The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 510 Heading to Dragon King Island

Chapter 510 Heading to Dragon King Island

Ye Qianji stared at Chu Tianshu for a long time before saying, "Let Ye Qianying go, I can let those 7 people go!"

"If that's the case, then I would like to thank Master Ye!"

Chu Tianshu smiled, and quickly withdrew the black shadow that bound Ye Qianying.

Ye Qianying's body quickly flew upside down, and she was relieved when she came in front of Ye Qianji.

Ye Qianji held onto his arm, still staring at Chu Tianshu, said: "Chu Tianshu, please do it yourself, this time, I let you go, but next time, I won't be polite!"

After speaking, Ye Qianji took Ye Qianying and flew northward at high speed.

They walked for a long time, and Chu Tianshu's figure also disappeared in the void.

In a moment!

Chu Tianshu, Ji Ruxin, Tie Ying, and Yun Luoluo appeared together in Zhao's capital.

Spiritual thoughts covered the palace, and the second prince, Zhao Yun, seemed to have ascended the throne as emperor.

There are already many God of Wealth temples and God of Wealth stores in the entire imperial city!

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Tianshu did not go to Zhao Yun after all, but sent a message to Zhao Liancheng and Liu Wenxuan.

The two sides met in a restaurant in the imperial city.

"Master, why don't you go directly to my house?" Zhao Liancheng asked.

"No, it's better for us practitioners and those ordinary people to have less contact with each other, so as not to implicate them!" Chu Tianshu said.

Zhao Liancheng nodded, but he could understand, and asked, "Then... what is the next step for the head?"

"I'll take care of the Zhao Guo God of Wealth Store for now, and we're going to Dragon King Island soon!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Master, can I join you?"

"Your cultivation base is still too low, let's talk about when you reach the master level!"

Zhao Liancheng lowered his head.

"Wenxuan, you stay here too, assist Zhao Liancheng, and manage Zhao's affairs well. You can also visit Wu when you have time, or go to Qi to develop. When I come back from Dragon King Island, I will take you with me." Let's go, lest Zhao Liancheng can't handle it alone!" Chu Tianshu said.

Liu Wenxuan froze for a moment, but still nodded: "Yes! Okay!"

"eat first!"

Chu Tianshu picked up the chopsticks.

The rest of the people followed and tasted the delicacies of Zhao State.


Don't go into the sea when it gets dark!
This is the experience summed up by fishermen.

The ocean in the Miracle Continent is more violent than the ocean on Earth.

Especially when night falls and the moon hangs high, the waves will be higher and more urgent.

Krakens also come out at night and make waves!

Chu Tianshu and others stand at the junction of Wu State and Qi State, where there is a Wanghai Pavilion.

The south side of the pavilion is red, and the north side is black, as if artificially divided into two.

The border between black and white is the border between the two countries.

Wanghai Pavilion is located on a protruding boulder beside the sea cliff. If you stand here during the day, you can enjoy the sea view for hundreds of miles.

But now it was night, and there was no light in the deep sea, only the sound of waves hitting the rocks from below!
Yun Luoluo's eyes widened, and there was radiance in the pupils, as if she could see the situation in the deep sea clearly regardless of the darkness.

She sighed with emotion: "What a beautiful sea, this is the first time I have seen the sea!"

"Me too!" Ji Ruxin smiled.

Chu Tianshu said: " should be the first time I have seen the sea!"

"What do you mean it's the first time I've seen it?" Yun Luoluo was puzzled.

"I saw it in my dream!" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

"You? Humph!" Yun Luoluo wrinkled her little nose, and ignored Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu turned to look at Tie Ying!
Tie Ying's expression remained unchanged for thousands of years, his thin body and pale skin like a corpse gave off a feeling of coldness.

After a little hesitation, Chu Tianshu raised his hand and patted Tie Ying's shoulder: "I'm about to go to the sea soon, how do you feel?"

"Not in the mood!" Tie Ying said simply.

"Well... Actually, what I want to tell everyone is that the sea should be wider than the land. This time I go to Dragon King Island, and I have to raise at least a small level, otherwise, I won't be able to make this trip!"

"How far is it to Dragon King Island?" Yun Luoluo asked.

"About... [-] miles, it's an island, it's better to say it's a small continent, but the sea is more dangerous than the monster mountain range, level [-] and level [-] sea monsters are everywhere, level [-] is also very common, even Level [-] and Level [-] have appeared, and in the sea, there are not only Dragon King Island, but also thousands of other islands, and there are many big monsters haunting them!"

" you want to leave during the day?"

"No, flying in the dark may be safer for me!"

After Chu Tianshu finished speaking, they felt as if their feet were supported by something, and they floated directly to the sea.

This is the power of the black heart demon, like a black cloud, flying higher and higher, but it is not very eye-catching.

Chu Tianshu didn't fly fast, let alone use teleportation.

In this way, it flew forward unhurriedly.


at the same time!

The more than 7 people led by Bai Xuanyi scattered in all directions after leaving the Wolf God Mountain.

They are not traveling in the same direction.

Instead, it is reduced to zero!

Everyone is like a missionary.

They want to infiltrate every place in Beiyou country.

It is not even ruled out to go north and enter the territory ruled by half-human demons.

This is what Chu Tianshu explained.

In Chu Tianshu's view, instead of gathering such a large number of people together, it is better to disperse and head towards different areas.

Perhaps the role played will be even greater.

This also made it impossible for the people in Tianji Building to wipe out everyone at once.

However, the external publicity is that everyone is going back to their own homes and looking for their own mothers.

After that, they broke up completely.

Chu Tianshu never thought about keeping Tianjilou a secret all the time, but at least, when Tianjilou reacted, people who believed in the God of Wealth might have already spread all over the world.

Even Ji Tian, ​​who had long been hiding in the Tianji Tower, had already begun to secretly spread the belief in the God of Wealth.

Ji Tian, ​​formerly known as Ji Tiannian, Tu Wanxiong's disciple, failed to persecute Chu Tianshu, but was almost killed by Tu Wanxiong.

Later, Chu Tianshu changed his name to Ji Tian, ​​and fled to Tianji Building after pointing the stars.

Ji Tian was originally at the peak of the Great Mysterious Master.

Another animal trainer.

After half a year of practice, not only has his talent for taming animals increased significantly, but his cultivation has also successfully reached the level of a master.

It also gained the trust of Tianjilou.

It can be regarded as breaking into the interior of the secret building.

However, Chu Tianshu didn't let him do too many things, but let him continue to lurk. Even when spreading the faith, it's best not to be discovered by others.


Tianji Building No.90 floor!
Ye Qianji's office!
Ye Qianji was sitting on the seat, his face was gloomy and terrifying!
Ye Qianying was sitting in a wheelchair, her silver armor had been removed, her face looked a little pale.

She was pushed to Ye Qianji's desk by a medical staff in a white coat.

"Qianying, I made you suffer!" Ye Qianji sighed.

"Lord, these are trivial matters. The key is that Chu Tianshu, who will not die for a day, will be a great threat to our Tianji Building after all!" Ye Qianying said.

"Yeah, it's just that you know his fighting power. Unless Xuanhuang personally takes action, it is possible to kill him with one blow. Otherwise, it will be difficult to destroy him even if he deploys a five-level elementary formation. That space enchantment may be a self-protection ability bestowed on him by the God of Wealth!" Ye Qianji frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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