I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 32 Before starting work: What to do if an acquaintance buys a house

Chapter 32 Before starting work: What to do if an acquaintance buys a house
Wu Yumin has also been in real estate for a few years, and is good at seizing all the factors that are beneficial to him to create opportunities.

"Sir, I'm sorry, Duan Xiaoming is still in the probationary period and can't receive customers yet. I'm Wu Yumin, the gold medal real estate consultant here..."

She smiled smugly.

Hmph, Duan Xiaoming, I blame you for not taking up the post!
I am determined to eat this order sister!
It can also be regarded as revenge for getting me punished before.

But she was too happy.

Brother Gou, who was wearing a mask, didn't like her: "Tell your leaders, I want Duan Xiaoming to receive you today, or I'll complain now!"

No one could see his expression, but his tone of voice didn't sound like a joke.

The customer service staff are all professionally trained, and they are especially good at controlling the atmosphere. They can laugh at anything that is not funny.

So the customer service had a picturesque smile and said, "Sir, please take a break with your wife, and I will report to the leader right away, please wait a moment."

"No, let's just wait here."

Wu Yumin pursed her lips in anger, and stomped her feet lightly, but she didn't dare to do anything wrong.

After all, if you move too much when you are angry, you will be punished if you fail.

The customer service immediately reported the situation to Qin Yanjiao, the supervisor on duty that day through a wireless headset.

Qin Yanjiao instructed her to invite Duan Xiaoming first.

Then Qin Yanjiao immediately called the manager Chen Taoan.

The four of Duan Xiaoming are practicing their speeches in the innermost area of ​​the negotiation area on the east side.

The other three stood and practiced.

He stood, sat, bent over, crossed his legs for a while, and muttered a few words from time to time.

People who didn't know thought he was casting spells into that notebook.

The customer service sister twisted her waist and walked to Duan Xiaoming's side, calling softly: "Duan Xiaoming, someone is looking for you."

Duan Xiaoming raised his head, one hand was still on the book, he was a little surprised: "Looking for me? Who?"

The customer service sister smiled professionally: "I haven't registered my name and number yet, a couple."

a couple?
Duan Xiaoming was stunned.

"Did you have anything to do with me?"

"Looking for you to buy a house."

Looking for me to buy a house?

A group of customers came in the morning, and they were in a hurry. They were afraid that the house would grow wings and fly away, so they bought it.

After I bought it, I got into a fight, was punished, and made a bunch of moths.

After the aftermath of billing was over, someone came to me to buy a house again?
The problem is that I am still in the probationary period and cannot receive customers.

God arranged to torture me, right?
Besides, I have never dated or known any couples who want to buy a house.

Whether to go or not, maybe, it is another troublesome matter.

"Can I not go?"

The customer service sister is only responsible for conveying, whether the real estate consultant should pick up customers, she has no control.

She smiled and didn't speak, nor did she leave.

Because she came to convey the message, if the real estate consultant didn't move, she would be punished consecutively.

Wu Xiaomo spoke at this time, she raised her sword eyebrows, and her red lips parted lightly: "The client is looking for it, if you don't accept it, you will be punished, go quickly."

Duan Xiaoming glanced at her.

He used punishments to scare me at every turn, thinking that I was a kindergarten kid, and if I was punished to stand still, could I be obedient?
"Not only punish you, but also punish the customer service."

Only then did Duan Xiaoming stamp the house sales book.

Just now, he has already photographed all the house sales guide, and he also zoomed in on some pages.

"Okay, I don't see beautiful girls being wronged the most. It's okay to punish me, but not you. Let's go, lead the way!"

So heroic!
Duan Xiaoming and the others were located in the middle of the negotiation area, and they couldn't see the guide area in a straight line.

He put the book into the folder, followed the customer service sister for a few steps, and saw who was looking for him.

Let me go, Brother Dog and Cousin.

He rolled his eyes, hurriedly turned back, and put all the folders in his hand on the negotiation table.

Well, seeing Brother Gou, how can I let him see that I am serious.

But he changed his mind and thought again, my cousin is also here, it seems that it is not good if I make him feel that I am still fooling around.

He pursed his lips, yes!

He took the tome out of the folder and held it up in the air.

Such a precious thing can't be put away casually.

The customer service sister stopped and waited patiently for him.

Wu Xiaomo also stopped talking and rehearsed and looked at him, thinking what is this guy doing?

Duan Xiaoming noticed that Wu Xiaomo was looking at him, and suddenly came up with an idea.

He took a few steps forward, stuffed the treasure book of selling houses into her arms, and without her consent, said directly: "Help me keep it for a while, and I'll be back to get it right away."

"Thank you!"

After saying thank you, he found that his action of inserting the book just now seemed a bit too big, the book was squeezed into Wu Xiaomo's chest, and her chest was deformed due to the pressure.

Will this—will it hurt her?

Wu Xiaomo frowned, why is this guy so rude, you hurt him!

In this case, I can't say it out of my temper.

She held the notebook on her arm so it wouldn't fall.


He left a thank you, and immediately said sorry, Duan Xiaoming walked away as if he was running.

Wu Xiaomo had no choice but to call his name loudly from afar.

She put the notebook in front of her chest on the table, and didn't pay attention to it, and continued to practice her speech.

Duan Xiaoming first walked a few steps quickly, and when he came out of the corner, Brother Gou and his cousin could be seen, and then he slowed down again.

He shouted from afar: "Cousin!"

Mrs. Dog saw her distant cousin and nodded with a smile.

As he got closer, Brother Gou took a look at him: "What's the matter, I'm going to come and see the house, please do you still need to carry the sedan chair? It took so long to come out."

Duan Xiaoming laughed: "Brother Dog, I didn't know it was you."

Mrs. Dog said with a smile: "You know we are here, you must have run over here, right?"

"Knowing that my brother-in-law is here, I'm sure——I won't come out!"

Duan Xiaoming laughed out loud.

"However, if you are here, cousin, I will definitely run out."

Mrs. Dog scolded him with a smile: "You're fooling around, be careful that no girl likes you."

Brother Gou didn't want to hear the two of them chatting, so he said to the sand table, "Let me introduce you, Duan Pinguan!"

Duan Xiaoming was unhappy: "Don't bring such a teaser, you know my strength is just like that, and if you step on the plate, just say it, why are you pretending to be a big wolf to buy a house-by the way, you still need to step on the plate ?”

Stepping on the market is a real estate professional term. In layman's terms, it means to know the detailed data of other real estate.

Brother Gou squinted at him: "Stop being wordy, introduce quickly."

"Introduction? Just tell me what data you want."

Mrs. Dog said softly, "Xiao Ming, we really want to buy a house."

"The one you live in is under mortgage. I bought the second one last year, and now I have to pay the full price to buy another one. Oh, I'll go. Brother Gou is rich. Bring my little brother!"

The policy of this city only allows one family to buy two houses with mortgage, and three or more houses cannot be mortgaged.

Brother Gou thought that Xiaoqiang Real Estate would be calmer and more stable when Duan Xiaoming came to Xiaoqiang Real Estate, otherwise, how could it be possible to sell a set today.

Who would have thought that this kid spoke in this tone.

I still can't believe that I want to buy a house.

Brother Gou has seen people receiving relatives and friends who are too embarrassed to brag because they are afraid of disputes in the future.

I have seen people who received serious introductions from acquaintances, because I sincerely hope that acquaintances understand thoroughly.

I have also seen people who think that relatives and friends are fooling people and refuse to introduce them, no matter whether they are euphemistic or direct-after all, some acquaintances always like to joke.

But I have never seen a real estate sales manager go to another real estate to see a house, and the real estate consultant forced Lai Lai to refuse to introduce it.

And since I have such a big unit, when did I ever joke with him?
"Bought it for your sister Xiaojuan and your niece Xiaona."

Who is Xiaojuan?

Brother Gou's ex-girlfriend.

Xiaona is the child of Brother Gou's ex-girlfriend who was unmarried behind the back of Brother Gou.

Damn, buy a house for your ex-girlfriend, cousin agrees?
He secretly glanced at his cousin, who didn't seem to have any mood swings.

"You're a jerk, hurry up and introduce, believe it or not, I'll complain to you?"

Yo ho!

A big manager like you is threatening a real estate consultant like me.

How could I take your threat.

However, after our professional training, no matter how difficult the customer is, no matter how threatened, we will provide sincere real estate consulting services with a smile on our face.

"Okay, let me introduce you."

But taking out the laser pointer from his pocket, Duan Xiaoming was confused.

The person who is so familiar with Gouge is also a sales manager, how should I introduce him?

(End of this chapter)

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