Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 166 I'll Fuck You!

Chapter 166 I'll Fuck You!
A dozen more people passed by.

There are difficult ones and there are easy ones.

For example, the questions given by the teachers of Haida University are very simple, in order to let Ye Feng get one more point.However, no matter whether it was difficult or easy, Ye Feng didn't open his mouth and let the other players rush to answer.

Soon, it was the turn of the Poetry Association to come up with the questions.

"The moon is full in the sky, and the moon is half in the ground. The moon is full and the moon is half."

When the moon is full in the sky, it happens to be halfway through each month. It can be said that this couplet is very tricky.People from the Poetry Association, they specialize in the study of poetry, and this stuff and couplets can be regarded as blood relatives, so their upper couplets are very high-level!Just like this Shanglian, for a while, no one really can tell.

However, Professor Ye, who had been silent all this time, came back to life at this time.

"The end of today, the beginning of tomorrow, and the beginning of each year!" A mosquito-like sound came out of Ye Feng's mouth, and the people next to him were stunned again.

Professor Ye doesn't have a headache anymore?
start again right?
Look at the person who made the question again, it's from the Poetry Association...

Zhao Huangming quickly stood up and repeated it loudly.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard it, especially the people from the Poetry Association, who almost vomited blood.

Are you fucking too much?
Do you get a headache when it's someone else's turn?
Are you ready when it's our turn?
And continue to have a headache?

I rub!

Too deceiving!
But no matter what, Ye Feng did match up the couplet.


The three judges gave it a pass without even thinking about it.

The following is a question from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and someone Ye here is starting to have a headache again...

Half an hour later, people from the Poetry Association came again.

The man squinted his eyes and was very cautious, and said a rather uncommon couplet, "The crow flies into the herons, sending charcoal in the snow."

But this time Ye Feng didn't wait, and directly gave the second line, Zhao Huangming repeated loudly: "Professor Ye is icing on the cake for Phoenix standing beside the mandarin duck."

"...Crap!" The angry man didn't even hold back, and swears directly.


He is also a member of the Poetry Association.

This person had colluded with Sun Qi before, and he had already told Sun Qi the next couplet. After giving Sun Qi a wink, this person said confidently: "A lonely boat with two or three poets on it, using four oars Five sails, passing through six beaches and seven bends, experienced ups and downs, and it was a pity that it was very late." This is a long couplet of numbers, and he doesn't believe that Ye Feng can match it so quickly!
As soon as the first couplet came out, Sun Qi stood up immediately, and was about to speak, but Zhao Huangming over there shouted directly: "Professor Ye has entered ninety-eight academies in the ten-year cold window, put aside all emotions and six desires, and studied the Five Classics and Four Books hard. , I took the exam three times, and I must be in high school today."

I grass!

Are you fucking poisonous?

Such a long couplet doesn't take even a second?

So fast?
Don't you have to think about it?
Sun Qi's mentality immediately exploded, and the other players also looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, it is a fool if you can't see it.

Professor Ye is targeting the Poetry Association!
No matter how simple other people's Shanghai couplets are, he can't get one wrong; no matter how difficult the poetry association's Shanghai couplets are, he can't miss one!
What does it mean?
Sun Meng reported Ye Feng for cheating, and Ye Feng was taking revenge?


The people from the Poetry Association are finally angry!

It was the Poetry Association's turn again, one person stood up and said directly to Ye Feng: "Sprinkle cold water on the window, two o'clock to the east, three o'clock to the west!" This is a couplet.

There was no movement on Ye Feng's side, only Zhao Huangming crouched in front of Ye Feng for a while, then stood up and said loudly: "Professor Ye cut melons into pieces, cut seven horizontally and eight vertically." Without looking at that person, Zhao Huangming sat down directly.

Just so confident!

There is no need to wait for the judges to pass, because Professor Ye's second couplet must be passed!
"Heaven makes the chessboard, the stars are the players, who would dare to play?" After 10 minutes, it was the people from the Poetry Association who challenged Ye Feng again.

It was still Zhao Huangming, who sneered, "Professor Ye is playing the pipa to the ground, who can play it?"

Two 10 minutes later.

There are also people from the Poetry Association with a dark face, "Shuiluzhou, stop the boat on the continent, and stop the boat on the continent!"

"Professor Ye is facing the Tianxin Pavilion, the pigeons have fallen from the pavilion, and the pigeons have not flown to the Pavilion!"



two rounds...

three four...

As long as someone from the Poetry Association proposes a question, Ye Feng will be right!

In the auditorium, almost everyone's attention was focused on the open and secret struggle between the Poetry Association and Ye Feng.

"In the red apricot bushes, I saw cattle and sheep coming out of the pen."

"Professor Ye heard the birds return to the forest at night in the suburbs of Luliu!"

"The wind blows, the frost falls, and the house becomes light snow!"

"Professor Ye sees the Double Ninth Festival at the bottom of the Rizhao Dragon Boat Festival and Qingming Festival!" Ye Feng also corrected the six solar terms.

"The old crow tramples off the old branch, and the crow flies away."

"Professor Ye is concerned about the return of the cranes to the fairy valley, and the cranes are chirping!"

Again and again all kinds of dissatisfaction and clamor, as long as it is the Poetry Association's turn to come up with a question, they will make the upper line as difficult as they can, racking their brains to make it hard for Ye Feng.However, Professor Ye treats all kinds of dissatisfaction!And the harder it is, the faster Ye Feng will be right!No stuttering at all!

The audience on the field applauded earnestly. Every time Ye Feng posed a question of the Poetry Association, the atmosphere on the field would be pushed to a new height.

Even the two hosts were stunned, and the hostess almost forgot to keep the score!
Finally, it was Sun Qi's turn to pose a question.

As Sun Meng's son, he hated Ye Feng so much that he said straight away, "The tree is already looking for the axe!"

Sure enough, as soon as Sun Qi finished speaking, Zhao Huangming, who was Ye Fengyu's voice transmitter, immediately stood up.


Sun Qi felt a chill in his heart!
This bastard is right again!

Almost everyone reacted like this after seeing Zhao Huangming stand up.

Professor Ye, you're right again!
"Professor Ye right...uh?"

However, Zhao Huangming raised his chest and raised his head just halfway through speaking, then suddenly his eyes widened, and he looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

what happened?

Sun Qi's eyes lit up!

there is a problem!

Zhao Hanyang, Sun Meng and the others were all impressed!
Ye Feng might not be right!
People from the Poetry Association are excited!
However, after three seconds, Zhao Huang uttered the second line surprisingly, "Professor Ye is... really irrelevant!"

What is this?

As soon as this second couplet came out, many people thought they had heard it wrong!
Really irrelevant?

What the hell is this?
The people from the Poetry Association are even more excited!
This second line, might as well be wrong!
Can this be called the next line?

Shit doesn't make sense!

After Sun Qi laughed for a while, he mocked: "What kind of nonsense is this?"

The lower couplet and the upper couplet have nothing to do with half a dime, and they are completely out of reach.

But Zhao Huangming said without blushing and heartbeat: "Professor Ye said that if you are right, you will definitely be right!" Although when he first heard this second couplet, he had almost the same reaction, thinking that he had heard it wrong. Woolen cloth.However, since Professor Ye is sure, he must be right!
Zhao Huangming firmly believed in Ye Feng, but many contestants started to mock him, especially the people from the Poetry Association and Zhao Hanyang.

"There is no logic!"

"On this level?"

"I said he was faking it, now he's showing it off?"

However, something even more puzzling happened.After thinking about it for a while, the three judges passed all of them directly!
Passed my grass!
Countless people were astonished!
Even Zhao Huangming was surprised, is this really a match?
"How is it possible!" Sun Qi was full of disbelief.

"Is this going to pass?" Zhao Hanyang couldn't bear it anymore.


"It's definitely shady!"

Many players quit.


A lot of viewers believed it a little bit, isn't it too hasty to pass the second couplet?
Old Feng explained in a calm manner: "I see some people are yelling about shady things, so don't talk nonsense if you are not good at learning. This couplet is very neat, why didn't it pass?"


Many players quit, why do you think we are blind?

At this time, another judge said indifferently: "You haven't heard of ruthless, have you?"

Ruthless right?
Many people were taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it, there really was such a saying.But this is the side door of the side door from a long time ago.

Mr. Feng explained: "The tree has been half-seeking the axe, and it really has nothing to do with it. The tree is already opposite to the fruit, and the half-finding is right. In ancient times, a search was eight feet long, and the ax was on the trunk. Two pairs of each other, It is extremely neat, but it has nothing to do with it. This is the so-called ruthless couplet. As it happens, Professor Ye’s second couplet also pointed out that this couplet has nothing to do with the first couplet. Looking at ancient and modern times, this couplet is also extremely rare among ruthless couplets. , naturally have to pass!"

With Mr. Qian's explanation, everyone understood.

Hold the grass!

What can he do?
Does Ye Feng even understand Ruthless?

When everyone looked at Ye Feng, who was slumped there, their eyes changed.

The next one is Zhao Hanyang's question. As the last runner-up, Zhao Hanyang's strength should not be underestimated.I saw Zhao Hanyang wrote a line on his question board, and then said: "I can't explain this couplet, please project it."

can not say?
This has aroused the curiosity of many people, wanting to see what this unspeakable Shanglian looks like.

Soon, the staff projected his Shanglian.

Everyone, including the contestants, was dumbfounded when they saw it.

"The sea water is falling toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward?"

"Is this a couplet or a tongue twister?"

"Ms. Zhao made a mistake?"

Many people can't even read well.

"Professor Ye, please!" Zhao Hanyang directly called Ye Feng by name, without any intention of asking others to rush to answer.It is true that others are really not right.This upper couplet is much more complicated than that of the first person from the Poetry Association to come up with a question!

Ye Feng glanced at it, "Pen." His voice was still weak.

Zhao Huang heard the news, and quickly found a pen and paper.

Ye Feng picked up the pen, and within three seconds, he finished writing.

Seeing this, Zhao Hanyang's expression darkened.

Even the three judges looked at Ye Feng curiously. Even they couldn't match this couplet for a while. Ye Feng wrote the second couplet so quickly?
The three looked at each other.

Soon, Ye Feng's second line was also projected on the big screen - the floating clouds grow and fade!
What is this link?
The three judges lowered their heads thoughtfully and read it several times in their hearts, but they didn't read it out.

It doesn't seem right this time, does it?

The three judges were a little uncertain.

On the court, only Zhao Hanyang looked gloomy. Although he didn't understand the second line very well, he had a bad premonition.

"How do you read the couplet?" Zhao Hanyang asked in a deep voice.

Ye Feng's voice was too low, and Zhao Huang turned around and said, "Professor Ye asked you how to read the Shanglian?"

Zhao Hanyang's complexion sank again, his heart was not good, and he said: "My Shanglian is the tide of the sea, the tide is rising, and the tide is falling!"

After reading these few sounds, the literal meaning is very clear. Many people suddenly realized at this time that this is the meaning of the Shanglian!

How did Professor Ye read the second couplet?

Many expectant eyes looked at Ye Feng.

At this time, Zhao Huang recounted it confidently: "Professor Ye said that his reading of the second couplet is floating and rising, and it grows and grows, and it grows and fades!"

I go!

Really matched!

At this time, one of the judges was about to pass, but was stopped by Mr. Feng. The judge looked at Mr. Feng in confusion, and Mr. Feng shook his head, "Keep watching." The judge was stunned, keep watching?
At this time, Zhao Hanyang narrowed his eyes and asked, "Do you have another pronunciation?"

Zhao Huangming relayed again: "Professor Ye asked if you have another pronunciation?"

"The sea tide, the tide goes up, and the tide goes down!"

"Professor Ye's rise to the floating clouds, the rise is long, and the long rise is gone!"

Listening to the respective changes of the two, I don't know how many people stared at them!
Hold the grass!

Can it be changed like this?

Zhao Hanyang frowned, and said again: "The tide of the sea is rising and falling!"

Zhao Huangming immediately said: "Professor Ye is up to the clouds, long and long, long and long!"

"The sea tide, the tide goes down, the tide goes down!"

"Professor Ye's ups and downs for floating clouds, long ups and long downs, long ups and downs!"


Zhao Hanyang didn't give up, and changed three or four times, but no matter how he changed, Ye Feng's second line could match!

Only then did Zhao Huangming understand how Principal Wu felt that time not long ago!

This is so cool!
You don't need to ask Professor Ye at all, you can see the second line directly by yourself!
And the audience players present also felt that the scene in front of them seemed familiar.

Isn't this the same posture as the flower picker at the beginning... Uh no, the upper couplet that stepped on the flower grid?It's just that this change also brings the pronunciation, which makes it even more difficult!

Zhao Hanyang is about to vomit blood, and you can match your sister's almost absolute couplet with a change in pronunciation?

Sun Qi over there turned blue with hatred, and his father Sun Meng off the court was almost fuming with anger!

Originally, he wanted to humiliate Ye Feng in the couplet competition, but who the hell knew that Ye Feng was pressed to the ground and rubbed hard again!
Besides, why are you rubbing against people from our Poetry Association?
So obvious, so deliberate?
Other people's Shanghai couplets are life and death wrong, but our Shanghai couplets are right life and death!

What the hell!

Stinky rascal!

The competition had to continue, but when it was the turn of the Poetry Association to join the league, many people chose to give up!
You are awesome!
I can't afford to mess with him!

Why don't he go out?

You are awesome, you can match me again?
Well, is Professor Ye still so awesome?

However, without Ye Feng and the people from the Poetry Association on the field facing each other, there are too many things to watch.Even the contestants who participated in the competition were a little tasteless.

Is the contrast too strong?

How enjoyable was it just now?
What now?I don't feel anything!
Not exciting at all!
 For you, I would love the whole world, alas.I pray that the heaven will be more beautiful, and I hope there will be no disease or disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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