Chapter 452

"What do you want to do?" Ye Qingling showed fear.

Every grandmaster, Tianjilou will investigate clearly.

However, the origin of this Chutian seems a bit mysterious.

"No one can come in here, and you are so beautiful. Although I, Chutian, am married, my temperament is hard to change. Once I see a beautiful woman, I can't move. Do you have a marriage? How about I be a concubine?"

Chu Tianshu raised his hand to pinch Ye Qingling's chin.

Ye Qingling stepped back hastily, and said angrily: "If you... dare to humiliate me, Tianjilou will definitely not spare you!"

"Hahaha... Why didn't Tianjilou spare me? Did you send Xuanzun to deal with me? Do you think Tianjilou would be so stupid?"

With a flick of his arm, Chu Tianshu pinched Ye Qingling's cheek with a flicker of afterimage.

Ye Qingling wanted to attack, but found that her body could no longer move.

Even the soul was sealed by an invisible force.

"You are a girl, don't be so fierce in the future, you know? Don't think that you are a high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster, you are amazing. You should keep a low profile. In this world, there are people with higher cultivation bases than you. There are many, many, what should you do if you meet a bad person?"

Ye Qingling wanted to cry but had no tears.

Growing up so big, there has never been a man who dares to treat himself like this, and no one dares to talk to himself like this!

He stared at Chu Tianshu angrily.

"Huh? Are you still angry? Hey... I really don't know how to be kind. You say, what if I am the bad guy, what will you do now?"

Chu Tianshu pinched Ye Qingling's ear again, and deliberately raised it: "Speak?"

"You...let me go, I'm going to kill you..." Ye Qingling finally let out a cry from his soul.

"You still don't know what's good or bad. If you ask me, you little girl deserves a beating!"

Chu Tianshu raised his hand, and patted the back of Ye Qingling's head, just like an elder teaching a junior!

This time, Ye Qingluan was dumbfounded, his face was flushed, and he was ashamed and angry.

She just wanted to say: How dare you?How can you?My old lady is the arrogance of Tianji Building, the goddess in the hearts of countless disciples!
How can you pinch my cheeks, twist my ears, slap me on the back of the head?
Look at her eyes that want to eat people.

Chu Tianshu didn't dare to go too far, and laughed loudly: ", I'm teasing you, don't be too angry, see you next time, don't send it away!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure was gone!
next moment!
The restraints on Ye Qingling's body also disappeared, and she quickly flew out of the sword boat without the slightest hesitation.

The divine sense locked a direction, and she turned into a wisp of green smoke and flew over quickly.

Chu Tianshu saw that Ye Qingling was chasing him, so he didn't dare to go back to Xuanlingmen.

It can only teleport to the south continuously.

The two sides chased and fled, and soon appeared hundreds of miles away.

Chu Tianshu stopped suddenly, and said, "I said you are a woman, why are you still chasing after me?"

"Hmph, after hitting my old lady, do you want to run away like this?"

Ye Qingling's body was like smoke, and he rushed towards Chu Tianshu again.

Chu Tianshu had no choice but to dodge by teleporting again, and said, "Just twist your ear and slap your head, what kind of beating is it? If you weren't too domineering, I wouldn't have done that!"

"Without further ado!"

Ye Qingling's body seemed to have turned into an ice sculpture.

In an area with a radius of tens of miles, the temperature dropped sharply, and snowflakes began to fall in the sky.

This time, Chu Tianshu felt the seriousness of the matter.

He just teleported to avoid Ye Qingling's attack, but the snow fell on his shoulder.


A cutting sensation like a sharp blade came.

That snowflake has also become extremely sharp, like a sharp blade.

The area with a radius of tens of miles was covered.

This is the domain that Ye Qingling controls.

Looking at Ye Qingling again, he didn't continue to chase Chu Tianshu, but stood in the void, raised his arms, and started to dance.

Chu Tianshu was almost dumbfounded by the graceful dance.

Especially the flakes of snowflakes were also swirling around her, just like the legendary Fairy Scattering Flowers.

But looking at it, Chu Tianshu felt something was wrong.

The snowflakes around his body also began to condense, turning into flying dragons, quickly circling around his body.

In the blink of an eye, they formed a hockey puck.

"seal up!"

Ye Qingling spat out a word.

The pucks gathered towards the center, freezing Chu Tianshu inside.

Through the transparent ice body, one can be vaguely seen inside, staring outside in surprise.

"Are you convinced?" Ye Qingling flew to the side of the puck, staring at Chu Tianshu inside.

Chu Tianshu couldn't speak, he just stared at the outside world without moving.

However, Chu Tianshu's voice still came from Ye Qingling's ear: "What do you want to obey? Are you the one who should obey?"

Ye Qingling's heart trembled, and she hurriedly turned her head to look, only to find that Chu Tianshu had already arrived by her side at some point.

One hand was still on his shoulder.


A gust of cold air spread from Ye Qingling's shoulder, along Chu Tianshu's arm, and instantly spread to Chu Tianshu's whole body.

Chu Tianshu also turned into an ice sculpture.

The ice sculpture exploded into ice cubes, and Chu Tianshu fell from the sky as if he had been torn into pieces.

" it is!"

One by one, Chu Tianshu appeared around Ye Qingling at the same time.

Ye Qingling looked around, and there was already a look of panic in his eyes.

There are too many, boundless, layer upon layer, like a legion.

"How is this possible?" Ye Qingling's body trembled slightly.

At this moment, she finally understood the gap between herself and Chu Tianshu.

From the beginning to the end, Chu Tianshu just played with her!
But she couldn't even tell the difference between Chu Tianshu's real body and clone!
In an instant, she completely lost the will to fight!
The heart is naturally very complicated.

He lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Chu Tianshu merged his multiple avatars into one, stood in front of Ye Qingling again, and said, "Little girl, this world is actually very complicated. It's not as simple as you think. In the eyes of those who read it, they are just ants, go back, don't run around without anything to do!"

"You?" Ye Qingling stared at Chu Tianshu with an aggrieved expression.

Looking at her appearance, it seems that if Chu Tianshu dares to say one more word, she will be able to cry!

"Don't look at me like this. I'm telling the truth. I will seriously consider who the Xuanlingmen supports. I might tell you one more thing. The Sword Spirit Sect is also planning the Xuanlingmen, and the Sword Spirit Behind Zong, there seems to be the support of Wumen, you keep this thing, if you have something, you can send me a message at any time!"

After speaking, Chu Tianshu put the communication device in Ye Qingling's hands.

His figure also disappeared.

Ye Qingling held the communicator and stood quietly in the void.

From annoyed to calm, at the end, she suddenly smiled again.

Turning his head to look in the direction of Xuanlingmen, he said to himself: "Chutian, let's wait and see!"

After saying that, the sword boat had already flown over.

Her figure also floated into the sword boat.

The sword boat trembled in the void, and there was a roar, which disappeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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