The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 432 Feed on God

Chapter 432 Feed on God
Yunfeng is the great emperor of Fengming Mountain, and he is so polite to Chu Tianshu, how can he not let others think too much?

Even though Chu Tianshu is the envoy of the gods, Yunfeng is also the Xuandi who can summon the power of the gods by himself, so he can be said to be the envoy of the gods.

Why are you so afraid of Chu Tianshu, the divine envoy?

Everyone can see that Yunfeng is afraid of Chu Tianshu.

This also confused Tie Ying, who also thought he was an envoy of God.

He felt that he and Chu Tianshu should both be envoys of the same god!
However, he didn't feel how powerful that god is!

It's not enough to scare Emperor Xuan like Yunfeng!
People can pinch themselves to death with one hand!

But Chu Tianshu's performance has completely exceeded his cognition, which is why he is willing to follow Chu Tianshu.

He really wanted to find out which god's envoy he was!

Or, is there a level for divine envoys?

at the same time!

Yunfeng on Fengming Mountain had already flown into the huge cave from Fengzui.

A few miles away, you can see a huge statue of a nine-headed phoenix, occupying the entire mountain wall!

Yunfeng bowed and asked, "Old Ancestor, may I ask, is that human being really so scary? Why don't you even dare to provoke him?"

"Hidden in his body is a true god who feeds on gods!" On the statue of the nine-headed phoenix, a divine light lit up!
"Feeding God?" Yunfeng's body trembled violently.

long time!

Then she said again: " it going to rise? To become one of the masters of this world? But human beings don't have gods at all. The ones hidden in human beings should be gods of other races, right?"

"Human beings had no gods before, but that doesn't mean there will be no gods in the future. If gods want to be reincarnated, they are not restricted by exorcism. As for other things, you don't need to know, just do as I ask!"

Yunfeng nodded.

The light on the nine-headed phoenix statue also disappeared!
Yunfeng straightened up.

His expression was still dull.

She couldn't imagine, what kind of existence is a true god who feeds on gods?
God, this is the top level existence in this world!

How could it be someone else's food?

It wasn't until this moment that she suddenly realized how shallow her knowledge of the world was!
"That human didn't make Luo Luo cut off contact with me, but I can learn more about that human through Lolo!"

"However, are you an envoy of God? Or the reincarnation of a god? But no matter's best to let Luo Luo give birth to a child for you, so that our clan can take the first chance!"

In doubt, Yunfeng flew out of the cave.


That night!

Chu Tianshu, Ji Ruxin and others left Baiyun City together, and flew towards the east while hiding!
With Chu Tianshu's current state, one teleportation can cover a distance of thousands of meters, even if he takes everyone with him.

Not long after, it was thousands of miles away.

At this point, everyone slowed down!

A third-level bird demon with a wingspan of [-] meters flew from a distance.

Everyone stepped on it and continued to gallop eastward!
It was just dawn the next day!

Everyone has already arrived at the outskirts of the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

The number of people who come to hunt monsters and hunt here has also increased significantly.

However, the appearance of the third-level monster still attracted the attention of many people.

This caused those people with lower cultivation bases to flee in all directions.

Even secretly unlucky!

After all, monsters above level [-] rarely come to the outskirts of the Monster Beast Mountain Range, so why did they suddenly appear again today?
However, there are three Daxuan masters who are eager to try this third-level bird demon.

From a distance, they began to set up an ambush, waiting for the arrival of the bird demon.

The distance between the two sides will soon be less than a kilometer!
These three masters suddenly soared into the sky.

Attempt to launch a sneak attack on the Bird Demon from three directions!

The sword light, sword light, and fist print hit the bird demon's wings and head respectively.

Unfortunately, to their disappointment, their attack was blocked before they got close to the Bird Demon.

Blocked by a layer of energy shield, it failed to bring the slightest damage to the Bird Demon.

After the three masters flew above the Bird Demon, they suddenly froze.

Because there were more than a dozen people standing on the Bird Demon.

Among them was a birdman with black wings.

"Feather people?" The expressions of the three masters immediately became serious.

It was not long before the Feather Clan led a group of monsters to attack Tiandu City.

Yuren appeared again today, they couldn't help but ignore it.

But Chu Tianshu said to the people on both sides: "Everyone restrain your breath, don't scare our friends!"

Everyone nodded.

Ji Ruxin said: "Could they be Tiandu City's monster hunting team?"

"I didn't wear the clothes of the disciples of the sect, but I shouldn't be an outsider, so I asked first!"

After Chu Tianshu finished speaking, he looked at the other three and said, "I'm the third-level demon trainer of the Great Xuanzong, Chu Tianshu, don't you know that the three are from our Great Xuanzong?"

"Chu Tianshu? You are the King of Yanhuang Han who defeated Chu Tianyang, Chu Tianshu?" the only middle-level Daxuan Grandmaster among the three asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's me!" Chu Tianshu said.

The old man narrowed his eyes, and instead of giving Chu Tianshu the kindness he imagined, he sneered a bit: "Hehe... No wonder you can ride a third-level monster, but you are a third-level demon trainer, but you still have to be It needs to be considered, I suspect that you may be a traitor of the human race, otherwise, how could you be with Yuren?"

Chu Tianshu frowned: "Your Excellency, I don't need you to ask about my affairs?"

"Of course it is useful. I am a human grandmaster. There is a clause in the grandmaster covenant. All grandmasters will be killed if they encounter human treason!"

"So, you plan to kill me as a traitor of the human race? Hehe...who dared you?" Chu Tianshu laughed.

Are these three people blind?
If I don't bother them, they can burn incense, but they still want to kill me?

Then Xue Lingyun also said: "Who are you? How dare you slander the Grand Master of our Great Xuanzong?"

"Hey? There is another grandmaster. It seems that the Daxuanzong is really getting worse. The rebellion of the human race really appears one after another!"

"Aren't you from the Great Xuanzong?" Xue Lingyun frowned.

"Of course we are not from the Great Xuanzong, but from the Wumen. A few days ago, Tiandu City was attacked by the Yumen. After we learned the news, the Wumen sent many experts to come to support us. Unfortunately, we came a step late and were attacked by the Wumen. A group of bird people ran away, worrying about not catching any bird people, but unexpectedly, you guys came to your door automatically, hehe..."

After finishing speaking, the man threw a mysterious talisman towards the sky.

The mysterious talisman exploded into light and scattered in all directions.

After a while, several powerful pressures came from all around.

Unexpectedly, there are five more grandmasters flying over at a rapid speed.

"Wu Xiaodong?" Chu Tianshu actually saw an acquaintance among these masters.

It was the mid-rank Daxuan Grandmaster of the Wumen who was trying to help the Chitianmen and deal with him.

(End of this chapter)

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