Chapter 54
Brother Gou then chatted with Duan Xiaoming for a few more words, then picked up the cup and drank all the chrysanthemum tea in the cup.

After putting down the cup, he thought for a while, and then said, "Forget it, I'll leave the subscription information with you. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I'll make sure to pay the full amount or mortgage."

Duan Xiaoming replied: "If it's a mortgage, then sister Xiaojuan should come back, it's not right-give your ex-girlfriend a house and ask her to pay the monthly payment, this is not in line with your status as a dog brother!"

Brother Gou smiled: "You are so poor. In order to buy this house, I had a misunderstanding with your cousin yesterday. I, a person with high blood sugar who can't drink, was so depressed that I drank a small wine in the office this morning. Adults world, you young people don’t understand.”

There was a trace of bitterness in Brother Gou's smile, and he stood up after speaking: "Okay, I'm leaving!"

This dog brother of feelings came here specially to teach me and solve my doubts?

Although Duan Xiaoming wondered what the dog brother had misunderstood with his cousin, he still nodded and bowed and sent the dog brother out of the sales department.

It's not that he's humble, it's because he's a head taller than Gou, and he can't have a good conversation with the short Gou without nodding and bowing.

As soon as Brother Gou stepped into the sales department, Lu Feifei called.

After passing the assessment yesterday, the first thing the supervisor asked was to store the numbers of all the new and old colleagues in the mobile phone.

He clicked the answer button: "Hello!"

"Come quickly to the conference room on the second floor, the master of the headquarters video training, come quickly!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Feifei hung up the phone without giving him a chance to ask questions.

Headquarters master training?
With doubts, he walked back to the negotiation area just now. There were nearly ten business consultants sitting scattered in the negotiation area just now, and now there is no one.

Wu Xiaomo also left at some point.

For a long time, the sales department had no new customers in the future, so naturally there was no customer visit broadcast in the earphones.

He was worried that he would miss seat A if he walked away, but he really wanted to go up to the second floor to take a look, so he ran to the front desk and asked the customer service at the guide desk: "I'll go up to the second floor. If a customer comes, can you call me?"

The customer service sister smiled and nodded: "Then when I call, you must arrive at the front desk area within 1 minute."

"No problem, by the way, can you hear your call on the second floor?"


Duan Xiaoming thanked him, and then walked quickly to the second floor.

The door of the meeting room was open, and Duan Xiaoming peeked in through the door, and found that there were more than a dozen professional consultants sitting inside.

It seems that everyone who is not busy is here.

Wu Xiaomo, Liu Lu, and Wu Yumin were also there, and even the two supervisors, Wu Bo and Qin Yanjiao, were there.

He quietly entered the door and sat down on the chair near the edge of the door.

On the projection screen on the wall of the meeting room, a handsome man was talking freely.

You can't see how tall this man is in the video, but you can tell that his facial features are very handsome.

Duan Xiaoming also felt that this man was very handsome. He unconsciously glanced at the conference room, and found that several female real estate consultants were staring at the projection screen dumbfounded.

Damn it, Wu Xiaomo doesn't like this one, does he?

Handsome is handsome but a little too old!
A handsome man's voice came from the speaker on the wall of the conference room: "Have you all digested what you just did this morning?"

A group of people replied from the speaker: "Digested."

It seems that there are many people on the other side.

Another answer came from the speaker: "I still don't understand."

The handsome man said: "It doesn't matter, it's frozen three feet. Next, I will share with you a sales technique, which is also a powerful marketing tool."

"Let me give you an example first."

"For example, if a client does not recognize our Xiaoqiang Real Estate brand, how can you explain the benefits that the brand can bring to him clearly enough within 300 words?"

Why does Duan Xiaoming feel that this topic is very familiar?

But he couldn't remember it for a while.

So he softly asked a colleague who had forgotten his name across two chairs from him: "Senior, who is this--the great god in the video?"

The colleague didn't speak, but wrote two words in the notebook with a pen, and then held up the notebook to show him.

"Qin Lang."

Oh, it turns out that this man is called Qin Lang.

Qin Lang's voice continued to be heard from the wall-mounted speaker: "Most of us have been engaged in real estate sales, and I believe everyone's answers are the same. Generally speaking, because Xiaoqiang Real Estate is one of the top [-] companies and the number one real estate company in South China, so You can rest assured that you can buy from Xiaoqiang, or the quality is excellent, and the property service is guaranteed, etc.”

"But have you ever thought that this kind of answer is the same, and the customer listens every time, will he buy a house impulsively?"

"No! But if we answer according to the formula in some marketing tools, it will be different. Today, I will share with you the marketing tools I have used for many years. One of my favorite laws, it's called the FABE Law of Selling."

Let me go, why does every great god like to use this.

Duan Xiaoming remembered that there was also this in his book on selling houses.

He hurriedly turned on his phone, and turned to the third chapter of the book. On the top of one page was a headline: "Marketing Laws: FAB Law and its upgraded version, FABE Law."

Qin Lang's voice in the speaker continued: "The FABE rule is an upgraded version of the FAB rule. Let's take a look at the specific definition. Let's take a look at the projection. After reading it, let's discuss the problem just mentioned. How to bring the brand to the world within [-] words?" The client's benefits are clearly stated."

At this time, the projected screen changes into a slide show.

The title of the slide cover is two bold red characters, the main title is "Getting through the two veins of Ren and Du is a key step to becoming a sales champion", the subtitle is "Ren Mai: The FABE Law of Sales Tools", and below the two big characters is a line of small characters: " Speaker: Qin Lang."

Qin Lang first spent more than ten minutes briefly explaining the ppt, including the origin, definition and some examples of the FABE rule.

"The FABE law has a formula to follow. I have mentioned so many examples just now. I don't know if you have noticed. It has a formula can get...the evidence is..., have you noticed? ?”

"Back to the original question, how to explain the benefits of the brand to customers clearly enough in [-] words, apply the formula, "because" Xiaoqiang is a top [-] brand with strong brand strength, and has hundreds of brands in nearly [-] cities across the country. High-quality real estate, there are also projects overseas, "so" buying in Xiaoqiang, the quality is more guaranteed, more assured, more famous, and more secure, buying in Xiaoqiang, "allows you" to make more people who like big brands, Those who buy here are looking at our brand strength, high-income people in civil servants, leaders of government and enterprise units, successful businessmen, gold-collar executives who work abroad and return to their hometowns to buy real estate. Your neighbors have high grades, and your circle of friends is different. , your child's future development will be even more different..."

"Then you show our customers some photos of owner activities and gatherings in various projects around the world. This is E, evidence."

"As long as you are willing to develop it in depth, the FABE law will be of great help to your future sales work, and this sales tool has been learned and integrated, and it can be used in love and marriage in the future, such as two people on a blind date, boys It can be said that because you chose the considerate me, remember to add the attributive before me, which is your own advantage. The attributive is not limited to one, but can be multiple. It is good to be considerate, handsome and humorous me, in line with reality, so, in the future I can take better care of you, life is full of fun, and I can make your life more quality and happier, and then take out a group photo of my parents and say, look, how happy my mother is smiling..."


Someone roared with laughter.

Qin Lang went on to say: "Do you think the FABE law is a magical skill in love? It can also be used in marriage. For example, if your wife finds out that you have hidden money from your house, don't go to the supermarket to buy durians immediately, even though your meat is for your wife to eat. , I knelt down, but how did you get the money to buy durians? You dug a hole for yourself again. At this time, we asked FABE to save the scene, wife, because! Emphasize that because, because I hid my private money, so, I I have the ability to control my finances freely. On Valentine’s Day, I can buy flowers if I want to buy you, and clothes if I want to buy you clothes. This will not only make you happy, but also make me feel good. What is the private money for? It’s for happiness. At this time, you take out your mobile phone. Isn’t there a software that is very popular recently? Beaten, but people buy things for their wives, happy! Isn’t this the daily application of FABE’s law.”

Qin Lang's explanation was vivid and interesting, and Duan Xiaoming felt that it was much more interesting than reading the book alone.

He didn't dare to listen too intently lest he miss the call from the front desk, so he glanced around without concentrating.

He saw Wu Xiaomo looking at Qin Lang with affectionate eyes.

At this time, Zhou Bin quietly sat beside him.

He stared at Zhou Bin.

Zhou Bin didn't feel embarrassed either. To him, being kicked by Duan Xiaoming wasn't particularly ugly.

Anyway, others don't know.

Zhou Bin leaned towards Duan Xiaoming, and then said in a voice that only Duan Xiaoming could hear: "Do you know? It is said that this Qin Lang is Wu Xiaomo's ex-boyfriend. He used to be the manager of Datang Real Estate. A genius joined us as a project manager in the city next door—oh, that's a really good talk!"

Duan Xiaoming was stunned for a second and ignored him.

Zhou Bin said it again reluctantly: "Qin Lang is Wu Xiaomo's ex-boyfriend, tsk tsk, isn't it a good match?"

How did Duan Xiaoming know that Zhou Bin was instigated by Wu Bo to disgust him. He thought Zhou Bin was very irritable, so he replied disgustedly: "Is he Wu Xiaomo's ex-boyfriend related to me?"

After speaking, I realized that because I was wearing headphones, the decibels were too loud, and everyone in the conference room looked at me in unison.

Then everyone looked at Wu Xiaomo in unison.

Then!These people, together with Wu Xiaomo, looked at Duan Xiaoming together again.

Duan Xiaoming seemed to hear the "swish" sound made by his eyes rubbing against the air.

(End of this chapter)

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