Chapter 676
Li Guangyu originally planned to return to Xiangjiang the next morning, but Chen Yuxia's arrival made him postpone this plan.

The Li's consortium still owes her a little. If it wasn't for the Li's consortium, her second uncle would not have been in an accident, causing her to lose her only relative. Currently, she can only support the family business by herself.

Moreover, the hotel business she took over is not good at present, even if the transfer is difficult, I don't know why she came here this time.

Li Guangyu had a meeting with Chen Yuxia at the teahouse of the hotel. If this person had any difficulties today, considering what happened before, Li Guangyu was still willing to help.

After sitting down, Chen Yuxia said: "Li Sheng, thank you for remembering me and for giving me the opportunity to meet you."

"Miss Chen, I'm also very sorry about your second uncle's matter. If it weren't for our group's reasons, this situation would not have happened."

Hearing Li Guangyu's words, Chen Yuxia was also saddened. The second uncle who took care of her since childhood left her like this, which made her very sad. Fortunately, what happened later made her walk out of this difficult journey.

Why didn't she expect that because of this incident, she would be able to see her biological parents again this time.

With the turnaround of the domestic situation, some of the negative influences of Chen Yuxia's parents have been eliminated, and his father is currently working in the government of Ludao City.It was also because the incident about Li Xuelan was too big this time, and the investigation was also going on there, and her parents only knew about her life experience.

She is currently handling Lisboa's property and is going to Ludao to live with her parents.

The reason why she came to see Li Guangyu this time was because she wanted to do something for her father. She grew up in Xiangjiang, so she knew the influence of Li's consortium in Xiangjiang. Ludao City is also one of the special economic zones. She hoped to be in the middle Play the role of matchmaking, so that Li's consortium can invest more in Ludao.

Chen Yuxia said: "Li Sheng, I also know that the mastermind behind that incident has been punished as it should be, and I believe that my second uncle can also rest in peace. I came to see you this time, firstly, to thank you for helping my second uncle Revenge, and secondly, also for my father."

According to Li Guangyu's investigation at the time, Chen Yuxia was born as an orphan and was brought up by her second uncle. Her father suddenly appeared, what happened.

"Miss Chen, the Passbaugh family must have provoked the anger of the heavens and the people, that's why God punished them in this way, causing frequent accidents in the Passbaugh family, which is why there is such a result. As for your father's matter, I don't know where it came from. Let's talk about it."

Chen Yuxia did not want to get to the bottom of things about the Pasib family, and she didn't want to know the truth of the matter, as Li Guangyu said, maybe this was God's punishment for the Pasbo family.

When she was more than eight years old, she was sent out of the mainland to live with her second uncle. This second uncle was not her own second uncle, but just one of her grandfather's subordinates. Because of some changes in the mainland, for her own safety, Grandpa and father had to send themselves out of the mainland to keep themselves safe.

Now the situation has turned again. Although her grandfather has passed away, her parents are still alive. Moreover, after the mainland designer came to power, her father cleared up the unjust, false and wrong case.

After the Li Xuelan incident this time, her life experience surfaced again. She also met her mother and is currently dealing with the property of Lisboa. From now on, she will no longer be an orphan and can enjoy the care of her parents.

She knew very well that Li's consortium and Xiangjiang's business people put their main market in Pengcheng Special Zone, which is very close to Xiangjiang, which is conducive to their management.

However, Ludao City is located in Fujian Province. Compared with the Pengcheng area, its influence on the Xiangjiang business community is too far away, and its attractiveness cannot be compared with Pengcheng.

The Li's consortium in Xiangjiang is a weather vane. As long as the Li's consortium is willing to invest in Ludao to establish a production company, then many business personnel in Xiangjiang will also consider investing in Ludao to establish a production company.

Chen Yuxia said: "Mr. Li, I believe you have also investigated some information. I came to Xiangjiang in 67. I don't want to mention some things in it. I believe you know more than me. At present, the mainland There have been great changes there. My father is currently serving as a deputy senior official of the Ludao City Government. After my affairs are settled, I will return to Ludao to live with my family. This time you come to Lisboa, we I also hope that the Li Family Group can go to Ludao for inspection and invest in the local area."

Li Guangyu understood some of these things as soon as he heard it. It was just about investing in Ludao. He really didn't have any projects to cooperate with them. Now Hongyu Clothing Group has no need to expand at all.

As for Xiangyuji's toy company, Pengyu Group is already able to meet the needs here, and there is no need for expansion.

After thinking for a while, Li Guangyu said: "Look at this, after I return to Xiangjiang, I will discuss with the senior management to determine the future development of our group, and then I will send a delegation to investigate Ludao to determine the status of our Li Group over there. investment projects."

Chen Yuxia knew very well that it was very good for her to get such a promise. If it wasn't because of her second uncle, Li Guangyu probably wouldn't have considered this issue at all.

The focus of Li's consortium's investment has always been the Pengcheng Special Zone, and there are basically no other places.If the Li's consortium can make some investment in Ludao this time, it will play a huge role in the development of the local special zone.

At present, among the four special zones, only the Pengcheng Special Zone has a very satisfactory development form, and the other three special zones cannot be compared with the Pengcheng Special Zone.The main reason is that the first choice for many businessmen in Xiangjiang to invest is the Pengcheng Special Economic Zone. The other three special zones rely more on investment from fellow villagers abroad.

Chen Yuxia said: "Mr. Li, the senior management of Ludao welcomes the senior management of Li's consortium to visit. The policies there are no less than those in Pengcheng area. I believe that your investment in Ludao will create a win-win situation for you and Ludao. "

Li Guangyu himself didn't know which groups would expand production in the coming year. After all, the new year's meeting hadn't been held yet, and the plans of each group for the coming year hadn't been reported yet.He couldn't promise Chen Yuxia anything, after all, he couldn't interrupt the reservation plans of the major groups.

Li Guangyu said: "I believe that the future development of Ludao will be infinitely bright, and I am also very optimistic about Ludao's market, but I don't know the plans of the major groups, so I can't give you an answer right now. But don't worry. , if our group under Li’s has plans to expand, Ludao will be our first choice.”

After chatting with Chen Yuxia for more than an hour, Chen Yuxia bid farewell to Li Guangyu and left.

When Li Guangyu investigated the information on Chen Yuxia and his second uncle, he had some doubts, especially the hotel staff mentioned to Li Guangyu that Chen Yuxia's second uncle treated Chen Yuxia more like a servant treats a young lady.

Now he finally understands why, and he can only lament this era. As for the issue of investing in Ludao, he still needs to discuss with the group's senior management.Make a decision later.

 The elders passed their birthdays today, so I can only update here today. Starting tomorrow, I will have three consecutive days and six updates to make up for today's shortcomings. Please forgive me.

  At the same time, I would like to thank book friend 3596 for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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