Chapter 433
A total of nine Daxuan Grandmasters came to the Wumen this time!
Three of them are advanced!
Three intermediate levels and three elementary levels!
This does not include some third-level monster pets that they each carry.

No wonder there is no fear of Chu Tianshu and his group.

Of course, this is also because Chu Tianshu and the others restrained their aura so that they could not sense the specific cultivation level.

Otherwise, Bai Yu alone would be enough for them to drink a pot.

At this time, Wu Xiaodong said: "Chu Tianshu? It is said that your talent for taming animals is extremely high. At a young age, you have already reached the level of a third-level animal tamer. I didn't believe it before, but now it seems , it’s worthy of the name, why don’t you join our Wumen, how about it?”

"What? Don't hold me accountable for the rebellion of the human race?"

"Hehe...of course not, you join our Wumen, we will plant some Gu worms in your head, then, even if you want to be a rebel, it will be impossible, you can only be loyal to our Wumen forever! "Wu Xiaodong.

After everyone listened, there was a murderous look in their eyes.

Chu Tianshu sneered: "The tone is not small, by the way, is Fan Jiu there? Let him come out!"

"Fan Jiu? Who is Fan Jiu?" Wu Xiaodong and some other masters were taken aback.

"Isn't Fan Jiu the Xuanzun of your Wumen?" Chu Tianshu became confused.

"You mean Fan Xuanzun? Bold... Xuanzun's name is something you can call directly?"

The Wumen and others were suddenly furious.

Bai Yu couldn't stand it any longer, and said with a sneer, "If it's Emperor Xuan, Emperor Xuan, that's all. A little Xuanzun, what can't be called directly by name?"

"It seems that you are the same as Chu Tianshu, the human race has rebelled, and today I just happened to catch you all!" A senior Daxuan master with gray hair said angrily.

Chu Tianshu said: "I am a member of the Great Xuanzong, even if I am a traitor of the human race, you are not qualified to punish me."

"Hehe... The human race is rebellious, and everyone will be punished. Brothers, don't waste so much time with him. Since he is not willing to surrender to our Wumen, let's kill them all!" Wu Xiaodong sneered.

A black snake also poked its head out of his black cloak.

Chu Tianshu suddenly realized, and said: "It turns out that... your so-called rescue of Tiandu City is just to take advantage of it. As for me, it doesn't seem to matter whether the human race is rebellious. You kill me because you don't want to let me die." Our Great Xuanzong has me as a third-level beast trainer, right?"

After hearing this, the people of the Wumen also showed killing intent on their faces.

But Wu Xiaodong still sneered and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? You are a traitor of the human race, so we killed you. Take your life!"


With a sudden shout, the nine Daxuan Grandmasters simultaneously attacked Chu Tianshu and the others.

They completely ignored the specific identities of Chu Tianshu and others.

This situation also made Chu Tianshu feel the seriousness of the matter.

Is Wumen planning to start a war with Daxuanzong?

The tacit understanding and cooperation between the four first-class sects for many years, is it going to be ruined today?
Bai Yu just wanted to fight back, but was stopped by Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu opened the fourth-level formation with just a movement of his divine sense.

A layer of energy shield appeared around the crowd and the Bird Demon.

bang bang bang...

Intense collision sound came out!
It's a pity that nine powerful attacks couldn't even break through the energy shield.

This also surprised the surrounding people.

"What's going on?" They were dumbfounded.

Involuntarily, he retreated a little.

Chu Tianshu flipped his wrist, and he pulled out the Chitian Saber.

He stroked the blade lightly, looked at Wu Xiaodong again, and said, "Do you still know this knife?"

"Red Sky Knife? Are you that person?" Wu Xiaodong was shocked.

"That's right, I am indeed that person... Let's settle the feud of the day, today!"

Chu Tianshu stepped forward in one step and arrived in front of Wu Xiaodong.

He raised the Chitian Knife, pointed it at Wu Xiaodong's neck, and chopped it down.

Wu Xiaodong's eyes widened, and there was a look of horror in them.

He really wanted to hide, but his body seemed out of control.

The surrounding air seemed to be frozen, and even the soul could not escape.

This situation has already made him unable to understand.

He could only watch helplessly as Chu Tianshu's knife cut his neck.

The head flew away from the body, but no trace of blood flowed out.

After waiting for a while, the corpse and head fell to the ground together.

But the black snake hidden in his clothes has already been caught by Chu Tianshu.

However, Black Snake's body was shrinking rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it was only the size of a palm.

Until now!

The eight masters around woke up, and they all let out a cry: "Ah..."

I was so scared that I almost fell from the sky.

It's just too weird.

They didn't understand why Wu Xiaodong didn't hide and why he didn't resist.

Chu Tianshu's chopping speed is actually not fast at all, it can also be said to be a bit slow.

But Wu Xiaodong just watched his head being cut off.

This is terrifying.

When Chu Tianshu looked at another high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster, he waved and said, "Come here!"

The other party shook his head hastily, his body kept retreating in the high altitude, and there was nothing but panic in his eyes!
"If you are told to come here, just come here honestly!"

Chu Tianshu took a picture from the air, and the space confinement fixed the opponent's body.

Forcibly pulled in front of him.

This scene once again made this person turn pale with shock.

Chu Tianshu said: "What's the matter with your Wumen? How do you plan to deal with Daxuanzong? Tell me honestly, maybe I can consider not killing you!"

Chu Tianshu put the knife on the opponent's head.

The high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster swallowed, and showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Senior Chu, these are all misunderstandings, misunderstandings..."

"What a misunderstanding, tell me right away, or... I'll kill you right now!"

Chu Tianshu put the knife on the opponent's head again.

The blade was down and had cut off his hair.

"Ah...I said...but...we don't know what's going on. We were just ordered to come around Daxuanzong to capture the beast trainer of Daxuanzong and the master of Daxuanzong who came out to practice!" This person exclaimed.

Chu Tianshu frowned, then turned to look at the others.

These people are constantly retreating.

As soon as Chu Tianshu looked at him, he quickly fled around without saying a word.

bang bang bang...

They hit a layer of energy shield one after another.

It was broken and bounced back.

Bai Yu shot.

Activated the Realm of Light!
But his wings still didn't appear, he just hovered above the sky, looking down at the crowd.

The group of people looked up, almost scared to pee.

This is definitely a method only Xuanzun has!

They all knelt down and begged for mercy: "Senior, please forgive me, we were wrong, really wrong!"

Bai Yu said nothing.

Chu Tianshu said lightly: "Tell me everything you know!"

"I said, it's because your senior Wan Zilin of the Great Xuanzong captured many of our Wumen's geniuses, saying that he wanted to exchange them for a girl named Duoduo, but that girl was taken away by Fan Jiuxuanzun. Oh, we don’t know where it is! So, the high-level sect sent us here in the name of rescuing Tiandu City to catch some great Xuanzong geniuses and go back!” one person explained.

(End of this chapter)

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