The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 590 Expel Humans

Chapter 590 Expel Humans

The disappearance of "Long Aotian" surprised everyone including the two Xuan Emperors.

Who would have thought that Long Aotian would have such arrogance?
a long time!

She Langjun, who was standing next to Emperor Tuntian, said with a sneer, "He wouldn't think that if he committed suicide, we would let the humans of Dragon King Island go?"

When Long Ni heard this, her face darkened, and she hurriedly bowed and said, "Please forgive the humans on Dragon King Island, the two great emperors, that humans have already paid the price!"

"Forgive? What qualifications do you have for me to forgive? Originally, I planned to continue to protect you, but what about you? You actually allowed Long Aotian to trample on the statue of the sea god?" Emperor Longshan asked back.

"Great Emperor, this matter is really out of our control. That Long Aotian wanted to die by himself. Isn't the Sea God awakened now? Why didn't the Emperor ask the Sea God if he would really give up on us because of someone's disrespect? Tens of millions of human believers?" Long Ni argued.

Long Aotian frowned.

Sea God has indeed woken up, but, like in previous years, he didn't communicate with him immediately.

This also made him guess whether the Sea God was already furious.

If this is the case, then the best way is to sacrifice living beings, and sacrifice tens of millions of human beings to the Sea God, perhaps it can extinguish the Sea God's anger!

Such a thing has not happened before.

There used to be a group of half-demons smearing evil gods on the statue of the Sea God, and the Sea God was furious, using tsunamis and strong winds to kill all the half-demons.

The blood of tens of millions of half-demons almost dyed the sea red!
The creatures of countless other ethnic groups have suffered because of this!
Since then, no creature has dared to be so disrespectful to the Sea God Statue.

This "Long Aotian" method is almost the same as that of painting the evil god's pattern on the statue!
While Emperor Longshan was silent, the other half-demons had already started to speak.

"My lord, please stop being kind. It is because of your kindness that human beings are becoming more and more arrogant!"

"Yes, please destroy the human race!"

"Yes, even if you don't kill them all, you have to degrade the human race into slaves and let them live forever. They can only work for our demon race and half-demon race!"

"Also ask the emperor to order!"

"Great Emperor, give the order! We will go to Dragon King Island or Donglu immediately, and capture thousands of human slaves for you!"


Everyone became more and more angry.

As for Tuntian Great Emperor and She Langjun father and son, seeing this scene, smiles appeared on the corners of their mouths.

They have been planning for a long time to solve Dragon King Island and the human beings in the East.

It's a pity that Emperor Longshan didn't nod his head all the time, and they couldn't cross Emperor Longshan's territory and directly attack Dragon King Island and Donglu!
at this time!

The old dragon king, Long Yuan, also heard the news, and finally rushed over.

After figuring out what had happened, he hurriedly bowed to Emperor Longshan and said, "Great Emperor, for the sake of the dedication of human beings on Dragon King Island to the Great Emperor for so many years, please give human beings a way out!"

Emperor Longshan said coldly: "Go back. From now on, the human beings in Dragon King Island will fend for themselves. This is why I let you go for the time being because of your filial piety for many years. To be buried here!"

"Emperor?" Long Yuan's eyes were red and his expression was agitated.

"How far you can run, no later than three days later, Dragon King Island will be attacked by monsters!"

Emperor Longshan waved his hand.

A gust of wind engulfed Longyuan, flew upside down, and fell to the ground.

Yun Luoluo couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily: "Emperor Longshan, is this how you treat your people?"

"My people have always been only monsters. Does Miss Lolo want to interfere with our affairs in the Chaos Islands? If that's the case, then I advise you to let your sister come over. Maybe I will give her a little bit of sympathy. Time to kill a few less people!" Long Shan sneered.

"Then if all the human beings in Dragon King Island turn to Fengming Mountain and believe in the Nine-headed Phoenix God and the God of Wealth, what should the Emperor do?" Yun Luoluo asked rhetorically.

"Oh? So, Fengming Mountain is really planning to fight against me, Longshan Island?" Emperor Longshan narrowed his eyes.

Yun Luoluo sneered and said, "It has been tens of thousands of years since there has been a major battle between the Monster Beast Mountain Range and the Chaos Islands, right? I don't think it's better to declare war on each other today. You have the support of Emperor Swallowing Heaven, and we also have Baiyun City." With Baidi's support, you hold the Dragon Ball in your hand, and Baiyun City also has the Ten Thousand Demon Ball, when the time comes, we will fight to the death and die together!"

Emperor Longshan narrowed his eyes: "Can you represent the entire Monster Beast Mountain Range?"

"Then I'll let you see if I can represent the Monster Beast Mountain Range!"

Yun Luoluo took out a communication device.

Soul power poured in.

The array on the array disk is activated.

The figures of Yundi Yunfeng and Baidi Baixuanting appeared on the communication device.

This scene also made Emperor Longshan and Emperor Tuntian frown.

The two sides are old rivals.

I have fought before.

Especially Baixuanting and Longshan have fought many times.

Enemies meet each other, naturally they are extremely jealous.

Emperor Tuntian stared at Yunfeng coldly, and said: "It seems that Emperor Yun also has the heart to go to war, otherwise, he would not have sent his sister here. The human being who trampled on the statue of the sea god must have been ordered by you secretly." ?”

Emperor Yun smiled lightly and said, "What is it that Emperor Tuntian said? You and I are both emperors, so why beat around the bush when doing things? What you want to deal with should not only be the humans of Dragon King Island, but the entire Eastern Continent." Human beings, tell me, what is your purpose?"

"What is our purpose? You should know best. Human beings have already elected the co-lords of human beings. Long Juechen from Dragon King Island and Chu Tianyang on land are the main candidates. It will be merged into one country, hundreds of millions of people will be twisted into one rope, coupled with the appearance of the God of Wealth, and the support of the Central Continent Human Holy Kingdom, can't imagine what the result will be then?" Swallowing the sky The emperor sneered.

Emperor Yun also frowned slightly.

She did think of the possibility that the humans in the Eastern Continent might grow stronger.

At that time, the entire monster mountain range may become a hunting ground for humans.

Bai Emperor Bai Xuanting was also thinking about the words of Emperor Tuntian.

Seeing that the two were silent, Emperor Tuntian said again: "Longshan and I have already discussed. We are not pursuing the extermination of all human beings. Instead, we will work together to disrupt the unity of human beings and degrade hundreds of millions of human beings into slaves. Just be the servants of our monster clan and half-monsters, and we must not let them bloom and bear fruit in our center!"

Baidi Bai Xuanting said: "Longshan, you think so too? The humans of Dragon King Island are under your rule!"

"It is now, but not necessarily in the future. If humans rise up in the Eastern Continent, no matter whether it is the Monster Beast Mountains or the Chaos Islands, they will be squeezed by humans in the future. This is a fact. Although humans have no gods, their Xuanhuang, Xuandi, Xuansheng, and Dasheng are not in the minority, if in the future in the Eastern Continent, there will be a great emperor or Xuansheng, and believe in the God of Wealth, how should we deal with it?" The Great Emperor Longshan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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