The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 875 Bidding for the Holy Soul Pill

Chapter 875 Bidding for the Holy Soul Pill

After the senior management left, Leng Hanshuang and the others still stayed here. Now, they finally "understand" everything.

It turned out that Hu Yingwu was secretly helping Chu Tianshu.

But they didn't dare to hate Hu Yingwu, and they didn't even dare to complain at all.

It felt like Chu Tianshu, a country bumpkin, made himself ashamed in front of his mentor and saint.

"Hmph, let me see how long you can be so arrogant, when the Profound Sage Shadow Dancer will completely recover the memory of his previous life and become the great fox shadow sage, you will be kicked away like garbage. You will die a miserable death, and you, Ji Ruxin, as long as I, Leng Hanshuang, can still breathe, you will never feel better!"

Leng Hanshuang cursed before returning to the courtyard.


At this time, Ji Ruxin was walking in the valley holding hands with Chu Tianshu.

This is called Phoenix Valley.

The scenery is beautiful and pleasant.

Ji Ruxin turned her head to look at Chu Tianshu, and said with a smile: "Now you have offended everyone in the academy."

"I don't care, but you, you must protect yourself."

"Don't worry, I will strive to reach Xuanzun realm as soon as possible."

"Well, here's something for you."

Chu Tianshu called out the Pearl Queen.

Ji Ruxin stared at this crystal-like pearl, and immediately widened her eyes: "It's so beautiful."

"She is the Pearl Queen, you can call her Pearl, but she is still in the process of cultivation, and she should be able to reach the high-level Xuanhuang level in a short time. You can take her with you. If you encounter danger, you can take her with you." If it is thrown out, even the Xuanhuang of the same level should not be able to beat it."

"It can still cultivate? It is about to reach the high-level Xuanhuang realm?"

Chu Tianshu held the pearl in his hands, showing surprise.

Soul power fluctuations came from inside the pearl: "Pearl has seen the mistress."

"Huh? You might take human form? Let me see?"

"Yes, mistress."

After the pearl responded, it released a more brilliant light, condensing into the form of a coquettish woman.

He also bowed to Ji Ruxin.

"What a beautiful elf."

Ji Ruxin pinched Pearl's cheek, and it felt like a real person, soft and warm.

"With her by your side, you can ignore toxins and most illusions." Chu Tianshu laughed.

"Thank you, Tianshu."

"You're welcome with me." Chu Tianshu patted Ji Ruxin on the top of her head.

The pearl has restrained its light again, turned into a pearl again, and flew into Ji Ruxin's hands.

Ji Ruxin also put the pearl into her arms.

"Go, I'll show you around."

Ji Ruxin held Chu Tianshu's hand again, and walked forward.

After wandering around for a long time, Ji Ruxin also told Chu Tianshu about the general situation of Phoenix Academy.

Before they knew it, they came to the Phoenix auction house.

The three-story hall is also the only auction house in the Phoenix Mountain Range, but the items auctioned here are all precious things.

Even many high-level Xuanxiu from other places came here admiringly.

"How about we go in and have a look?" Chu Tianshu asked Ji Ruxin.

"Listen to you, who told you that you are a local rich man?" Ji Ruxin smiled.

"Hey...then let's go, no matter what you like today, I will auction it for you!" Chu Tianshu patted his chest and said.

However, what they said made the passers-by sneer.

"You are young, but your tone is not small, you are really ignorant and fearless!"

"Isn't this Chu Tianshu, the fiancé of Profound Sage Shadow Dancer? Just borrowed the power of the saint and escaped a catastrophe, and now he is boasting so much?"

"Why are you telling them this? They are just two natives of the Eastern Desolation who have never seen the world. How can they know how rich the Middle Earth is?"


Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin turned their heads to look, and there were five young Xuanhuang passing by their side.

However, seeing their sarcasm on their faces, it was really a bit embarrassing.

Seeing Chu Tianshu glaring at him, these people laughed again.

"Boy, don't take yourself too seriously. Don't think that you are just as great as the female saint's fiancé. The higher you stand, the harder you will fall. The water in Middle Earth is very deep..."

After saying that, the first man in a fine attire walked away laughing loudly.

The rest followed suit.

Chu Tianshu smiled coldly, but didn't say much. He took Ji Ruxin's hand and followed him into the room.

However, as soon as they stepped into the gate, the gatekeeper said: "Please show your identity tokens."

Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin summoned their Phoenix Token.

The other party looked at it, and then let the two of them in.

The first floor is the reception hall, and the auction is held on the second and third floors.

However, if you want to enter the venue, you must first pay a part of the deposit. The more the deposit, the better the location.

It's just that the two came late, and the good seats in front were gone, so they could only find two seats against the wall at the back of the auction hall, and sat down.

Coincidentally, the five Xuanhuang who had just entered were also sitting nearby. After seeing the two of them, the corners of their mouths sneered again.

At this time, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

The auction has also officially started.

A female auctioneer with an outstanding appearance and a beautiful figure stepped on a catwalk and stepped to the front of the stage.

Behind him was a woman carrying a tray with ten medicine bottles on it.

A few words were clearly written on the medicine bottle: Holy Soul Pill.

This is one of the necessary medicines for a master to break through to Xuanzun, and it is also a elixir for improving the fighting spirit.

Even the current Chu Tianshu doesn't have this kind of medicine on his body.

"It's interesting, it's best to take them all!" Chu Tianshu secretly said.

The female auctioneer had already said: "Hello everyone, my name is Tian Yiyi, and I am also the auctioneer in charge of today's auction. The first item we are going to auction today is these ten bottles of Holy Soul Pills. Each bottle contains only one." , this elixir comes from Xuansheng Hua Xiangrong, a holy alchemist."

"The elixir refined by Xuansheng Hua?"

Everyone was surprised.

Hua Xiangrong is one of the greatest alchemists among human beings, not only the holy teacher of the senior alchemist class of Phoenix Academy, but also the priest of Phoenix Temple.

Not only is her status extremely noble, she also has a flower-like appearance, and she is the goddess in the hearts of many men.

It's a pity that he is extremely mysterious and rarely shows up.

So much so that everyone wanted to see his face, but they didn't have that chance.

"Quickly tell me, how many sacred stones do you need for this Holy Soul Pill? I want it." A wealthy Xuanhuang said.

"The starting price for each one is ten thousand god stones." Tian Yiyi said.

After hearing this, Chu Tianshu was slightly surprised.

He also never thought that the Holy Soul Pill was so precious.

Ten thousand god stones are enough for an ordinary person to possess the blood talent of a middle-grade mysterious grade.

"Just in case, I want one." Xuanhuang who asked the question just now said.

Adding a thousand directly is rare.

But Tian Yiyi beamed with joy, and said: "This Emperor Xuan has already bid ten thousand, is there any higher price?"

"Eleven thousand and one." Someone said again.

"Eleven thousand and two."


The following people are all added one hundred and one hundred.

When the price exceeded [-], no one shouted the price anymore.

The Holy Soul Pill is not a rare medicine in Middle-earth, and the price has been set long ago.

Even in some black markets, there are holy soul pills from other races, and the price is generally not higher than [-].

The reason why it is much higher here is mainly because of the name Hua Xiangrong.

"Is there any one with a higher price?" Tian Yiyi glanced at everyone present.

Chu Tianshu glanced at Ji Ruxin, and secretly said: "Why don't we buy this Holy Soul Pill? Whether you use it or take it to Donglu, it won't be wasted."

"Do you have so many divine stones on your body?" Ji Ruxin replied.

She knew that Chu Tianshu should have accumulated some money because of the communication device.

But a communicator only sells ten god stones, which itself requires a high cost. How much does it have to sell to earn [-]?
Chu Tianshu smiled and said, "Didn't you just say that? I'm a rich man."

In fact, Chu Tianshu doesn't even know how many divine stones he has now.

Anyway, the communicator has spread throughout the entire Northland Demon Race area at an extremely fast speed.

Even in the kingdoms ruled by the Tianyu God Clan in the north of Middle-earth, it has already begun to use it.

Even if each one only earns a few divine stones, the wealth he receives every day dazzles him.

"I will offer [-] divine stones." Chu Tianshu raised his arms and said.

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to Chu Tianshu, and then showed a hint of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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