The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 874 The analysis makes sense

Chapter 874 The analysis makes sense

Everyone could see that the illusion Chu Tianshu displayed could no longer be called an illusion.

Because each of these fantasy worlds is like an independent small world of space.

The things in each small world are no different from the outside world.

The mountain is the mountain, and the water is the water.

No one can imagine how a small Xuanzun could build such a real world in such a short period of time.

Let alone Xuanzun, even Emperor Xuan might not be able to do it.

This is no longer a simple fantasy world.

"This kid's talent is really terrifying." Bai Yizi couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This young man who created the Summoner profession is still fresh in his memory.

As the dean of Daxuan Academy, he practiced here at Phoenix Academy in order to advance to the Profound Sage realm. This place belongs to the Phoenix Temple, and he has more opportunities to come into contact with the Phoenix Divine Fire.

I thought it would be difficult to see Chu Tianshu again in a short time.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tianshu became Hu Yingwu's fiancé in the blink of an eye, and also came to Phoenix Academy to practice.

The rest of the people were amazed, but also confused.

Because everyone couldn't figure out how Chu Tianshu could do it.

That Leng Hanshuang had already gritted his teeth and said, "It's absolutely impossible for Chu Tianshu to create this fantasy world. Could it be that he is more powerful than Emperor Xuan?"

Everyone agrees with Leng Hanshuang's words.

Because many Xuan Emperors present also thought that they could not do it at all.

Simple illusions can be done through mental power, even if the space is folded, it is not too difficult.

However, how to build the world in this space?
The various elements in it are all-encompassing, as if they are a small dimensional world.

But everyone knows how difficult it is to build a small dimensional world.

Not to mention, these small dimensional worlds have to be overlapped together.

Even if multiple Xuandi cooperate, it will take a lot of time.

How could he, Chu Tianshu, do it?
Everyone's gazes involuntarily fell on Hu Yingwu floating in the sky.

Only a sage like Hu Yingwu can complete such a huge project in a single thought.

However, how dare they question a saint?
As the troublemaker Leng Hanshuang, her heart is even more complicated.

She had concluded that this incident must have been done by Hu Yingwu, but she didn't understand why would Hu Yingwu help Chu Tianshu with his level?
Could it be because she really fell in love with Chu Tianshu?Approve this marriage from the bottom of your heart?
Hu Yingwu could naturally see everyone's thoughts, but she didn't explain, she just said indifferently: "What's the point?"

After she finished speaking, she waved her sleeves, and the overlapping illusionary world shrunk rapidly, turning into small bubble-like existences, and landed in her palm.

Afterwards, she turned around and flew up to the Phoenix Hall on Phoenix Mountain.

The people below waited until they suddenly realized.

"It turns out that this overlapping space world was created by Hu Yingwu, and she should have rescued Chu Tianshu just now." Emperor Youxuan sighed.

"Do you need to ask? She must be the one who made the move. Otherwise, with Chu Tianshu's ability, why can we do things that we can't do?"

"That's right, I was really taken aback just now, thinking that another freak appeared in our Phoenix Academy!"

"Do you think it's possible? Anyway, I didn't believe it from the beginning. Apart from other things, the difficulty of returning the Ten Thousand Swords to the sect is already conceivable. Folding the space is not easy, let alone adding multiple It is unimaginably difficult to overlap the dimensional space, why can he do it?"


The more people analyze, the more reasonable they feel.

In the end, no one believed that such a large fantasy world was created by Chu Tianshu.

And also successfully derived another problem.

"You say, why did Senior Shadow Dance help Chu Tianshu? You don't really like a married man like him, do you?"

"You don't even understand this? In name, Senior Shadow Dance is still Chu Tianshu's fiancée. If her fiancé is being bullied, how can she not help her?"

"That's right. Whether you like it or not, the status is still there, and neither party has divorced. Therefore, Senior Shadow Dance must make a move."

"That's right. When Senior Shadow Dance left just now, he already said that the more wins the less, what's the point? This is obvious. She doesn't mind someone having a fair fight with Chu Tianshu. Or if there is any conspiracy to deal with Chu Tianshu, she has to ask, and the righteousness of her name makes it impossible for Senior Shadow Dance to stand idly by."

"But why didn't Senior Yingwu retire? This Chu Tianshu has already been married."

"Hehe... Don't you understand this? It is precisely because of this that no one will think that there is anything between the two of them other than their status. This will further prove the innocence of Senior Shadow Dance. At the same time, You can also use this title to help Senior Shadow Dance avoid unnecessary troubles."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"That's right, with Senior Shadow Dance's background, talent, and cultivation, who wouldn't want to become a fairy companion with her, but with this title, those who proposed marriage and pursued her would not be able to open their mouths. After all, Chu Tianshu Still there."

"So, saints also have troubles with saints?"

"What do you think? Even the great sage has his worries, but if this happens, Chu Tianshu will be in more trouble."

"Senior Shadow Dancer is watching in secret, what trouble could there be?"

"Maybe there won't be too many big troubles. After all, Chu Tianshu's cultivation base is too low, and people with high cultivation bases don't want to demean themselves, but those admirers of Senior Shadow Dance will definitely look down on Chu Tianshu and will continue to look down on him." to cause trouble for him."

"Hehe...Actually, to be honest, I want to step on Chu Tianshu when I'm free, even though I know he's just a shield for Senior Shadow Dancer, just a tool, but it still makes people a little jealous. Such an opportunity is not in vain.”

"Yeah, a kid from a barren land with no background and average talent, it's pretty good to have made it this far."

"People from the Ye family probably never imagined that this son would become the future son-in-law of the Hu family, right?"

Someone has already set their eyes on a Xuandi.

This person's name is Ye Xiangwen, wearing a blue robe, on the surface, he is only 40 to [-] years old, and looks gentle.

Seeing everyone's opinion, he smiled slightly: "Our Ye family will not be jealous of the virtuous and capable, and we hope that those who come out of the territory can have higher achievements."

"Hehe... It's hard to say, isn't it? The land in the Eastern Wasteland has been reclaimed by your Ye family for 3 years. How many Xuanhuangs and Xuandi have been born? Just 200 years ago, one person finally became Xuandi However, he died unexpectedly in a mission, and now, I am afraid that there is not even a Xuanhuang?"

"Then, what do you think, how many Xuan Emperors should appear in Donghuang? Donghuang doesn't even have a single sacred stone, and there are enemies on all sides. Every time you come and go, you need to take huge risks. What about the situation of Burial God Valley and Death Fog Sea? It's not that I don't know." Ye Xiangwen said.

"That's right, but how do you Ye family plan to treat this Chu Tianshu?"

"Since he can be favored by Senior Shadow Dancer, it is his blessing, and our Ye family will naturally support him," Ye Xiangwen said.

"I hope so."

As soon as the person arguing with him finished speaking, he left in the air.

The rest of the people seemed unwilling to stay any longer, and left one after another.

Ye Xiangwen's face slowly turned gloomy.

The more outstanding Chu Tianshu is, the uglier the members of the Ye family will look.

After all, Chu Tianshu can be regarded as a citizen of the Ye family, but he was almost cornered by the Ye family.

Many people already knew that Emperor Ye Hongye even tried to kill Chu Tianshu and seize his space holy artifact, but he failed.

However, the place of Donghuang is shared by the Ye family and the Tianji Chamber of Commerce. As one of the major shareholders of the Tianji Chamber of Commerce, the Hu family does not need to discuss with the Ye family if they want a person from Donghuang.

Ye Xiangwen was surrounded by several Emperor Xuan of the Ye family, and they were all looking at Ye Xiangwen.

"We'll talk about it when we go back." Ye Xiangwen also turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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