The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 511 Yu Kong's Appearance

Chapter 511 Yu Kong's Appearance

Ye Qianying nodded: "Actually, the space enchantment is not terrible, as long as we can freeze the space where he is in an instant, and don't give him the chance to escape into the space enchantment, next time, we can change to another one." Use a formation to deal with him!"

"You underestimate the vigilance of Xuanhuang-level masters. Once there is a crisis, they will flee immediately. How can they give you a chance? This time, it is a lesson!" Ye Qianji said.

"Lord, don't forget that Ji Ye and Xiao Moyan are still in Yanhuang County, and Yanhuang County is the foundation of Chu Tianshu. As long as we keep an eye on Yanhuang County, it means we can pinpoint his vitals!"

Ye Qianji frowned slightly, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "That's a good idea!"

"So, when we are ready and we are 100% sure of killing him, we can definitely catch the turtle in the urn in Yanhuang County!" Ye Qianying said.

Ye Qianji nodded: "Then secretly monitor Xiao Moyan and Ji Ye first, and don't let them escape the sight of our Tianji Building. As for the matter of killing Chu Tianshu, let's study it slowly!"

"Well, while preparing, observe secretly!"

Ye Qianji was about to say something more, but his expression suddenly became more dignified.

He stood up, with a gap between his brows, revealing an eye emitting colorful rays of light.

He stared at Ye Qianying's side.

As if a door of space was opened, a white shadow emerged from it.

It turned into a feathered man with wings on his back.

As soon as the feathered man came out, a powerful coercion covered the entire room.

Ye Qianji, who was originally standing, was suddenly forced to sit on the sofa.

Ye Qianying and a medical staff behind him also changed their expressions drastically.

"Don't get excited, I'm here with good intentions!" the white-clothed feather man said.

Ye Qianji frowned and stared at the other party for a long time.

After confirming that the other party was not hostile, he just took a deep breath and said, "Who are you?"

"Yu Kong!" Yu Ren said.

Ye Qianying asked in surprise, "Are you the Emperor Yu who betrayed Lord Baiyun?"

"That's right, as for the's all about winners and losers!" Yu Kong said lightly.

"What do you want to do when you come to our Tianji Building?" Ye Qianji asked.

"Because we have a common enemy!" Yu Kong said.

"You mean... Chu Tianshu?" Ye Qianji asked.

"That's right! If it weren't for him, my plan would not have failed, so he must die!" Yu Kong said.

Ye Qianji was silent instead.

In his opinion, people who are not of our race must have a different heart, this Yu Kong is a rebellious Yu people, and now the Yu people have signed a peace treaty with humans.

If he cooperates with Yu Kong, once Baiyun City finds out, what will they think?
Although this Yu Kong is the Emperor Xuan, compared with that Emperor Bai, he is still much worse. He is a serious Emperor Xuan.

Even if it is placed in Middle-earth, the status is extremely honorable!

Seeing that Ye Qianji was silent!

Yukong said again: "I know what you are worried about. You are afraid that Baidi will find out and retaliate against you, right? Don't worry, as long as you don't speak out, I will definitely not cause trouble for myself!"

Ye Qianji said: "Your Excellency is the Emperor Xuan, and your cultivation is beyond our imagination. With your realm and cultivation, since you want to kill Chu Tianshu, why should you cooperate with us? Can't you just grab it yourself?"

"Hahaha... You underestimate the envoy too much, so you underestimate Chu Tianshu, don't you?" Yu Kong laughed loudly.

Ye Qianji frowned immediately, wondering if Chu Tianshu had any cards in his hole, which he didn't know about!

Yukong put away his smile, and continued: "Yes, if you don't underestimate Chu Tianshu, you should have succeeded in this operation!"

"Your Excellency, you mean that there is really a clone of a god in Chu Tianshu's body?"

"That's right, that god... should be this God of Wealth, whose cultivation level is beyond your imagination. If I had the confidence to kill him, I would have already done so!"

"What is your cultivation?" Ye Qianying asked.

"Peak Xuanhuang!" Yukong said calmly.


Ye Qianji and Ye Qianying both gasped.

They realized that they had really underestimated Chu Tianshu, and that even Emperor Xuanfeng of the Peak was not sure about killing him, so what they did before others was courting death?

Once Chu Tianshu is really enraged, who can resist?

The entire Eastern Continent is estimated to be destroyed!
Ye Qianji felt cold sweat suddenly break out on his back.

Ye Qianying was also in a cold sweat.

Both bodies trembled slightly.

They can still deal with the junior Xuanhuang with the help of the formation, but how high is the fighting power of a guy who is not even dare to kill the peak Xuanhuang?

Even if it wasn't Emperor Xuan, it shouldn't be much different.

How to kill this?

Any conspiracy, in front of others, is afraid that it will be like a laughing stock.

Looking at Yu Kong again, Ye Qianji actually had more concerns in his heart.

Seeing the behavior of the two of them, Yukong also showed a trace of sarcasm: "What? This scares you? Don't dare to kill Chu Tianshu again for rebellion?"

"Your Excellency, are you sure you can kill Chu Tianshu?"

"You help me kill Bai Yu, and I can help you kill Chu Tianshu!"

"Oh? Is this your real purpose?"

"That's right, if you kill Bai Yu and get what's on Bai Yu's body, then I can suppress Chu Tianshu, how about it?"

"Hehe...Your Excellency, you don't think we are fools, do you? Let us kill Bai Yu, and then get revenge from a Xuan Emperor, just to make friends with you, Xuan Emperor?" Ye Qianying sneered.

"It's up to you whether you like it or not. No matter how strong the White Emperor is, he won't help you kill Chu Tianshu. He is also the secret pusher behind the God of Wealth spreading the faith in the Eastern Land. The only one you can trust is me!"

Ye Qianji pondered for a moment, and said: "We still need to consider this matter. Your Excellency, please do it yourself, but I don't want to have a next time, otherwise, I, Qianjilou, am not a vegetarian!"

"Hehe... Of course, you should also have a communication device leading to the God of Wealth Realm, right? Get me one!"

"Your Excellency?"

"I also just came to Donglu, so of course I didn't!"

"Go on!"

With a shake of his hand, Ye Qianji threw a Tianji communicator to Yukong.

Yu Kong caught it and said: "Let's get in touch later, I'll wait for your news!"


Yu Kong's body turned into a white shadow and disappeared without a sound.

The room was silent for a long time!
Ye Qianji breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Qianying, what do you think about this matter?"

"This Xuanhuang Yukong must be uneasy and kind! If we choose to offend Xuandi or offend Xuanhuang, we would rather offend him, Yuhuang, and even, we can inform Baidi of the news of Yuhuang's appearance. People in Baiyun City, contact them directly!" Ye Qianying said.

Ye Qianji shook his head: "We'd better not get involved in this matter, so as not to cause Bai Kong's revenge. As for killing Bai Yu, the young master of Baiyun City, that's even more impossible, at least not right now!"

"You mean... the thing that Bai Kong even wanted?" Ye Qianying frowned.

Ye Qianji smiled: "Bai Kong should not lie about this point. Who in the world does not know that Bai Di has a Myriad Bead that can command demons in his hand? Maybe, the treasure that Yu Kong wants to get is Wan Yaozhu, unexpectedly, Baidi would give such an important thing to Bai Yu, and let Bai Yu take it out of Baiyun City and live alone in Tiandu City!"

"The landlord wants to find a chance to kill Bai Yu in the future, and then get the Wan Yaozhu?" Ye Qianying asked.

(End of this chapter)

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