The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 273 God Refining Hammer

Chapter 273
The reason why Chu Tianshu brought the undead fantasy world back to Liuye City!

That's because Willow Leaf City is the place where the undead are buried!

Where the bones are, it is the home of the undead!
Now that the culprit has been executed, the hatred has disappeared, and they can welcome their new life.

As for how long he can survive, Chu Tianshu doesn't know either!
Now, he still doesn't know much about the world of the undead!
Instead of flying, he walked on foot!

While walking, he was still chewing Xuanyou grass!
After a great battle, he was also unbearably hungry!
Touching my face, I found that I have lost a lot of weight. If this is in my hometown, my parents will definitely feel distressed and nag when they see it!

Therefore, you must make up quickly!
Walk all the way, eat all the way!

I also met some Xuanxiu on the way, and everyone was talking about the battle of Chitianmen!
The fall of the three masters is a big event no matter where they are!
Put it in the mainland, it can determine the rise and fall of the dynasty and the replacement!
into the night!

Chu Tianshu found a deserted place, and took out the scroll of Hundred Refinements to Become a God!
He felt that this technique of becoming a god after a hundred exercises should be a pure soul refining, and it has no effect on the profound energy or the physical body!
Otherwise, it would be impossible for Liu Feifei to practice!

As soon as he opened it, Chu Tianshu felt that the woman with a snake's tail waved a sledgehammer and hit her head on with just one glance!

This time, he was prepared. Not only did he separate out a distracted escape into the demon spirit bone in advance!

Also called out the white demon!
My head is dizzy and my eyes are black!
If he didn't hide his distraction first, he might have to fall asleep on the spot!
This spiritual hammer is indeed overbearing.

No wonder Wu Xiaodong, the intermediary Master Daxuan, was scared!
It's really uncomfortable to come here unexpectedly!

The soul is about to be shaken away!
Chu Tianshu could only fall asleep quickly, and after half an hour of relaxation, he felt that his soul power had recovered!

However, he can also clearly feel that the power of the soul seems to have increased a lot!
"No, you shouldn't look at the scroll too much, otherwise, you will still be in danger of being knocked out. If you encounter enemies, you will be in trouble!"

Chu Tianshu put away the scroll!

But in his mind, he began to meditate on the picture in the scroll!

Vaguely, his soul seemed to have turned into a giant with a snake's tail, holding a spiritual hammer in his hand!
This spiritual hammer is extremely heavy!

"go with!"

As soon as the mind moved, the mental hammer left the brain and smashed into the air ahead!

Did not bring up the slightest energy fluctuation!

But Chu Tianshu had a feeling that if this sledgehammer hit someone, it could really cause a certain amount of damage!

It is not as overbearing as the Spirit Sword!
The spiritual sword will directly kill the opponent's soul, but it is also easy to be blocked!
For example, if the opponent's soul is protected by the battle spirit, then the spiritual sword can only attack the battle spirit first!
If it is hidden in the demon spirit bone, the demon spirit bone can also resist the sword of the spirit!
But the hammer of spirit is different, it seems to contain the law of vibration!
No matter where your soul is hidden in the body, as long as it is locked by the attacker, and the hammer hits it, the shock wave will be transmitted there.

Let your soul shake, and your soul tremble!
At most, with protection, the damage will be less, but it is absolutely impossible to completely eliminate it!
"This should be equivalent to punching. One is bright energy and the other is dark energy. Once hit by the dark energy, even if the surface is intact, the internal force will be shattered. The shock energy can spread throughout the body and cover a wider area! "

Chu Tianshu already understood the magical effect of the hammer of the spirit!
I was even more surprised in my heart.

Compared with his spiritual hammer and his spiritual sword, there is a gap between bright energy and dark energy!
It is equivalent to raising his attack method by a big level at once!

Most importantly, this spiritual hammer can also temper one's soul, making it more condensed and stronger!
But the sword of the spirit has no function of improving the realm of the soul!
"I just don't know the level of this one-hundred-time cultivation technique, but it seems that there will be another way to deal with Grandmaster Daxuan in the future!"

Of course, the hammer of the spirit is not omnipotent, if you encounter a too powerful opponent!
If he didn't knock the other party out with a hammer, he should have suffered some shocks too!
However, this shortcoming can be made up for by watching the scroll!
The soul can be knocked a few times, so it doesn't care about the shock.

"By the way, I don't know if I can add the power of the demon soul to it? My demon soul does not come from a demon soul, but from my own soul. If it is a demon soul, it can be Wielding the hammer of spirit, then... how powerful is the attack power?"

Chu Tianshu was excited!

Regardless of whether it is Bai Xing or Hei Ying, if they can master this heavy hammer technique, they may be stronger than the attack power of his own soul!
Thinking about it this way, Chu Tianshu did just that.

As soon as the divine mind moved, the white spherical demon took the initiative!
Graphics for meditation to become a god!
A huge spiritual hammer emerged above the white ball!
"I go……"

Chu Tianshu felt that the sledgehammer was so heavy that even the real soul might not be able to lift it up!
"Smash me!"

Bai Qiu, the heart demon, hit out the hammer of spirit!

Still hit in the air!
There was an explosion in the place that was originally nothingness!
A huge spiritual storm has formed!

Chu Tianshu immediately felt that a huge mental shock was coming, his eyes went dark, and he passed out on the spot!


I don't know how long it has been!
Chu Tianshu woke up leisurely, looked up again, and found that it was dawn.

"Nimei, this time I played too hard. This spiritual hammer hits the air, just like a giant dancing a sledgehammer, but it didn't hit anything, and was dodged. Hey..."

Chu Tianshu sighed, feeling that his brain still hurts a bit!
This thing, like the cannonball fired by the artillery, has a strong anti-shock force!
"If this black heart demon is dispatched, how strong is it? No wonder Liu Feifei named it the Hundred Refining Hammer. From now on, I will also call you the Hundred Refining Hammer. However, you can't use it too much. If you want to use it, you have to find a strong person." Try it, so as not to be stunned by the backshock again!"

Chu Tianshu hurriedly ate the Xuanyou grass and was shocked!
Also stood up and left here!
The cultivation of the soul is not a day's work, and there is no rush now!
In this way, walking on foot during the day, practicing Xuanqi and Bailian Hammer at night!
In a blink of an eye, it was seven days!
During the period, I also encountered a lot of beasts and monsters!

However, most of them became the food in Chu Tianshu's mouth!

Xuanyou grass is also limited, and Chu Tianshu doesn't dare to eat too much, such good things are best used for emergencies!
On the other hand, the meat of the monster beast tasted very good!

He found that the higher the level of monsters, the better for the body to eat their flesh and blood!
Even the power of the blood that cannot be cultivated has shown an increasing trend!

However, Chu Tianshu most wanted to catch a Thunder Beast and use it to refine his Divine Thunder Purgatory Body!
Unfortunately, I have never been able to meet it!

This evening!
Chu Tianshu was walking in the forest with a pheasant drumstick in his mouth, thinking about where to settle!
In front, a monster suddenly appeared!
This monster was shaped like a horse, with a dark body, but it had sharp claws like a liger!

The key point is that there is a single purple horn on the head, which actually flashes with a powerful arc!
"Huh? It's really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get here!"

Chu Tianshu's eyes suddenly lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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