My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 191 Morning run with Mr. Huang

Chapter 191 Morning run with Mr. Huang (for subscription)

After soaking your feet, it's time to sleep.

Sleeping is really nothing to broadcast, and the daily live broadcast time is limited, so Li Xiao simply turned off the broadcast.

If you simply lie on the bed and sleep soundly, there is naturally nothing to broadcast.

But if you fight on the bed like a big love movie in the island country, then it won't be aired!

After enjoying Pengpeng's foot pinching, Li Xiao felt comfortable lying on the bed made by his sister.

I just moved into the mushroom house today, and it was much easier than I imagined.

Everyone is very natural, without the airs of a big star as imagined.

Li Xiao naturally blended into it quickly.

They are not like some self-righteous young traffickers and female stars who have not yet made their debut and become famous. When they go to the mall, they need a dozen security guards to surround themselves, causing a sensation on the entire street. To close the road.

Or when you get on the elevator, if you see someone inside, you have to drive them out and sit on it by yourself.

(It's all true news reports. As for who it is, you can go to Du Niang to find it. I dare not mention it in the book)!


vertical day.

Li Xiao woke up first.

He also didn't want to wake up early, mainly because Peng Peng's snoring affected his sleep quality.

Huang Sanshi was the second to wake up.

The two looked at each other, understood the meaning in each other's eyes, put on their clothes on tiptoe, and left the room without waking anyone up.

"Director, do you also have the habit of running in the morning?"

After walking a certain distance, Huang Sanshi asked.

Li Xiao said truthfully: "I can't run in the morning every day, but I will run whenever I have time."

"Let's compete?"


Huang Sanshi has the habit of jogging in the morning, whenever a new guest arrives, he will invite him to jog in the morning.

There are many benefits to running in the morning, which can enhance physical fitness, improve immunity, and improve mental state.

In the past, Huang Sanshi had a fat stomach and walked like a penguin, but after a long morning run, he became much thinner and looked younger.

Remember, you should add enough water and a small amount of food before your morning run.

To avoid the lack of endogenous oxygen, it is not advisable to run in the morning in foggy days, and it is also not advisable to run in the morning in places with poor air quality.

Before the morning run, Li Xiao turned on the live broadcast.

As Li Xiao and Huang Sanshi appeared on the screen, the entire barrage exploded instantly.

"It's true! It's really broadcasting the new season of "Longing for Life" here!"

"I'm a die-hard fan of "Longing for Life". I heard from my classmates last night that this anchor is broadcasting live, so I came to squat early this morning."

"The one next to him is Mr. Huang, he's thinner than last season."

"Damn it! What kind of fairy face is this anchor!"

"No wonder I was able to participate in the recording of "Longing for Life". You are so handsome. I will break up with my boyfriend right away. I can pursue you."

"A newcomer is here, a newcomer is here, a newcomer is here for the live broadcast."

"Let me introduce you solemnly. This is the director of the Gushan Zoo who has been on the hot search for a while ago. Although he is a director on the surface, he is a cultivator behind the scenes. It depends on when he will have a showdown with us." !"

As soon as the broadcast started, the live broadcast room was already boiling.

Most of the people gathered here are fans of "Longing for Life".

After a warm-up of a live broadcast last night, they all learned about it today and rushed to watch it.

It's not that Li Xiao is not famous, and it's not that they don't pay attention to the news, but that there are really a lot of passers-by who don't want to watch the anchors. In their impression, none of the anchors is good, and they are all moths who want to get something for nothing.

Nowadays, although anchors make a lot of money, they also ruin the popularity of passers-by.

In order to make money, some anchors do not hesitate to cheat the money of elementary school students.

Although some anchors carry goods, basically none of them are real.

Some anchors know pk all day long, blatantly cheating money.

While looking at the rolling screen, Li Xiao ran with Huang Sanshi.

His physical fitness is so good that he can catch up with Huang Sanshi without concentrating on it.

In order to give Huang Sanshi a face, he was a meter or two slower from beginning to end.

Huang Sanshi was very enthusiastic, and he didn't forget to turn his head and wave his hands to greet the fans in the live broadcast room.

After running around the whole village, the two returned to the mushroom house.

Today's morning run let Li Xiao know the whole picture of the village, which is also a kind of harvest.

When he ran back to the mushroom house, Huang Sanshi was sweating profusely and panting, but Li Xiao acted as if nothing had happened. He glanced at a wooden stick in the corner, picked it up casually, and started playing straight away.

"I haven't been addicted to running, so I'll play a trick with a stick."

"Stick method, skill is not power!"

"The stick method does not advocate reckless strength in martial arts, but pays attention to techniques and methods, using both hardness and softness."

Li Xiao said softly.

Huang Sanshi didn't expect Li Xiao to have such abilities, so he simply sat aside and admired.

In the beginning, Li Xiao's stick technique was quite slow.

But as time went on, Huang Sanshi and the tourists in the live broadcast room discovered that the wind was blowing.

And the wind is getting stronger.

Next to Li Xiao, there was a big tree. At this time, the branches of the big tree were shaking slightly, making "rustling" sounds constantly.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of leaf fell down.

In the blink of an eye, the ground was already covered with leaves, and those leaves were still rolling and fluttering gravitationally with Li Xiao's swinging stick.

The scenery is very good.

An absolute visual treat.

It can be directly shot into martial arts movies.

"I'll go, I'll go. At first I thought the director was just playing for fun, but I didn't expect that he would actually do it. This posture looks like a master!"

"Director: I'm also a cultivator after all, so knowing a little stick technique isn't too much?"

"Four-Eyed Boy: I work as a maintenance worker. It's not too much to carry a wrench when I play football, right?"

"The newcomer's eyes are wide open, the director is going to pretend!"

"Damn it, hurry up and tell me, what kind of stick technique is this?"

"I know, the dog-beating-stick method!"

"Fart! The monkey stick method in Mingming City Naruto!"

"Stop talking nonsense, this is Goro's gossip stick, the same Goro's gossip stick from Master Xing's movie "Kung Fu"!"

"Fuck! This move is really true!"

"It turns out that everything in Master Xing's movie is real. I always thought it was unreal."

"No way, Master Xing is such a good actor and director who pursues reality!"

That's right, what Li Xiao used was Wulangba stick.

This is included in the fighting skills rewarded by the system.

According to legend, Wulang Bagua stick method was first created by Yang Wulang, one of the Yang family generals in the Song Dynasty, hence the name.

According to legend, Yang Wulang Yang Yande went out with his father and learned that several elder brothers died in battle, and his father killed Li Lingbei. He was heartbroken, so he came to Mount Wutai to become a monk under the guidance of the eminent monk Zhiguang.

Using guns to turn sticks into sticks, the stick method evolved from Taiji to two instruments, two instruments to four images, and four images to eight trigrams, which evolved into a 64-point stick method, which conforms to the number of internal and external eight trigrams and eight eight trigrams, hence the name "Wulang Bagua".

(End of this chapter)

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