The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 468 The God of Wealth Is Unstoppable

Chapter 468 The God of Wealth Is Unstoppable

Whether it was Bai Xuanyi who led tens of thousands of disciples to the Wolf God Mountain, or Lord Jianling and others to the Jujian Gate, it was a long way from thousands of miles.

On the way, if Chu Tianshu hadn't made preparations, how many people would starve to death.

The people who lead the team all have storage bags.

In addition, Chu Tianshu could perform distraction at any time to protect everyone, so there was no accident.

Moreover, along the way, the two teams have not been idle, whether passing through villages, small towns, or big cities.

They will build the God of Wealth Temple first, and then burn incense and worship.

And to the locals, pass on the belief of the God of Wealth.

Believe in the God of Wealth, make a fortune, practice and live forever!
Go all the way, promote all the way!
When they arrived at their destination, the name of the God of Wealth had spread almost all over the world.

In addition, there is a group of people who follow behind these two teams and set up God of Wealth stores in various cities!
Afterwards, similar shops appeared one after another in big cities such as Chen Country, Zhao Country, and Beiyou Country.

There is a trend of doing business in the world.

Of course, these are all later!

On the second day that Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin came to Sword Spirit Sect!

Gai Tianying came to the Wumen resident alone.

This is also a place deep in the mountains where there are few people.

In addition to the endless mountains and dense virgin forests, there are countless swamps.

There are poisonous insects, ferocious beasts and poisonous miasmas everywhere.

The overall environment is worse than Tiandu City.

Here, if you don't know how to train insects and make poison, you will definitely not live long.

There are much more demon trainers here than Daxuanzong.

Most of what they tamed were smaller demon insects.

Large beasts are extremely rare.

Because of the larger body, the easier it is to be attacked here, and the harder it is to survive.

Wumen is located on these mountains.

But the top of the mountain here is not so cold.

After Gai Tianying stepped into a mountaintop hall, Liao Qiange and Chen Yuyan were also here.

"Meet the elder!" Gai Tianying bowed to Jian Lingtian.

"Sect Leader Gai came here today, probably because of the God of Wealth, right?"

Jian Lingtian also held a communicator in his hand!
"Exactly, the younger generation is not sure, who is this God of Wealth? If he is allowed to spread the faith here, wouldn't the entire Eastern Continent become the God of Wealth?" Gai Tianying said.

Liao Qiange also said: "What I'm worried about now is, who is this envoy? If several of us candidates fight for the co-lord of mankind, but he appears suddenly, no matter how much we do, It is impossible to be recognized by the people of the world, right?"

Chen Yuyan also frowned and said: "Master, news came from Chen Guo that Princess Chen Yuanyuan actually opened a God of Wealth shop to sell this kind of thing. I asked her to ask if she knew who made this thing , Who is the envoy, unfortunately, Chen Yuanyuan did not tell!"

Gai Tianying said: "Elder, actually, Chu Tian has the most of this thing!"

"Most? How many?" Several people wondered.

"Nearly a thousand!" Gai Tianying said.

"What?" All three of them were taken aback.

Liao Qiange's eyes widened even more: "There are so many, but they don't give them to me, but let me buy them with ten demon spirit bones, hehe... This kid dares to take advantage of me, he is so tired of working!" Already!"

"Junior Brother Liao, this thing is indeed precious. He told me that the price is eight demon spirit bones, and the selling price is at least nine yuan. I thought, instead of letting him sell it to others, why don't we give all of this to him?" Buy it and sell it to others at a high price!" Gai Tianying said.

"Even if it is based on nine demon spirit bones, it will cost 9000 yuan demon spirit bones. Do you have that many?" Liao Qiange asked.

Gai Tianying smiled: "Let's make up together. If it's not enough, we can use demon crystals to make up for it. I believe it can still be made up. The key is that we must hold the source of goods in our own hands, otherwise, that kid Just declare to the outside world that this thing is a heavenly communication device!"

"Tianji communicator? Refined by Tianji building?" Jian Lingtian said angrily.

"That's not true. He said he was the envoy. He got the name casually. He probably thought that Tianjilou is the strongest weapon refining sect in the world. After we bought it, we can definitely say it was produced by Wumen, right?"

"You mean, not only will we not stop it, but we will also help this God of Wealth and spread the faith?" Jian Lingtian frowned.

"It's better to be sparse, senior, I can't stop it. The disciples of the Sword Spirit Sect already know about this thing. I can assure you that within a few days, there should be some people who secretly believe in the God of Wealth here. Don’t have a family? As long as you believe in the God of Wealth, you can meet your family in your dreams even if you are separated by hundreds of millions of miles. You can even buy a house in the God of Wealth Realm, and meet your relatives and lovers all the time... This... It's just magic..."

Gai Tianying sighed and shook his head.

Liao Qiange also sighed: "The most terrifying thing is that if you believe in the God of Wealth, after your body dies, your soul can directly reach the God of Wealth Realm and become a part of the God of Wealth Realm. Man, how could they resist the attraction?"

"In this way, now we can only catch Chu Tian first, and then forcefully ask who is the messenger of the God of Wealth behind that!" Chen Yuyan said.

Jian Lingtian did not speak.

Because he still has a good understanding of the envoy.

Even in the death forest in the south, there have been divine envoys.

Although the cultivation base is not high, once the divine power is added to the body, the combat effectiveness will soar.

Even if it is an ordinary master level, it can leapfrog to challenge Xuanzun.

If it is possessed by the distraction of the gods, it will be even more terrifying. Even if the entire Wumen is added up, they may not necessarily be their opponents.

Fortunately, those gods of the underworld love yin and hate yang, and are not very enthusiastic about the human race area of ​​the Eastern Continent.

Otherwise, relying solely on the Wumen, it is impossible to resist.

Moreover, Jian Lingtian also knew that even among the disciples of Wumen, some of them secretly believed in the gods of the underworld, but outsiders didn't know about it.

Liao Qiange asked: "Master, tell me, what should we do next? Should we interrogate Chu Tian?"

Jian Lingtian shook his head: "Not for the time being, because even if the interrogation comes out, I'm afraid you and I won't be able to do anything to him. As a teacher, go and meet for a while in person!"

Jian Lingtian poured his mental power into the communication device.

Touching the formation, the spirit falls into a dream.

The soul seems to have come to another world.

It was still the garden where Liao Qiange had appeared.

However, there is no one here.

Jian Lingtian looked around for a moment, then planned to fly up to the sky to check.

It's a pity that the body seems to be out of control, and it is impossible to leave the ground at all.

Even if he wanted to cast his soul spell and launch an attack around him, he couldn't do it.

"Here, it's a bit like a boundary space. My soul is not really out of my body now, but just connected to my dream, so I can't exert my combat power here at all. What if the outer god enters? Will it? Will it destroy your dream world?" Jian Lingtian said secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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