who can't grasp the situation, as long as he can understand it, he will be able to avoid bad luck and turn bad luck into good fortune!

If you can't comprehend the power, you won't be able to practice earth-level profound arts, and you won't be able to truly break through to the realm of Daxuan Grandmaster!
This is also the main reason why many veteran peak mystic masters cannot become grand masters!

Chu Tianshu had already felt the power of momentum when he fought Yuan Gang for a short time before.

The bone sword that Yuan Gang strikes can move the surface from point to point, stirring up the wind, just like wind dragons!

It's just that the momentum that this person comprehends is not strong enough!

A junior grandmaster can only control a small situation, but an intermediate Daxuan grandmaster can control a big situation!
As for the high-level Daxuan Grandmaster, it is even more terrifying. You can take advantage of the situation to control and comprehend a kind of power called domain!
To put it mildly, there are also fist moves, sword moves, sword moves, etc.!

Even Chu Tianshu's best swordsmanship has only reached the level of sword soul, but he has not comprehended the sword power!
Still unable to make effective breakthroughs in martial arts moves!
Chu Tianshu's trump card against the junior Daxuan Grandmaster is the inner demon and the formation attached to the nine-in-one keel!
If Weng Taihong didn't attack immediately, he was also building momentum!

A gust of wind gradually rose around his body, but it didn't go away!

It seems to be controlled by him in a place of size!
Chu Tianshu took a deep breath, and the white heart demon gradually separated from his body, and together with the demon spirit bones, he engulfed his true self.

The bloodline began to grow and turned into a giant white dragon!

However, this scene also made the spectators around a little confused!
Judging from Chu Tianshu's current performance, it seems that he is just a high-ranking great mystic master!

There is no sense of controlling the situation at all!

On the contrary, the coercion of this giant dragon seems to be too strong, giving people a sense of deterrence!
But this kind of deterrence from the war spirit beast does not belong to the practitioner himself!
It can only be said that the soul and demon spirit bones of this war spirit beast are too advanced!

"Could it be that this person is not the Great Mysterious Master at all? But... the peak Great Mysterious Master? The reason why he is powerful is because of external force? Then what level is his battle spirit? What is the level of the demon spirit bone?" Everyone secretly thought.

Anyone who can become a Daxuan Grandmaster must be a well-informed person!
You can see the reality of Chu Tianshu almost at a glance!
"This person really isn't a middle-ranked Daxuan Grandmaster? He's just cultivating both body and energy!" Weng Taihong also became puzzled.

If it was just like this, it would not be able to threaten his life!

Maybe, I still have a chance to kill it!

But the next moment, he didn't think so anymore!
On the surface of Bailong's body, a trace of thunder suddenly appeared, and a stronger blood force also emanated from Bailong's body.

"This?" Everyone was shocked again!
The coercion of the dragon has been strengthened again.

"The power of the blood, this person actually has the power of the blood, and, in this power of the blood, there is also the attribute of thunder!" Someone has already seen it.

Chu Tianshu indeed stimulated the blood body, and the Shenlei purgatory body also started to function!
On the back of the white dragon, a pair of black and white wings gradually appeared!

This time, he has already unleashed his combat power!
nothing left!

The giant dragon opened its mouth wide, and the vitality of heaven and earth gathered in its mouth rapidly!
Gradually, it turned into a ball of light!
Weng Taihong's face changed, even if this powerful battle spirit beast does not have the power to comprehend power, it is still comparable to Grandmaster Daxuan!
Immediately, he stopped staying and punched out!
When the wind suddenly picked up, a huge wind dragon came into being!

Knowing how to face the wind, with a strong wind force, he pressed towards the giant dragon that Chu Tianshu had transformed into.

At this time, Chu Tianshu controlled the giant dragon and spit out the ball of light!

Wind Dragon meets Light Ball!
A dazzling light shines out!

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent explosion, accompanied by a powerful shock wave, scattered away!


Like thunder from the sky!

The void in a radius of a hundred miles trembled violently!
Thousands of meters away, some low-level Xuanxiu felt their internal organs tumbling, and couldn't help vomiting!
All the bone dragons that Chu Tianshu transformed were forced to move back!
But Weng Taihong controlled the crested ibis, the war spirit beast, and quickly flew backwards. After avoiding the most violent central explosion, he rode the wind and waves and walked forward in the shock wave!
Seeing this, Chu Tianshu's expression became more dignified, this Weng Taihong is indeed going to be stronger!

It is estimated that Yuan Gang and Hou Ba combined may not necessarily be stronger than him!

Even the light bullet attack can be easily dealt with!

This was after he was injured by the curse of all spirits!

After the shock wave passed, the figure of the crested ibis suddenly accelerated, like a flash of red light, and rushed towards the white dragon!


The sharp claws of the crested ibis cut on Bailong's body!
It's like fine iron rubbing against each other, making a harsh and sharp sound!
The white dragon's scales left many scratches!
But the thunderbolt on Bailong's body also hit on Crested Ibis, forcing it to fly sideways for hundreds of meters, knocking off large pieces of feathers on its body, and its body became a little stiff!

Seeing this, Bailong flapped his wings and attacked close to him!

(End of this chapter)

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