Chapter 451 Words are not speculative
"It's interesting, what is your ranking based on? Who is secretly controlling all this?"

Chu Tianshu became more and more curious about the scroll of the Grandmaster Covenant.

The function of this thing is somewhat similar to my communication device.

If it can be studied thoroughly, this function can also be added to the communication device.

Ye Qingling said: "If you really want to understand, then go to the Tianji Building, there will be the answer you want!"

"I have another question. It is written in the covenant of the grandmaster that the grandmaster is not allowed to participate in worldly affairs, let alone the power struggles of the royal families of various countries. Now, you have launched Chu Tianyang and let him be the future co-lord of mankind. Isn't that right? Want to break the agreement?"

"The struggle for the co-lord of mankind is only limited to the world of practitioners for the time being, and will not affect ordinary people!"

"Then why didn't Chu Tianyang come forward? He is a member of the Great Xuanzong, why did your Tianji Tower support him? What's the relationship between Chu Tianyang and Tianji Tower?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Chu Tianyang is not only a disciple of the Great Xuanzong, he was also trained by the Great Xuanzong and our Tianji Building. He also practiced in the Tianji Building for a period of time, and he can be regarded as a disciple of our Tianji Building. As for the others, I have already said, You will understand later!"

Chu Tianshu grinned: "Could it be that Tianjilou intends to marry Daxuanzong? Your Tianjilou is going to marry a certain daughter of Tianjiao to Chu Tianyang?"

Ye Qingling frowned, but she didn't answer!
"It seems that the four first-class sects really have the determination to integrate the world. In this way, the royal families of the Eastern Continent are afraid to suffer!"

"Only by the complete reunification of the Eastern Land can we integrate the power of all the races, stop the infighting, and deter the Quartet!"

"Hehe... You have been thinking about it for tens of thousands of years before you figured it out?" Chu Tianshu mocked.

Ye Qingling frowned.

This Chu Tian was the first person she had met who was so ignorant over the years.

Even the four first-class sects dare to be sarcastic!
Before, which new grandmaster didn't bow his knees when he saw him?Handle with care?

After getting the scroll of the Grandmaster Covenant, it is like receiving an imperial decree, like adding glory to one's body.

But Chu Tian didn't take it seriously at all.

After staring at Chu Tianshu carefully for a while, Ye Qingling said: "Chutian... are you dissatisfied with our first-class sects? What you said just now is just perfunctory for me?"

"Girl, you think too much, but think again, the world belongs to the people of the world, not just your Tianji Tower, or the world of Daxuanzong!"

"Hmph, the strong are respected. In a world without the strong, ordinary people will only be reduced to the food of other races. If you don't accept it, you can try it. This girl will give you a chance to gain insight today!"

"Oh? I'm also very curious. What skills does Miss Ye have that can make me gain insight?" Chu Tianshu shrugged.

"Hehehe... What an arrogant tone, if that's the case, then don't blame me for bullying the little!"

Ye Qingling's beautiful eyes narrowed slowly.

A cold breath was released from her body.

Her body surface was covered with a thin layer of ice armor!

Chu Tianshu also felt that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and the air seemed to be frozen.

The blood flow rate of the body becomes much slower.

However, when he ran the Divine Lightning Purgatory Art, the electric current flowed through his whole body.

The feeling of being frozen was instantly counteracted.

But Chu Tianshu still praised: "Miss Ye's field is quite interesting!"

"Just a little fun?"

Ye Qingling grabbed Chu Tianshu from the air, and ice blades as thin as cicada's wings appeared around Chu Tianshu's body.

It was so dense that it had completely enveloped Chu Tianshu.

I only heard Ye Qingling say again: "The gap between you and me is too big, you are not qualified to compete with me yet, if you bow your head and admit defeat now, maybe I can forgive you once for the sake of your youth and ignorance!"

"No need, you still can't kill me!" Chu Tianshu said lightly.

" asked for this!"

Ye Qingling's expression became more and more cold, and the ice blades that surrounded Chu Tianshu suddenly gathered towards Chu Tianshu.

Even though Ye Qingling didn't want to kill Chu Tianshu, she still planned to give Chu Tianshu some pain.

However, when the ice blade pierced Chu Tianshu's body, Chu Tianshu didn't show any pain.

"Huh? No!"

Ye Qingling's complexion changed drastically.

She found that her ice blade attack seemed to be no longer in the same space as Chu Tianshu.

The two actually overlapped together, as if one was an entity and the other was a shadow.

"Space folding technique? Interesting!"

Ye Qingling suddenly chuckled again.

It gives people a feeling of spring breeze.

The surrounding frost also suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Instead, there was a breeze blowing in all directions.

The ice blade piercing Chu Tianshu's body turned into drops of water.

Under the blowing of the warm wind, the water droplets revolved around Chu Tianshu quickly!
Chu Tianshu looked around and smiled again: "Yo? Can you penetrate into every hole? Unfortunately, it can't hurt me!"

"That's not necessarily the case, my sister will let you understand the gap today!"

Ye Qingling's body suddenly disappeared, as if turning into a ray of breeze.

Xiang Chutianshu rushed over.

Chu Tianshu's figure also disappeared.

The two flew one in front and one behind, and flew thousands of meters in an instant.

One more flash!
Chu Tianshu disappeared completely.

Ye Qingluan's figure floated in the air, looking around with frowning eyes, his pupils were immediately filled with frost.

Glancing at the floating sword boat, she flew over.

When she got into the sword boat, she found that Chu Tianshu was already sitting in the sword boat, lying on the animal leather seat, watching the beautiful scenery outside the window.

"You... actually have the ability to control space?" Ye Qingluan finally paid attention to Chu Tianshu.

"I still have a lot of abilities!" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

"I don't believe you can really dodge my attack!"

After Ye Qingling's words, the temperature of the entire sword boat dropped suddenly.

The outside of the sword boat was also sealed by ice.

The entire sword ship becomes an ice ship.

Chu Tianshu looked at the icy wall and said with a smile: "So your domain is the domain of ice? Not bad, but your ability like a spring breeze is also very powerful. If you control the two kinds of power, maybe you will be able to advance to Xuanzun!"

"You know a lot!"

Ye Qingling narrowed her eyes, her expression was very solemn: "My domain is useless to you?"

"Of course it's useless, because... what I control is the realm that Xuanzun can control!" Chu Tianshu smiled.

Ye Qingluan's expression was immediately taken aback.

She looked around.

It has been discovered that the entire sword ship has been sealed by a powerful space.

It has become extremely difficult to think about going out.

Chu Tianshu stood up, approached Ye Qingling step by step, and looked Ye Qingling up and down: "Do you know what kind of person I am?"

(End of this chapter)

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