Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 724 738 [Big Changes]

Chapter 724 738 [Big Changes]

1994, April 8.

This era is the era of advertising explosion, and many business people know how to use advertising to package themselves.

On TV, various advertisements in newspapers emerge in endlessly.

If there is one kind of advertisement that can achieve the ultimate in carpet bombing, it is undoubtedly the "health care product" advertisement.

This kind of "health care product" made of amino acids is widely used in various advertisements, such as TV advertisements, newspaper advertisements, and those cheap paper advertisements, which are even distributed by some old women. thousands of households.

How high is this kind of carpet bombing? When you go to the remote Northwest, where there is no one in sight, you see a few sheep herding children. You can find paper advertisements for those health care products.

Paper advertisements have greatly lowered the grade of such advertisements, especially in a metropolis like Zhonghai, where the reform and opening up is relatively avant-garde and the economy is relatively developed, paper advertisements have been despised by many knowledgeable, cultured and civilized Zhonghai people— ——The sweeping aunt also despises it, and she can't finish cleaning.

But this time, Ericsson's DM advertisement will break this "contempt" and create a miracle.


six o'clock in the morning--
The most prosperous intersection of the Yangtze River in Zhonghai City.

Udon stared at the eighteen old ladies who had been temporarily recruited in front of him.

The eighteen old women all stood upright with their chests upright, their chins raised, as proud as the Red Detachment of Women.

With his hands behind his back, Udon gave them a lecture. The content was that this time, only success is allowed and no failure is allowed when distributing leaflets!If it succeeds, the daily salary of each person will be doubled, but if it fails, then don’t even think about messing around in Zhonghai’s advertising market in the future.

Udon’s tone was dignified, his expression serious, like a general, and he was very relieved to see these old ladies listening carefully—a high salary is good. Others send advertisements for three yuan a day, but he himself pays three yuan a day. Ten yuan, in this day and age, earning ten yuan a day is definitely a big sum, especially for these unskilled old ladies, this is a rare "high salary".

Eighteen old women listened carefully, listening carefully, for fear that Udon would get upset and fire him.

Udon was very pleased, and finally said something to this unique team: "Napoleon of France said that a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. I hope you can come back triumphantly and send out all the [-] leaflets!" Zhang Buliu!"

With a creak, a van stopped, and a group of people rushed down from above, lifted the bundled DM advertisements from the car, and threw it in front of eighteen old women.

Colored single pages, thick coated paper, exudes a fresh ink atmosphere.

The eighteen old women became nervous. They didn't expect there to be so many. Can they send them all in one day?

Udon didn't care about this, seeing that the DM advertisement had arrived, he waved his hand immediately: "Start to act!"

Stacks of heavy leaflets fell into the arms of the old ladies. They held these extremely heavy leaflets with their stomachs pouting like women who were pregnant in October. Same?
Those black-and-white paper advertisements are very thin and soft, and they don’t feel like holding them in your hands. They can be used to wipe your butt occasionally when you go to the toilet.

The old ladies tried their best to stand upright and looked at their leader, Udon.

Udon was very satisfied with their hard-working attitude, so he began to distribute the routes one by one, telling them that two people would distribute along the street, there would be lunch boxes at noon, and they had to distribute all the advertisements in one day.

Hearing what Udon said, the old ladies kept silent, and some were planning in their minds. At that time, they would find a way to get some of these damn leaflets into the trash can, or just stuff a lot of them to passers-by, and try their best to throw them away. "Finish".

Udon, however, was like a roundworm in their stomachs. He knew what they were thinking and told them directly that he would send supervisors to watch over them. If anyone dared to waste a leaflet, not only the salary of the day would be deducted, but also the printing cost of the advertisement would be claimed .

Old mothers: "..."

When the team broke up, two groups of old women whispered to each other: "What are you watching, how do we send it out? It's no wonder they can see it!" It's over!" "There are policies above and there are countermeasures, we are still the same!" "Hey, that's it!"

Before the two finished biting their ears, Udon added another sentence behind them: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you about one very important thing. You two should supervise each other in groups—everyone who reports on the other party is a waste If you don’t hand out leaflets properly, each person will be rewarded with 1000 yuan!”

All aunts: "..."

1000 yuan?

What is this concept?
In this era, many people can earn half a year's salary!
Two bikes can be bought!

You can buy five piglets!
You can buy two thousand catties of rice!

In an instant, the aunts who had gathered together and bit their ears just now looked at each other like enemies, full of vigilance.


Situations like this are going on in many places in China Overseas.

Huanghe Road, Taishan Road, Jinling Road, and Jingcheng Road, etc., as long as Zhonghai City is relatively developed and the population is relatively concentrated, similar scenes can be seen.

Zhou Guang led the team, Ding Duobao led the team, and Lu Jun led the team. The DM team organized by them was marching towards the destination in a mighty manner.

He is arrogant and high-spirited, just like the hero who crossed the Yalu River back then.


Zhonghai City, near the Bund——
As a famous tourist attraction in Zhonghai City, the Bund has always been a good place for local people to relax and entertain, and for foreigners to travel here.

At this moment, the originally scorching sun in the sky was blocked by overcast clouds, and there was a gust of cool wind blowing from the beach from time to time. It was rare to have such refreshing weather in hot summer, and there were more and more people near the Bund.

Lao Zheng is an old resident of Zhonghai City. He works in a steelmaking factory. Now that the reform and opening up, the factory has been restructured, the efficiency of his factory has gradually improved, and the wages have been paid in a timely manner.

But what makes Lao Zheng most happy is that his son has a marriage. The woman has a good family, has a house and a job, and the most important thing is that she is beautiful and polite. Lao Zheng thinks it is very good, and his son also thinks it is very good. Okay, but... Hey, Lao Zheng sighed. The last time his son met the woman, he was depressed. It turned out that the woman bought a new mobile phone for her daughter. Every time the girl called, the son's BB phone rang, I had to run out to find a public phone, but I couldn't get in the line several times, and I almost missed the appointment.

After a few times, the son complained to Lao Zheng that who still has a BB mobile phone on his waist now?

What can Lao Zheng say, that mobile phone is not something ordinary people can afford. One is [-] to [-], and the most expensive one is [-] to [-]. You can buy a house in the countryside.

Because of this incident, the son had a conflict with Lao Zheng. If the son said that he would not buy a mobile phone, he would not fall in love or get married, and would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Lao Zheng said that you love to talk but not to tie, and I don't owe you anything for raising you so much.

The son yelled at home, and the yelling made his wife quarrel with Lao Zheng. No, Lao Zheng's head exploded from the quarrel, and he went out to stroll on the Bund, out of sight and out of mind.

There are many small vendors on the Bund, some selling fruits, stamps, and small general merchandise. Occasionally, someone would grab Lao Zheng and ask furtively: "Do you want a dish? Japanese lifestyle movies!" With a mysterious expression, The tone is ambiguous.

Of course Lao Zheng knows what a "life movie" is --- not long ago he met such a seller, the seller kept boasting that the film was good, it was a story of seven strong men fighting beautiful women, Lao Zheng couldn't stand the struggle, so he bought it secretly I took one back home, but I stuffed it into a VCD and looked at it. The ghost's "life movie" turned out to be the cartoon "Gourd Baby".

Unexpectedly, this time he ran into someone selling CDs again. Lao Zheng took a closer look at the other person, but he was not the one from last time. These fake sellers usually shoot one shot to change places, and they are more monkey-like than guerrillas.

Seeing that Lao Zheng ignored him, selling CDs felt useless, so he left. Lao Zheng was about to turn his head and continue walking when suddenly an old lady stopped in front of him.

"Why, are you still here?" Lao Zheng was a little angry, these CD sellers are too shameless, but before he got angry, a beautiful DM advertisement was stuffed in front of him——
"Mortgage to buy a mobile phone, please choose Ericsson!" The old lady said enthusiastically in Zhonghai dialect.

Old Zheng folded his hands behind his back: "..."

What the hell?

Mortgage to buy a mobile phone?
Lao Zheng looked at the advertisement stuffed in front of him, and couldn't help but accept it.

When you get it, it feels exquisite, thick, and smells like ink——look at the content of the advertisement again: Are you worried about not being able to buy a mobile phone?Have you ever lost face because you don't have a mobile phone?Now all problems can be solved!Mortgage to buy a mobile phone, Ericsson helps you!
Old Zheng: "..."

Mumble again, hell!
Yes, it’s really a hell——I saw that this advertising color page, which can be called a work of art, clearly stated that only need to provide identification and salary slips, you can pay 200 yuan, and the value Tens of thousands of Ericsson mobile phones were brought home, and the specific repayment content and repayment period were written on it.

Does this work too?
Lao Zheng was stunned.

At this moment, there is a large group of people who are as stunned as Lao Zheng. These people met the team of aunts who distributed DM advertisements while visiting the Bund. After they received the advertisement color page, they were stunned by the content above.

"No way, you can buy a mobile phone for only 100 yuan?" A young man couldn't help exclaiming.

"Oh my god, is this still possible? Can you buy a mobile phone like this?" A fashionable girl covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"Mortgage to buy a mobile phone, so everyone can buy a mobile phone?" A knowledgeable man rubbed his chin and thought.

"This mobile phone market is about to change!" A businessman sighed.

In the distance, the river is rolling.

In the sky, the situation changes.

(End of this chapter)

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