The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 469 Jian Lingtian's Experience

Chapter 469 Jian Lingtian's Experience
Jian Lingtian suddenly thought of a possibility.

If other gods got the communicator and infiltrated their consciousness here, with their powerful divine power, could they destroy this world?
As long as this world is destroyed, then the God of Wealth will not be able to connect with the Quartet, and will not be able to accept the undead to live in.

Humanity's crisis is naturally self-defeating.

However, Jian Lingtian can't guarantee whether mortals will suffer when gods fight.

He came out of the garden and walked down the street.

Looking at the smiling wandering souls and the houses built with crystal glass, Jian Lingtian felt like walking in the fairy world.

Look up!

He was shocked again.

"Fengming Tower? Baiyun Tower?"

These two names easily reminded him of Fengming Mountain and Baiyun City!

Is there really such a coincidence in the world?

After a little hesitation, he came to the door of Fengming Tower.

Here, there are actually many people coming and going.

One by one, people who were beautifully dressed and looked like female fairies happily ran into the building, and then ran out of the building.

They seemed to be here for the first time, looking around with curiosity on their faces.

Afterwards, he came to the Baiyun Building not far away.

His expression was dull again.

Here, there are actually quite a few Yuren.

Yuren came in a dream, and it still maintained the form of Yuren.

The most weird thing is that Yuren, who originally had a blood feud with humans, actually gets along with humans here!
"Could it be... Tiandu City really reconciled with the Yuren? It is said that the young city lord of Baiyun City kowtowed to the undead to make amends, and is still guarding the undead at Heroic Spirit Mountain!"

Jian Lingtian's thoughts were hard to calm down, and he continued to walk aimlessly.


He saw a building that appeared out of nowhere.

It is an entity that has just been condensed using energy.

This is a God of Wealth store!

The address of the God of Wealth Store was also written on it, which turned out to be from Yanhuang City.

There are twelve doors side by side, a total of seven floors!
Originally, there was no one in the room, but after a while, some people came out one after another.

They looked around with equal curiosity.

After seeing Jian Lingtian, one person asked curiously, "My friend, where are you from?"

Jian Lingtian was stunned for a moment, but still replied: "I am from the Southern Shu Kingdom!"

"Has the God of Wealth store opened in the Shu Kingdom? It's amazing. I'm from the Yanhuang Han Kingdom. It's amazing!"

The person folded his fists and bowed, then wandered around in emotion.

Jian Lingtian also left here.

In the process of walking, he also found that many God of Wealth stores appeared one after another.

They are distributed in many places all over the world.

Most of the people who appeared from the God of Fortune store were from the location of the God of Fortune store.

Here, it is simply another virtual world!

You can communicate, practice, trade, and maybe even get married here.

The more he looked, the more difficult it was for Jian Lingtian to understand the purpose of this God of Wealth.

But the fear in my heart is getting more and more.

The Baiyun Tower and Fengming Tower indeed represent the two super powers of Baiyun City and Fengming Mountain.

There are gods behind them!
Even people are willing to set up a branch here, so why do I still want to rebel against the God of Wealth?
Why use other gods to deal with this God of Wealth?
Jian Lingtian suddenly gave a wry smile, laughing at himself for being too naive and ignorant.

Human beings are godless!

How can the gods of foreign races help mankind to deal with other gods?
This is indeed a joke!
It can't be stopped, even if he, the second strongest of the Eastern Continent, can only watch helplessly as the belief in the God of Wealth spreads all over the world!

It is the world, not just Donglu!
Fengming Mountain and Baiyun City have joined in, why should the humans in the East Land stop?
Fortunately for Jian Lingtian, the God of Wealth doesn't seem to have the slightest ill feeling towards humans.

Here, too, there are mostly humans.

It seems to be deliberately cultivating humans.

Perhaps, this God of Wealth will become the patron saint of mankind!

Thereby ending the history of godlessness behind human beings.

If the interests of the Wumen are thrown out, this God of Wealth is not impossible to believe in!
Because there are only benefits to human beings, there is no harm!

Not only can he break the shackles of martial arts on human beings, but he can also make human beings stronger!
It can also help human beings to resist the invasion of yin gods, evil gods, demon gods, and demon gods.

Looking up again, he was stunned again.

He discovered that a dragon actually appeared in the sky.

After the white dragon had been flying in the air for a while, a new building appeared above the ground.

It is still the God of Fortune store, but it is a branch of Dragon King Island!

Human beings with the blood of Tianlong have already come to this God of Wealth Realm through this God of Wealth shop.

But they didn't go to worship the God of Wealth, but regarded it as a place to play.


The Wumen can do the same!
To use the God of Wealth and the world of God of Wealth to serve oneself does not necessarily have to be a believer in the God of Wealth.

After thinking about it, his figure also disappeared from here.

Outer Witch Sect!

Jian Lingtian opened his eyes, and said: "We can buy all the communication devices in Chutian's hands, and then distribute them to our Wumen's monster hunting team and the great masters, and we, here in Wumen, also We need to build a God of Wealth Temple or a God of Wealth store!"

"Ah? Master? Are you sure?" Liao Qiange asked in surprise.

"Sure, but if you want to build a God of Wealth store, you must believe in the God of Wealth. You choose a disciple, enter the God of Wealth Realm, believe in the God of Wealth, accept the baptism of the God of Wealth, and apply to the manager of the God of Wealth Realm. Let’s build a God of Wealth Store, and learn about the operating rules of the God of Wealth Realm as soon as possible, so that we can know ourselves and our enemies!”

"Master, in that case, wouldn't we be limited by the God of Wealth in the future?"

"Restricted by the God of Wealth, it is better than being forced to believe in those Yin and evil gods. Blocking is worse than being sparse, that's the only way to go. Besides, even if a person with a high level of cultivation believes in the God of Wealth, he can still keep his heart. We just use The God of Wealth is for our use!" Jian Lingtian said.

Liao Qiange nodded slightly.

That's true, even if you worship the God of Wealth and believe in the God of Wealth, so what?
I will still only be loyal to the Wumen and Master.

Love what you love, think what you think!
The God of Wealth Realm will only become a tool in his hands.

Chen Yuyan asked: "Then who should we choose to believe in the God of Wealth?"

"Find a disciple who is more loyal to the sect. If you are a disciple of the great mystic master, then it will be easier to control!" Jian Lingtian said.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will do it right away!" Liao Qiange and Chen Yuyan bowed and retreated together.

Jian Lingtian looked at Gai Tianying and said, "Go back and wait. Tomorrow, I will personally go to the Sword Spirit Sect and buy a thousand communicators from Chutian's hands!"


Gai Tianying also retreated.

Wait for him to leave!

Jian Lingtian looked at the communicator in his hand, hesitated for a while, and poured his spiritual power into it again, entering the God of Wealth Realm.

Still no one paid attention to him, and he was like a bystander, observing every bit of change here.

(End of this chapter)

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