The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 487 Chu Yanhong Enters the God of Wealth Realm

Chapter 487 Chu Yanhong Enters the God of Wealth Realm

The location of the two stores of Caishen Store is also very particular, both of which are the most prosperous and lively intersections.

There are [-] facades in a row, three floors of attics, and three floors of large courtyards behind.

The people from the Lei family are mainly in charge.

While asking people to redecorate and rebuild, the Lei family also sent people to promote it first.

It is said that the God of Wealth came to the world and blessed people.

It can make the poor become rich, and the soul of the dead can enter the heaven where everyone is equal!

It can also allow warriors to break through the shackles and advance to the realm of a martial artist comparable to a mysterious master.

All in all, the God of Wealth is omnipotent.

The beautifully printed leaflets were almost scattered all over the capital.

From high-ranking officials and nobles to traffickers and pawns, almost everyone has one hand.

Everyone is talking about the God of Fortune store.

Naturally, this situation was quickly known by the people in the palace.

Chu Yanhong, who was about to finish his meal, looked at the leaflet in his hand with a frown, and said, "Have you investigated the matter of the God of Wealth Store?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is indeed the work of the Lei family, but the God of Wealth Store is really mysterious. Now, even if these two God of Wealth Stores that are about to open are not included, there are already nearly a hundred God of Wealth Stores in our Western Chu Kingdom. !"

The person who answered was an old man over seventy years old!
"So many? Who opened them all?" Chu Yanhong asked.

"It is said that some people who escaped from the Xuanling Gate opened it on the way to Wu Guoju Sword Gate!"

"Have you already inquired about the matter of Xuanlingmen?"

"It's already clear that Xuanling Sect was annexed by Sword Spirit Sect, and its head has become the deputy head of Sword Spirit Sect, but there are also 10,000+ people in Xuanling Sect, who are unwilling to be ruled by Sword Spirit Sect, and are divided into two Some, some went all the way north and fled to Beiyou Country. It is said that they went to seek refuge in the Wolf God Mountain. The other part passed through our country and went east to Wu Country in an attempt to join the Giant Sword Gate. But these two teams are opening shops along the way. , The God of Wealth Store is also left behind by them!"

"Then who is running this God of Wealth store?"

"It's also the disciples of Xuanlingmen who are taking care of it!"

"Oh? Since they are going to join different sects, why do they open the same God of Wealth store? Who owns this God of Wealth store?" Chu Yanhong asked curiously.

"Return to Your Majesty, this God of Wealth shop should not be underestimated. The old slave suspects that it does not belong to anyone, but to God!"

"God?" Chu Yanhong frowned.

"That's true. If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can inject spiritual power into this thing, and you will immediately understand everything. This God of Wealth Store is really amazing and terrifying!"

The old man held up a jade plate with both hands.

It is also the communicator that Chu Tianshu refined.

Chu Yanhong held the jade plate in his hand and asked, "Is it really as in the legend?"

"Indeed, when spiritual power is injected into it, we feel as if we are in another world. The people there come from all over the world, and their identities are also different, and some of them are even advanced Xuanxiu!"

"This thing... where did you come from?" Chu Yanhong asked again.

"I bought it with the help of Grandmaster Liu Kuangsheng with everything I had. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to afford it with the old slave alone!"

Chu Yanhong didn't ask any more questions, but closed his eyes.

Spiritual power was injected into the communicator, and he fell into a dream almost instantly.

The soul also seems to have arrived in another world.

This is a huge square with a tall statue of the God of Wealth in the center of the square.

Many people are worshiping the God of Wealth, accepting the God of Wealth's star, and then dancing excitedly.

Surrounded by spotless glass-like buildings, a blue moon is overhead, illuminating the earth.

Everything gave Chu Yanhong a sense of strangeness.

This is indeed not the real world.

After inquiring about it with anyone, I realized that it was the God of Wealth Realm, and it belonged to the God of Wealth's territory.

There are indeed many undead living here.

They were all brought here after they died because they believed in the God of Wealth.


After half an hour!

Chu Yanhong came back to his senses, his body trembled slightly, and he also put down the jade plate in his hand.

Seeing this, the old man beside him knew that Chu Yanhong had returned from the God of Wealth Realm, and said, "Your Majesty, how is it?"

"Unbelievable..." Chu Yanhong was stunned for a long time.

"So, the old slave said that the God of Wealth store belongs to the God of Wealth, and the messenger of the God of Wealth only needs to pass through the God of Wealth Realm to control all the God of Wealth stores in the world, and everyone who manages the God of Wealth store must be a devout follower of the God of Wealth. Guaranteed, within half a year, this God of Wealth store will inevitably spread all over the entire Eastern Continent, and it will become the most terrifying force!"

"Isn't the God of Wealth Store afraid of being destroyed by those sects?" Chu Yanhong asked.

"Your Majesty, no one dares to destroy the God of Wealth store, because the God of Wealth is a god, and only a god has the courage. None of the four major sects has made a statement. , purchased a building to serve as their liaison base!"

"Contact the base?" Chu Yanhong's eyes lit up.

He said a little excitedly: "So, if the generals of our Chu army hold a jade plate in their hands, wouldn't they be able to come to the God of Wealth Realm at will, even if they are thousands of miles away, I can summon them at any time? "

"That's right, His Majesty doesn't even need to go to court anymore. Every day lying on the bed, you can meet with all the courtiers in the God of Wealth Realm and hold a court meeting, but the premise is that we also have a house of our own. Houses are very expensive!"

Chu Yanhong stood up, paced back and forth, and said, "What kind of expensive method?"

"House prices are rising rapidly. Now we need to help the God of Wealth get a believer in exchange for an area of ​​one square meter. One square meter is about this big..."

The old man stretched out his arms and gestured.

"Alternatively, a demon crystal can also get one square meter. If it is a demon spirit bone, then it can be directly exchanged for a house of [-] square meters!"

"How much is this jade plate?"

"One thousand demon crystals!"

"So expensive?" Chu Yanhong was taken aback.

Almost instantly, the idea of ​​a jade plate for each of the senior generals was dispelled.

Even he, Chu Yanhong, might not be able to afford a few.

"Your Majesty, if you believe in the God of Wealth, you don't need this thing. Besides, Your Majesty can make a decree to make those people believe in the God of Wealth, and the God of Wealth will remember your merits and virtues, and will surely build a splendid palace for you in the God of Wealth Realm." , and, even if this palace is..."

The old man did not dare to continue, but hesitated a little.

"Even what?"

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"Forgive your innocence!"

"The old slave just said that even if His Majesty comes on a certain day, the soul can still sit in the palace and lead the officials, and the palace will always belong to His Majesty!" said the old man.

"So that's what you're talking about. I already knew about this matter when I was already inside, but I feel a little worried about the God of Wealth Realm!" Chu Yanhong frowned.

"What are you worried about, Your Majesty?"

"I can't say it. When I was inside, I always felt as if I was being watched all the time. If I really led the ministers to hold a meeting inside, wouldn't it be easy for people to know?" Chu Yanhong said.

(End of this chapter)

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