The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 453 Visiting the door

Chapter 453 Visiting the door
Not long after Ye Qingling left, Chu Tianshu returned to Xuanlingmen.

After landing on the top of the mountain, Ji Ruxin greeted her.

Curiously: "Who was that woman chasing you just now?"

"Did you see it?" Chu Tianshu smiled.

"Well, the other party seems to be very powerful!"

"It's the people from Tianji Building who sent me a scroll of the covenant of the grandmaster. I don't know how to use it. Seeing that I have controlled the sword power, I officially became a grandmaster..."

Chu Tianshu also told what happened.

"The Tianji Tower is so powerful? It's thousands of miles away, and you can see what's going on here?" Ji Ruxin was also very surprised.

Chu Tianshu nodded: "I suspect that there should be divine artifacts in the Tianji Building. Even if there are no divine artifacts, there should be sacred artifacts with a perception power similar to that of gods. The nine-headed Phoenix God statue in Fengming Mountain can Sensing the entire Monster Beast Mountain Range, and the Monster Beast Mountain Range has a radius of 30 miles, but what about the human-ruled area of ​​our Eastern Continent? It is only [-] miles in radius at most, and even including the surrounding barren areas, it does not exceed [-] miles!"

"It's possible. In other words, the Tianji Building is probably more difficult to mess with than the Great Xuanzong!" Ji Ruxin said.

"Tianjilou is proficient in refining weapons, and the sect should have the most heaven-level profound weapons. Let's ignore them. I plan to go back to the capital in two days. Do you want to come together?"

"Going back to the capital?" Ji Ruxin was stunned: "What are you doing there?"

"Of course I went to see my good aunt, what happened in Yanhuang City, but she is behind the scenes, so much food is missing, so let's forget it?"

"You don't want to take revenge, do you? Since we have signed the Grandmaster Covenant, we should abide by the agreement and can no longer participate in worldly affairs!"

"Which clause in the covenant says that the grand master can't go back to see his parents? Can't ask for things from his parents?" Chu Tianshu said.

"You... this is sophistry!"

"It's good if you know... Madame, you must always understand that the so-called rules are the blessings of the strong on the weak. The real strong are the ones who make the rules. Which rules you see can bind the gods ? The gods are not harmful?" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

"Anyway, you are right. If we leave like this, what should we do if people from the Sword Spirit Sect come to our door?" Ji Ruxin asked.

Chu Tianshu pondered for a while: "How about we go to the Sword Spirit Sect now and have a good chat with their head?"

"You want to kill the Sword Spirit Sect directly?" Ji Ruxin asked in surprise.

"How can you say that you will kill the Sword Spirit Sect? Let's reason with them in the past. The Sword Spirit Sect doesn't have Xuanzun, right?" Chu Tianshu laughed.

"Probably not, then I will accompany you!"


After the two have agreed!

Chu Tianshu is about to leave with Ji Ruxin.

But Zhao Liancheng came up: "Master, I'm leaving too!"

"That's right, I almost forgot about it. You take this storage bag, and there are some pills in it, which can be used as gifts for juniors. There should be flying eagles in the sect, so you take one too. It will be more convenient to hurry, if you encounter an invincible opponent, don't forget to call me!"

Chu Tianshu threw a storage bag to Zhao Liancheng.

Zhao Liancheng took it and didn't check the items inside, but he was moved.

He clasped his fists and nodded, bowed and stepped back.

"Let's go too!"

Chu Tianshu took Ji Ruxin by his arm and went up to the sky.

The two didn't ride the monster, Chu Tianshu directly summoned his own battle spirit beast.

The bright beast quickly condensed into shape, possessed by the demon spirit bone, and turned into a pair of pure white wings. With a light flap, it flew to the southwest like flowing light, carrying Ji Ruxin and Chu Tianshu.

Xuanlingmen is a full two thousand miles away from Jianlingzong.

But for Bright Beast, it only takes an hour.

When he came near the Sword Spirit Sect, Chu Tianshu also took the Bright Beast into his body.

Suspended high in the sky, looking at a straight mountain of swords ahead.

Sword Spirit Sect is also considered a big sect.

Even compared with the Sacred Heart Sect of the Chen Kingdom, the sect with the high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster might not be able to give way.

"I remember that there is also a Yin-Yang sect in Shu, who also bullied us at that time, and we have to get back our face later!" Chu Tianshu said.

Ji Ruxin burst into a smile: "You still hold a grudge!"

"If you were beaten so badly by them, you will definitely hold grudges. I will never forget those great sects!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Well, I'll accompany you!"

"Hey... let's go, let's go down, worship the mountain openly, and see the reaction of the sword spirit sect!"

Chu Tianshu took Ji Ruxin's hand, and in a flash, he appeared in front of the mountain gate of Sword Spirit Sect out of thin air.

The disciple guarding the mountain gate was a little dazed by the sudden appearance of the two.

Although they couldn't figure out what was going on, this was the Sword Spirit Sect, so they naturally wouldn't be afraid of anyone.

A disciple guarding the mountain said angrily, "Who are you?"

"Chu Tian, ​​the head of the Xuanling Sect, and his wife, come to pay a visit to the head of the Sword Spirit Sect, please come to Tong Bing!"

"Oh? Are you the head of the Xuanling Sect?"

Not only were the gatekeepers not afraid, but they all showed curiosity.

Surrounded Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin for a few laps, amazed.

"Too young, probably not even 20 years old? To be able to become the head of a faction, what a lucky life!"

另有一个年纪大的人道:“我听说,玄灵门掌门一直都在闭关之中,之前为了迎娶前秦国的公主姬如心,被几大门派的人给揍了一顿,然后The princess was also snatched away, unexpectedly she has a wife now, and she is tall and beautiful! It seems that the beauty is not shallow!"

"Is there still this?"

"Of course, but, I also heard that Chu Tianshu, the son-in-law, is not dead, and has been crowned King of Yanhuang Han. Chu Tianshu is also very powerful, and he is already a third-level demon trainer, and Xuanlingmen is also very powerful." Located within the jurisdiction of the Yanhuang Han Kingdom, do you think Chu Tianshu will not avenge the princess in the future?"

"In this way, the head of the Xuanling Sect has to surrender if he doesn't surrender, otherwise, the Chu family will not be able to pass that test!"

"That's right, the head of the sect has come to the gate in person. Maybe our people have already succeeded, maybe they have already occupied the Xuanling gate? It is said that there are 20 disciples!"


Hearing the discussion of these people, Chu Tianshu sneered in his heart.

He said in his mouth, "Can you... can you inform me? If not, I will go in by myself!"

"Hehe... boy, do you think you are the head of a sect, so you are amazing? Let me tell you, we Sword Spirit Sect, if we find a true disciple casually, you are no match. From now on, Xuanling Sect will only be our sword spirit sect." A branch of the sect, you, the so-called head, I think, just be an outer disciple obediently!"

"So, you don't welcome me? If so, let's go!"

Chu Tianshu pulled Ji Ruxin, then turned around and left.

"Boy, stop!"

The gatekeeper immediately surrounded Chu Tianshu.

"You have a big temper. Let me ask you, how is our Senior Brother Qian Yue doing now? You were forced to come here by him?"

"Qian Yue..."

In Chu Tianshu's mind, he recalled the high-ranking great mystic who had been thrown the worst by him.

(End of this chapter)

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