The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 591 Longyuan Breakthrough

Chapter 591 Longyuan Breakthrough
The dialogue between the few people did not shy away from Long Yuan and others at all.

In their eyes, even Long Yuan is just an ant.

What they care about is the group of hundreds of millions of people in the entire Eastern Continent.

He also doesn't care what Long Yuan and others think, this is an aboveboard conspiracy.

Even if they say they want to bully you in front of your face, there is nothing you can do!

If you don't run, you can only wait to be killed!

Emperor Tuntian also said: "Human beings are a group that will never be satisfied, and they can't even find their own position. We allow them to survive in the Eastern Continent, but we are just raising livestock and growing food. But It's good for them, they actually want to stand up and become the masters, Baidi, Yundi, you two may watch it?"

"What are you going to do?" Bai Xuanting asked.

"First of all, the four major forces of human beings need to be completely eradicated, and they cannot be given a chance to survive. Second, the Eastern Land is divided into two, half belongs to you, and the other half belongs to us, how about it?" asked the Great Emperor Swallowing Heaven.

"Hehe... Do you think our Monster Beast Mountain Range will allow you sea monsters to go ashore?" Bai Xuanting said lightly.

"Hey... At worst, let's have a good fight, won't it be resolved?" Emperor Tuntian sneered.

"Hmph, I also heard that the secret realm of the Blood Dragon Emperor seems to have appeared. That is a semi-holy master, and maybe there are hidden sanctification techniques or heavenly and earthly treasures. We on the side of the Monster Beast Mountain Range also want to You need to see and see!" Bai Xuanting said with a smile.


Emperor Tuntian and Emperor Longshan looked at each other.

Long Shan replied: "I just sent someone to investigate this matter, within three days, there will be a result!"

"In that case, the emperor will also visit Longshan Island in three days, and I hope that brother Longshan will not drive us away!" Bai Xuanting laughed.

"Then the emperor is here waiting for you!"

Emperor Longshan cupped his hands.

Bai Xuanting and Yunfeng also looked at each other, and their figures disappeared from the communication device at the same time.

See this scene!
Emperor Tuntian smiled and said: "It is really convenient to have this thing. They are separated by hundreds of millions of miles, and they are all as close as an inch, so they can communicate at will. From this point of view, this God of Wealth is not useless at all. At least, the communication instrument You can keep it and use it for me!"

Emperor Longshan said: "You should be in awe of the gods!"

"Okay, now that you have made your decision, then we can prepare for it next. Although Donglu is not big, there are hundreds of millions of human beings, but it will take us a lot of effort to capture them successfully!" Tuntian The emperor said.

The rest of the transformed monsters and half-monsters also screamed excitedly.

Yaozu, the favorite thing to do is collective hunting.

The human beings who have been raised for so long can finally start eating.

How could they not be excited?
Looking at Long Yuan and the others, his eyes were full of greed for food, as if he was no longer looking at people, but watching the food on the plate!

This also made everyone wait, trembling in awe!

Long Yuan's heart has fallen to the bottom.

He never imagined that Emperor Longshan and Emperor Tuntian would treat human beings like this!

What is the support of myself and my tribe for many years?
"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Long Yuan smiled bitterly: "The two great emperors are really trying to drive mankind into a miserable situation, but I really want to ask you, can you afford the revenge of the human holy country in the Central Continent? You dare to slaughter hundreds of millions of human beings. The Holy One will definitely be furious and erase you from the world!"

"The tone is not small. Ever since humans came from the Eastern Continent, have human saints ever come here? Besides, I dare to assure you, those saints will come and die!"

"Perhaps it used to be, but now all of us in the Eastern Land have believed in the God of Wealth. Even the God of the Sea dare not violate the majesty of the God of Wealth!" Long Yuan said angrily.

"Bold... how dare you insult the Sea God? Longyuan, Longyuan, it seems that you really don't want to live!"

Xuanhuang Yu Renhai, let out a shout!
As soon as he reached out his hand, there was an energy claw that grabbed Long Yuan's body.

With a hard pinch, Long Yuan's body also deformed, just like Chu Tianshu before, his bones crackled.

However, Long Yuan is at the level of the half-step Xuanhuang after all.

Even if Yu Renhai is a high-level Xuanhuang, it would be unrealistic to crush Longyuan to death with just one hand.

What's more, Long Yuan is still wearing a mysterious treasure armor.

Pieces of golden armor like dragon scales appeared on Longyuan's body one after another.

It also gradually opened Yu Renhai's powerful hands.

It made Longyuan return to normal state.

His eyes were already full of cold killing intent, and his aura was getting stronger and stronger!
In the blink of an eye, he reached the level of the elementary Xuanhuang.

Anyone with Chu Tianshu's ability to see through would be able to notice that in Longyuan's abdomen, the two forces of profound energy and blood have been condensed together to form a pale golden bead.

This is also Xuanhuang's unique Xuandan!
Prior to this, the mysterious core in Long Yuan's body was only in liquid state, and had never been able to reach the level of solid state.

Until today, it was not able to take shape.

But no one thinks that Long Yuan is a breakthrough.

Not only was Yu Renhai not afraid, but he showed a more creepy sneer: "Hey hey hey... Unexpectedly, you, Longyuan, have been hiding your cultivation all this time. You should have reached the realm of Xuanhuang long ago, right?"

"However, you have never broken through that threshold. You must be showing weakness. You don't want to attract the attention of other ethnic groups, so as not to bring disaster to yourself. Unfortunately, today you still forced your true realm out!"

Long Yuan took a deep breath, and the deterrent power unique to Xuanhuang also spread out from his body.

Shatter the energy of Yu Renhai directly into pieces.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I originally wanted to lead my clansmen and live in a meager existence, but why do you insist on forcing me?"

"Have you been forced? Hehe... Don't you know that you humans have always been our livestock? Whether you are Xuanzun or Xuanhuang, in fact, your fate has already been doomed, and you can't get up Nothing works!"

After Yu Renhai laughed, he punched out.

In the void, water vapor quickly condensed into a huge fist with a diameter of more than [-] meters, like a mountain, and smashed towards Longyuan.

Long Yuan raised his arms, and golden energy overflowed from his body, turning into a giant golden-armored dragon.

The dragon claws are like a pair of human arms, crossed in front of the chest, resisting the opponent's punch attack.

The golden dragon transformed by Long Yuan flew upside down.

directly above the sea.

The figure of Yu Renhai had already caught up quickly, and the monstrous sea water emerged from the sea surface, turning into sharp swords, covering the sky and covering the earth, and slashed at the golden dragon!

The golden dragon flew meanderingly and dodged quickly, but it would still be struck by a few sharp swords after all, making clanging sounds.

As for the rest of the people, they didn't move, as if they were just watching and laughing.

No one thought that Long Yuan, who had just broken through, would be the opponent of the high-level Xuanhuang Yu Renhai!

Everyone is waiting to see how Yu Renhai can easily kill Longyuan!

Everyone knows that once the conflict has been provoked, there is absolutely no possibility of resolving it.

Human beings are just their food from beginning to end!
(End of this chapter)

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