Chapter 486
At first, Chu Tianshu didn't take the words of these people seriously!
However, as he listened, Chu Tianshu became angry when he found out that they had actually attacked Ji Ruxin.

As for the things they threw, they were blocked by an invisible barrier.

Chu Tianshu wanted to teach these people a lesson, but Ji Ruxin stopped him.

Ji Ruxin said: "Tianshu, they are just ordinary people, there is no need to be as knowledgeable as them, if they want to scold, let them scold!"

"Forget it, let's leave!"

Chu Tianshu held Ji Ruxin's hand, and planned to fly away directly.

However, someone among the crowd taunted again: "You still want to leave today? It's a good idea. His Majesty protects you and allows you to bully the Queen and King Ling, but we will not spare you. Let's go together and fight!" kill him!"

Surrounded by people, they rushed forward and planned to gang up on Chu Tianshu.

This time!

Chu Tianshu was really angry, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he shouted: "Get out!"

An invisible force scattered in all directions, like a hurricane, knocking everyone to the ground.

The strong wind raged for a long time before it stopped.

The venue suddenly became silent.

Even though everyone was hurt by the fall, they didn't dare to make a sound, and their bodies were trembling.

Because they felt that Chu Tianshu seemed to have turned into an ancient beast.

Under the gaze of those cannibalistic gazes, the whole body felt as if it had fallen into a cellar of ice, and the soul felt a little chilly.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone suddenly understood how terrifying this King of Yanhuang Han was.

"Is there anyone else who wants to scold?" Chu Tianshu asked with a cold look.

"What a big breath!"

A sudden shout came from a distance.

I saw three young princes in brocade clothes coming from far and near.

The leader was Li Xuancheng, an old acquaintance of Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu also knew the other two, namely Zhang Han and Yang Chong.

This Iron Triangle was Chu Tianshu's mortal enemy before, and also gave Chu Tianshu a lot of gold and silver.

However, it seemed that they were all taken away by Chen Yuanyuan in the end.

Unexpectedly, they have all been released now.

Behind the three of them, a group of well-trained young thugs followed.

Li Xuancheng glared at Chu Tianshu angrily, and said with a sneer, "Chu Tianshu, you probably wouldn't expect us to meet again, right?"

"You didn't die? In this way, those who were taken away with you should be fine, right?" Chu Tianshu also became curious!

"You should be wishing that I would die sooner, right? Yes, I am indeed not dead, neither of us is dead, but I have sworn that as long as I can see you again, I will definitely take revenge!"

"Oh? Is there any unresolved hatred between us? the way, it seems that you still owe me some silver taels!"

"I owe you a grandson. I ask you, did you collude with Chen Yuanyuan, so we were all taken away? Ji Ruxin, you can't be fooled by Chu Tianshu's appearance. Back then, if If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be taken away, and if we weren't taken away, how could we be blackmailed by Chen Guo..."

Li Xuancheng didn't go any further.

After all, it is the Chu family dynasty now.

However, he believed that Ji Ruxin would definitely understand and would be able to play a role in sowing discord.

But how did I know that Ji Ruxin asked: "Li Xuancheng, Zhang Han, Yang Chong, are the fathers of your three families still serving as officials?"

"Of course I'm still an official!"

"Since you are still an official, do you still care about what happened before?"

"We... just feel that you are not worth it for Ji Ruxin. You step aside now. Today we must teach this Chu Tianshu a lesson. You all give me a hand and catch this Chu Tianshu!"

With a big wave of his hand, Li Xuancheng wanted the followers behind him to arrest Chu Tianshu.

These followers seem to be fearless.

They rushed towards Chu Tianshu one after another.

They also do have cultivation bases.

Among them was a seventh-level tempered body warrior, tall and burly, a head taller than Chu Tianshu.

When he came in front of Chu Tianshu, he looked down at Chu Tianshu and said: "Little fat man, don't think that your voice just now is so great, I will let you know today, if you offend our young master, you will What's the end!"

After he finished speaking, his big palm grabbed Chu Tianshu's neck.

Chu Tianshu suddenly raised his hand, grabbed the other's wrist, and gently swung it towards the lake...

And then... no more.

[-] meters away!

This tall man just fell from the sky and landed in the water.

This time, Li Xuancheng was dumbfounded.

He swallowed and spit, and his body trembled.

The other attendants who wanted to pounce on Chu Tianshu retreated one after another!

One person comforted Li Xuancheng's ear: "Master, let's go back, the master is still waiting for you to come home for dinner!"

"Yes, young master, let's go back quickly, otherwise, the meal will be cold!"

Li Xuancheng nodded with trembling legs: "Yes, yes, go home for dinner!"

However, he felt that he had lost face by leaving like this!

Pointing at Chu Tianshu again, he said: "Chu Tianshu, you wait, I will go back to eat first, after dinner, I will find someone to go to your house to compete with you, just wait... "

They hurried and fled wildly!
Chu Tianshu only felt that this Li Xuancheng was a funny comparison, and he came here in charge of being funny!

In his heart, he didn't have any resentment, and after he exchanged a glance with Ji Ruxin, he flew into the sky and flew towards the center of the lake!
This scene surprised some of the others.

But after being surprised, he became more and more angry: "They really are monsters!"

"Yes, it must be possessed by a demon soul, otherwise, how could it be possible to fly!"

"Yes, how old are they? It can't be Daxuan cultivator, they can fly when they are teenagers, what is it if they are not demons?"

However, just as he was talking, a gust of wind blew, and the lake suddenly set off waves more than ten meters high.

The wave hit them, making this group of people all drowned.

They were so scared that they could only run away!


Ji Ruxin and Chu Tianshu, who had already flown to the other side of the lake, also sighed.

"It seems that the capital of this country has really changed its name and surname. In less than a year, everyone has forgotten about the Ji family, and everyone has become loyal ministers of the Chu family!" Ji Ruxin said with a wry smile.

"It's inevitable. This is also human nature. Now you and I are notorious in the capital!"

"Then you haven't thought about changing it?"

"Why change? I didn't intend to become emperor? Besides, if I really become emperor, they will immediately flatter me in every possible way. Now, we only need to manage the God of Wealth Store well, which is better than anything else!"

"That's right, let's go back, this country's capital, it doesn't matter if you don't go shopping!"

Chu Tianshu nodded.

The two of them can only say that they came here in high spirits and returned in disappointment!

But also in the afternoon of the same day, two God of Fortune stores started construction at the same time in the inner city and the outer city.

(End of this chapter)

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