The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 873 The Illusion That Shocked the Academy

Chapter 873 The Illusion That Shocked the Academy

Leng Hanshuang's defense was actually far beyond Chu Tianshu's expectations.

Who would have thought that there was a holy amulet on her body?

At this time, his right arm was indeed numb, and the bone-chilling pain also poured into his brain.

In desperation, Chu Tianshu could only stimulate Tianfeng's blood, and the power of thunder and fire began to pour into his right arm.

The chill was really reduced a lot.

It's not what the other party said, it can only be resolved with the help of holy power.

Whether it is lightning or flame, they are both the nemesis of frost, and the combination of the two is naturally more powerful.

When the right arm gradually returned to normal, Leng Hanshuang also felt a little surprised: "Your blood is a bit strange, but you really shouldn't offend our Leng family, country bumpkin, I have long disliked you, sister Ladies, give me..."

Leng Hanshuang, who planned to command the surrounding people to attack Chu Tianshu together, suddenly looked around in astonishment.

She found that she didn't know when she was already in another world.

"Illusion? I fell into an illusion unknowingly?" Leng Hanshuang was terrified.

"What? Surprised?" Chu Tianshu's figure suddenly appeared.

"Chu Tianshu? Is it you?" Leng Hanshuang's eyes showed murderous intent, but he was also more careful.

It stands to reason that who can reach the realm of Xuanhuang, who is not a person with extremely high intelligence, how can he be easily confused by others?

However, Leng Hanshuang didn't understand, why did he fall into the illusion, and even the amulet didn't have much effect?
"Are you surprised? Or do you think this is really just an illusion?" Chu Tianshu said lightly.

Leng Hanshuang was furious: "Hmph, I don't care what you are, don't even think that you can hurt me, go die!"

She slapped out a palm, and the cold air condensed into ice, turning into ice picks, and attacked Chu Tianshu.

"is that useful?"

Chu Tianshu waved his arm, and a wall appeared out of thin air, blocking the advance of the ice cone.

The cold air diffused from the ice cone, sealing the wall with ice.

Leng Hanshuang stomped her feet again, and ice dragons appeared on the ground, they easily jumped over the wall and continued to chase Chu Tianshu.

But Chu Tianshu has disappeared.

"Get out of here, Mysterious Ice World!"

Leng Hanshuang let out a sharp shout, and with her as the center, a huge ice barrier suddenly appeared.

And quickly extended to the outside world.

"Unexpectedly, at your young age, your soul power is already comparable to Xuanhuang. This is your fantasy world, right? I want to see how big your fantasy world is. Why do you let me fall into your fantasy world? middle?"

As Leng Hanshuang said, she was still moving the profound ice world under her control and continued to spread to the surroundings.

When she reached the limit of what she could control, she found that the fantasy world she was in had no boundaries.

This proves that Chu Tianshu's illusion world is bigger and stronger than her ice world.

"how is this possible?"

Leng Hanshuang's expression was as cold as ice, subconsciously, she touched the amulet under her neck, which was a gift from the ancestor of the Leng family.

Fortunately, the holy talisman is still there, and there is still holy power in it, which proves that her life is not in danger for the time being.

In fact, not only her, but all the girls who came out fell into different fantasy worlds.

Chu Tianshu seemed to have countless clones, and could create different spatial illusions. The group of people in front of him could not escape Chu Tianshu's technique of descending from the dream world.

Moreover, because of practicing the art of returning to the clan of ten thousand swords, Chu Tianshu also had a great understanding of the folding of different dimensions.

Different dream spaces can be built in the same area.

Coupled with the enhancement of inner demon power, it can provide him with endless soul power support.

Therefore, Chu Tianshu alone can trap these girls.

After all, there are only three or five junior Xuanhuangs with the highest cultivation base among them, and most of them are only masters and Xuanzun realms.

Even if they knew that they had fallen into Chu Tianshu's illusion and were trapped by Chu Tianshu's illusion, they couldn't escape for a while.

Ji Ruxin widened her eyes, was surprised for a moment, and said, "Tianshu, what's wrong with them?"

"When you become Xuanzun and comprehend the power of space, you will understand that they are fighting with me in the illusion world I created!"

"You didn't even move, okay?" Ji Ruxin asked.

Chu Tianshu pointed to his head: "This is called illusion, true and false, both true and false!"

"Will something happen?" Ji Ruxin asked.

"will not!"

Chu Tianshu knew what she meant, probably because he was worried about being discovered about the God of Wealth Realm.

However, the power of the God of Wealth Realm comes from his demons.

The inner demon is hidden deep in the soul, who can break through his sea of ​​consciousness?Insight into the source of his power?
Besides, even if one enters the sea of ​​consciousness, so what?
The power of the inner demon comes from himself. If Chu Tianshu dies, the inner demon will naturally die out.

Although the growth of the God of Wealth Realm this time did not allow him to make a breakthrough in the realm, the soul power that can be provided is incomparable even if all these people in front of him are combined.

"Just teach me a lesson, let's go, and leave them alone!"

"Well, let's go, they will break out of the fantasy world by themselves later!"

After all, Chu Tianshu took Chu Tianshu and left this place together.

Not long after, a female Xuandi descended from the sky, glanced at the person trapped in the illusion, and showed surprise.

He murmured to himself: "Such a powerful illusion, such a powerful space overlap, such a domineering soul power, why is he so powerful?"

Later, several Xuan Emperors led many students to this place.

None of them wanted to help break the illusion, but communicated with the students and began to analyze the power and merit of this illusion.

"It's kind of interesting. This kind of magic technique that is both real and illusory, and there are fakes in the real, and real in the fake, can't be simply called illusion?" Emperor Yixuan said.

"Indeed, this Chu Tianshu actually created dozens of extremely real but infinitely changing illusion worlds at once, how powerful will his soul power be?"

"Emperor Xuandi like you and I may not be able to compare with him, but obviously, his realm has not reached Emperor Xuandi's realm. Otherwise, a single space freezing technique can solve dozens of people. Why bother?"

"In it, I saw some shadows of Wan Jian Guizong. Dozens of illusion worlds overlapped, giving people the illusion of being in the same space. In fact, each of them is separate. !" At some point, Bai Yunfei, the instructor of the demon trainer class, also appeared.

"Indeed, I said Bai Yunfei, why don't you give this classmate to our illusion class? I think his future attainments in illusion will definitely far surpass that of demon taming, and he will be even more helpful to us humans!" The woman in the red dress smiled.

If Chu Tianshu saw this girl, he would definitely recognize it at a glance. It was actually Monroe, the humanities tutor at Daxuan College.

It's just that she was only the peak Xuanhuang in the past, but now she is a junior Xuandi.

"It's a good idea, do you know the power of his Zerg Vigorous King Kong Ant? Do you know that he can leapfrog and tame the fifth-level peak demon emperor?"

"Of course I know. It's just that his talent in illusion cannot be wasted. How about this? I'll discuss it with the academy later, and let him also find time to come to our intermediate illusion class to study!"

"Come on, what can you learn in the intermediate illusion class? Unless you, Monroe, teach him, it won't be much worse!" Bai Yunfei laughed.

"Why not? For such a student, I don't mind teaching them all, do I, Dean Bai?"

Monroe looked at Bai Yizi who was coming late.

Next to Bai Yizi, there was another person who was the librarian from Daxuan College with withered profound energy seeds.

Bai Yizi kept staring at the overlapping fantasy world, and said, "Let's rescue the students first? If it takes too long, it will have a great adverse effect on their future practice."

"Principal Bai, we are reluctant to destroy this overlapping illusory space, have you seen that? The environment in each illusory space is different, and there are true and false. It is like a dream, and the use of illusion and space is unmatched by many of our Xuan Emperors, and it can be called a textbook-level illusion space!" A high-ranking Xuan Emperor sighed.

"Then you have to rescue people first, right?"

"Let's ask the saint to do it. It's best to let the students observe and observe the space structure inside this fantasy world."

Many Xuan Emperors nodded in approval.

However, before they invited the saint, there was already a saint floating in the sky.

It was Hu Yingwu who came.

She just flicked her sleeve lightly, and the fantasy space created by Chu Tianshu was not affected at all, but all the people trapped in it were moved out.

After Leng Hanshuang and the others appeared, they all looked around in astonishment.

They were stunned.

When did so many onlookers come?And are they all led by mentors at the emperor level?
What frightened them the most was that there was actually a sage Hu Yingwu floating above their heads.

Judging by Hu Yingwu's indifferent expression, he seemed very dissatisfied with their actions.

Looking at the place where I and others stood just now, it was actually piled up with layers of transparent illusions.

It's as if you can see different worlds from different angles.


Leng Hanshuang has already recognized that the place she was trapped in just now is actually just one of the many fantasy worlds.

And it also overlaps with other fantasy worlds.

The heart became more and more shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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