Chapter 274
This unicorn black beast seems to have no idea that there is actually a little fat man in this dense forest!

Looking at each other, both sides were a little stunned!
After Chu Tianshu saw the other party clearly, he became excited!
Don't wait for him to react!

The arcs on the horn of the black beast suddenly multiplied and turned into a beam of lightning, hitting Chu Tianshu!

"Hehe, I'll go, it's quite powerful!"

Chu Tianshu didn't dare to be careless!

This black beast has obviously reached the second-level peak state, close to the level of Grandmaster Daxuan!

Under a strong blow, he really might not be able to resist!

This guy is not Zhao Liancheng, once he is paralyzed, he will definitely make up for it...

No, it's a supplementary angle!

The unicorn will definitely take the opportunity to penetrate his body!
Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, he directly opened the profound energy shield!

Form a humanoid profound energy shield outside the body!

But it didn't draw out the power of the demon!
Thunder is like a sharp tapered weapon!
In an instant, Chu Tianshu's profound energy shield was cut open, and it landed on Chu Tianshu's body!

This scene also greatly exceeded Chu Tianshu's expectations!

Unexpectedly, the opponent's attack would be so powerful!
Subconsciously, he activated the Divine Lightning Purgatory Art and resisted the opponent's blow!
At the same time, the white inner demon was also called out, forming a layer of energy light shield outside the body!
To prevent the second attack of this monster!
A powerful thunder force enters the body!
The cells of the whole body were disturbed, and the Shenlei Purgatory Art could not be completely refined in a short period of time, and the body became stiff.

The monster really took advantage of this opportunity to launch a surprise attack!

The four claws lightly pressed the ground, and the body was like a black shadow, lowering its head and hitting Chu Tianshu!


Under the protection of the light shield, Chu Tianshu was safe and sound!
The opponent's blow only left a crack on the light shield, but did not break the light shield!
But Chu Tianshu's body flew upside down, breaking several ancient trees behind him!
Until three or 40 meters away, stop!
"This monster... is quite powerful!" Chu Tianshu looked at the cracks on the light shield, and was shocked again in his heart!
He could see that the horn of the black beast could enhance the attack!

Just relying on the strength of the white demon itself, it is really not necessarily its opponent!

It must be attached to the bone or stimulate the formation!
However, Chu Tianshu didn't do that, he was worried that once the keel came out, this guy would run away!
"Well, try the Hundred Alchemy Hammer!"

Chu Tianshu's mind moved!
Lock on the unicorn monster that is rushing again, and go down with a hammer!

Outsiders couldn't see the shadow of the hammer at all, but Chu Tianshu felt that the sledgehammer was very real!
Right on top of the unicorn's head!

Spread out a violent spiritual storm!

The unicorn, which was rushing forward to attack, was also dizzy for a while, and its body staggered and fell to the ground!
She slid all the way in front of Chu Tianshu before stopping!

Chu Tianshu stared at it carefully, planning to wait for it to react before giving it a few hammers!
However, Chu Tianshu saw a wound on the belly of the unicorn beast!
The wound was not big, at most it was as small as a fingernail!

However, it was very deep, and its internal organs had been injured!

"Could this guy have fought someone else before?"

Just as he was thinking, Chu Tianshu felt another movement in the void in front of him!
There are five Xuanxiu, flying over quickly!
If he can fly, he is at least a Great Mysterious Master who possesses the fighting spirit of flying!

In the blink of an eye, he came to the top of Chu Tianshu's head!

When they found the unicorn monster lying in front of Chu Tianshu, they were stunned for a moment!
Then, one after another fell from the sky!

But the unicorn monster, at this moment, reacted from the dizziness!
Standing up hastily, he glanced at Chu Tianshu fearfully, but he didn't dare to attack again, turned his head and ran towards the depths of the Monster Beast Mountain Range!

The five newcomers glanced at Chu Tianshu with fixed eyebrows, but did not speak, and then chased after the monster again.

"Hey... that's not okay, it's something in my bowl, how can you snatch it?"

Chu Tianshu stepped forward with one step, and chased after him as fast as the wind!

After chasing and chasing, Chu Tianshu discovered that another group of people had appeared!
There are more than 30!
However, most of these people's cultivation bases are high-ranking mystic masters, and only three are in the realm of great mystic masters!
They blocked the monster beast's advance route, and holding the black crossbow in their hands, they released poisonous crossbow bolts!
If unicorns were in their heyday, they might not be afraid of these people!
But now, it was seriously injured, and it was knocked out by Chu Tianshu just now, so it didn't dare to attack the crowd!

Hastily changed the route and ran in another direction!
But the five great flying mystic masters in the sky have long been prepared!

One of them was cut out with a single blow!

The saber energy is vertical and horizontal, blocking the path ahead of the monster!
The monster has no choice but to stop suddenly, turn around and run away again!
But another great mystic master shook his hand and threw out a large net with gleaming runes, covering an area with a radius of tens of meters!
This time, the monster couldn't escape!

It was caught by the rune net.

The big net was quickly closed, and the monster was tightly bound.

But the monster is also struggling violently. On the horn, there are continuous thunder flashes, cutting on the net rope!

Needless to say, after a few strokes, another big hole was cut in the big net!

Just behold, this unicorn monster is going to get out again!

But an elderly ninth-level great mystic master in that crowd had already summoned his battle spirit, turned into a white elephant, and charged forward!

The two huge front hooves lifted up, aimed at the unicorn monster and smashed it down!
Under the heavy blow, the body of the unicorn monster fell to the ground directly!
A deep hole was smashed into the ground!
The wound on its abdomen also burst into bigger cracks, and blood flowed out!

The struggle is obviously much smaller!

People all around gathered up one after another, and the profound energy shield opened, layer after layer, firmly pressing on the unicorn's body!

"Finally caught it, it's not easy!" Someone exclaimed!
"That's right, this lightning dragon horse injured more than ten of us and killed three brothers!"

"Boss, you solve it!"

Everyone looked at the Great Mysterious Master who had turned into a white elephant again!
This person slowly returned to his normal body shape, staring at the unicorn monster sharply!

Then, from the storage bag at his waist, he pulled out a silver machete.

Mysterious energy was injected, and the machete appeared on top of the machete!
Seeing it, the unicorn monster is about to be beheaded!

"Wait!" A voice suddenly came from behind the crowd!
Everyone turned their heads to look!
His eyes were full of doubts!

Where did this little fat man come from?
Does anyone know?
It seems that he is not a member of his own team, right?
The ninth-level great mystic who raised the machete also looked at Chu Tianshu with doubts, and was also thinking in his mind, who is this guy!

Could it be a new member of the team?
I was too busy practicing, didn't remember?

"Uh... I'm passing by, I'm a soy sauce maker. I just... think that you killed this monster like this, isn't it a little too cruel? Look at how cute it is!" Chu Tianshu said in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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