Chapter 267
When the white dragon puts on its wings, even if it is not proficient in ventilation-type profound energy, its speed is comparable to Weng Taihong's battle spirit beast!

With the wings flapping, the wind and waves are like waves, and with a monstrous sword intent, sweeping around!

"This is... Martial Dao artistic conception? This kid is indeed a dual cultivation of body and energy!"

Some profound energy masters around sighed!

Mysterious practitioners, it is not uncommon to practice martial arts, but very few have high achievements!

"No, this person should still be proficient in the art of refining souls, otherwise, how can he communicate with those undead that we can't even see?" Some people said.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed again!
There is such an all-rounder Xuanxiu in the world?

I just don't know who the other party is!

"However, this person is not Grandmaster Daxuan after all, and he is still a little short of Weng Taihong!"

"Look, this person's hole cards must be more than the ones in front of him, otherwise, how dare he swear to destroy the Chitianmen?"


In the air, the crested ibis spread its red wings like a phoenix!
Ride the wind and waves, and start a fierce battle with the white dragon transformed by Chu Tianshu!

Both sides, you come and I go!

Not long after, the scales on Bailong's body were torn apart by the crested ibis!
There is also blood flowing out!
There are not many arcs left on the surface of Bailong's body!
Speaking of which, there are still no profound energy seeds to provide electricity!
Just relying on the trace of the origin contained in the flesh and blood cells is far from enough.

Once it is exhausted, it will take a long time to run the exercises to recover!

However, Chu Tianshu's support is not the flesh and blood, but the keel!

Even if the flesh and blood are blown, as long as the keel is not broken, he can continue to fight!
Endless radiant energy gathered in his body!
The arc disappeared, and the electric dragon turned into a light dragon emitting dazzling light!

The whole body has also become colorful!

Two behemoths, claws and claws intertwined, attack each other frantically!
Blood spilled all over the sky!
Although Guanglong was injured, the crested ibis also lost a lot of its feathers, and there were many wounds on his body!

Seeing this, Weng Taihong, who was standing on the back of the crested ibis, narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment!
It flew up suddenly.

He left the crested ibis, and slapped Chu Tianshu's white dragon from another direction.

This palm is as red as fire!

Like a flaming mountain, it fell from the sky and hit the [-]-meter-long flying dragon!

The flying dragon swung its tail and dodged quickly!
But after all, he was wiped by the flame palm!

The dragon roars!

A large piece of flesh, including scales, was torn apart!

The flame, like maggots on the tarsus, began to spread to Chu Tianshu's whole body!

"This Weng Taihong actually controlled the fire?" Someone exclaimed!
"Of course, Weng Taihong is not a simple person. He has been in charge of Chitianmen for decades, and he is so powerful. How can he not have a little ability?"

"That's right, this person is the Daxuan Grandmaster at the peak of the elementary level. Even if he faces an upper-middle-level grandmaster, he may be able to resist!"

In the astonishment of everyone!

The crested ibis also flapped its wings, and two tornadoes hundreds of meters long emerged out of thin air, as fast as lightning, and attacked the flying dragon.

Feilong wanted to dodge, but felt that the air around him was like a viscous liquid!

The power of heaven and earth has been controlled by the opponent, suppressing him and unable to escape!


Two pillars of wind cut on his body almost at the same time!

Like a cutter cutting metal!

The dragon's body was constantly shattered in the tornado!

He wanted to escape, but the two wind dragons entangled his body tightly!

The flaming palm from the sky has been born again, and it is hitting his body!


The dragon's body fell rapidly and hit the mountain below!

The earth sank into a deep pit of hundreds of meters!
Wind and fire blended together, and the dragon's body was covered by monstrous flames!
At this point, Weng Taihong was slightly relieved!
Although this person's battle spirit beast is powerful, it can rival ordinary junior grandmasters!

But after all, he is not Weng Taihong's opponent!

Wind and fire, either alone, is just a small trend, but after blending, it is close to the big trend!

Under the pressure of the general trend, even if you are a dragon, you will lose your life!
"This is Weng Taihong's trump card. If the power of wind and fire is fully integrated, then he can be promoted to a middle-ranked grand master!" Grandmaster Daxuan sighed!

"That's right, the wind and fire are suppressing, and this giant dragon may find it difficult to protect itself!"

"This is the ability of Grandmaster Daxuan. If Weng Taihong's attack falls on the cities of mortals, even if there are millions of people, it will be useless!"

Even that Wu Xiaodong squinted his eyes, showing a bit of complacency!
If I knew this mysterious person was so easy to deal with, I wouldn't have to be so afraid just now.

I am a genuine mid-level Daxuan Grandmaster!
With a single thought, one can control the situation within a radius of a kilometer. It shouldn't be too difficult to kill this person!
Chu Tianshu, who was hiding in the giant dragon, felt the shattering of flesh and blood, and secretly sighed!

With the power of the giant dragon alone, I am still a little behind compared with this kind of Master Daxuan who has almost mastered the general situation and is at the peak of the elementary level!
The opponent's war spirit beast can already fight alone!
It is equivalent to two against one!

This is the ability of Grandmaster Daxuan!

However, you have the general trend, and I have the fantasy world!

As a person majoring in the Great Dream Zhou Tian Jing, how can he leave the blessing of the illusion world?
next moment!
The fantasy world in the dream has been opened by him, covering a thousand-meter radius!

The feeling of being suppressed by the wind and fire disappeared in an instant!
For others, this dream world is just a dimensional space that only the soul can reach!

But for Chu Tianshu, this fantasy world is his world!
His body, under the intervention of the power of space, can roam freely within the coverage of the illusion, attack at will, and disappear like a ghost!
In the fantasy world, Chu Tianshu is the master!
The giant dragon appeared high in the sky out of thin air, with its sharp claws poking out, as if tearing apart the space, coming from the void!

A claw was cut on the back of the crested ibis!

The crested ibis let out a tragic cry!

The body is almost torn apart!
The feathers flew like snowflakes, collapsing in the wind!
Weng Taihong who was on the side was also shocked when he saw this scene!
In his eyes, this Chu Tianshu should have been suppressed and burned by his own turmoil!

But why did it suddenly appear in the void out of thin air?
"What is this? Domain power?" Wu Xiaodong's expression changed wildly!

Weng Taihong is not even a middle-level master, so naturally he can't understand the power of the domain!
But Wu Xiaodong can!
He even experienced it himself many times!

Only the high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster who has controlled the domain can ignore the pressure of the general situation and display such a weird movement technique!

Get it with one claw!
Then quickly retract!
Immediately afterwards, the second claw, the third claw...

The claws are like sharp swords, with a monstrous sword intent, covering half of the void, and completely covering the crested ibis' body.

Bloody sunny day!
Weng Taihong was shocked, if the battle spirit beast was blown up, his fighting power would be reduced by half!
With a movement of the divine mind, the crested ibis, which was about to explode, suddenly turned into a flash of light!
In a flash, he entered Weng Taihong's body!
He took back the battle soul and demon spirit bone, but lost some blood essence and profound energy!
This is nothing to him!
The dragon disappeared again and did not attack Weng Taihong!
But Weng Taihong's heart became more and more dignified, and the invisible force opened up, covering a radius of one kilometer, carefully sensing everything around him!
(End of this chapter)

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