Revival Road

Chapter 136 Exhausted

Chapter 136 Exhausted
Strange to say, the party-government joint meeting ended at four o'clock in the afternoon. On the way home from get off work, Lu Qi heard the crucial news——Han Zhiyong used Tao Tang's army to clean up the people who left his post!And Tao Tang was forced to swallow the bitter pill, admitting that it was a mistake to remove Liao Junwei.

Lu Qi thought that Yan Shuzhen saw it from the typing room as usual——Yan Shuzhen's office was on the first floor, next to the typing room of the general manager's office. For the record, the meeting minutes reviewed and signed by the main leaders of the company can be sent to the typing room for printing within two hours, and there will be no content about Han Zhiyong challenging Tao Tang on the meeting minutes...

"Where did you know that?"


"Still keeping it secret from me? Thanks to me treating you as a friend..."

"I really can't say this. Who doesn't know your relationship with Mr. Tao? No one dares to mess with you, and I will be miserable..."

"What are you talking about? What special relationship do I have with Mr. Tao?"

"Student. Isn't it the hardest relationship with classmates these days? And you are still at the same table..."

Damn it!It was the first time that Lu Qi found Yan Shuzhen so annoying.

Yan Shuzhen and Lu Qi live in the same unit. As one of the few female middle school leaders in Red Star, the two maintain a relationship that exceeds their working relationship. Let's treat this relationship as a friendship.Lu Qi hopes to get some wild news about high-level personnel from Yan Shuzhen, and Yan Shuzhen hopes to get some internal company policies from Lu Qi in advance-the introduction of certain policies cannot bypass the Development Planning Department, many of which are actually Lu Qi is the first drafter people.The rumor that Lu Qi got the wild way in terms of personnel was not for attack, but for defense.Red Star, a relatively closed society, is like this. The greatest wealth is to give favors, and the greatest loss is to offend others. Revenge will be silent, and you will be hard to guard against. Some suggestions or opinions that are originally out of public interest will be maliciously labeled by those who care. , especially power struggles involving the company's top executives, often the king of hell fights, and the kid suffers.

Lu Qi has suffered a loss before, and she doesn't want to suffer again without knowing it.Now that Tao Tang is in power, someone with a heart has already included her in Tao Tang's inner circle, which seems to hold up a protective umbrella, but it is actually more dangerous.However, Lu Qi has unconsciously cared about Tao Tang's "political enemies" out of her unforgettable affection for Tao Tang, and hopes that Tao Tang can take precautions.

Back home, Lu Qi's thoughts became clear. Someone deliberately spread the content of the Party and Government Joint Meeting to Yan Shuzhen through a certain channel, which is very clever, even vicious.Yan Shuzhen's mouth is like a radio station, and there are no secrets to keep.And Yan Shuzhen will definitely tell herself that maybe Yan Shuzhen herself doesn't realize what this means. If this news spreads, it will definitely put a thorn in Tao Tang's heart, and that is the opponent (Lu Qi believes that this person is Tao Tang's political enemy) )the goal of.

Do you want to tell him?Lu Qi's heart began to churn.

That day, Lao Fan didn't bring any news to Lu Qi, and he didn't even talk about his favorite topic, but talked a few words about Fan Yue's study.This shows that Fan Yongcheng did not know that the party and government joint meeting was called in the afternoon and studied personnel issues. He should comment on this with great interest tomorrow... Lu Qi really wants to know what kind of comments old Comrade Fan will make, Tao Tang loses Lost the first game after taking office?Or did Tao Tang choose the wrong ally?

But Lu Qi didn't say a word.

After dinner, Comrade Fan went out to play cards as usual.Lu Qi watched a TV series on Mango TV alone, and they all said that Mango TV is for people without brains. Lu Qi just likes that style, and perhaps its biggest selling point is its ease. The pressure of life is so great , so big that you don't know where the pressure comes from, especially middle-aged people, so look for any opportunity to relax yourself...

There will be no rest tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. In the morning, the economic activities analysis meeting for the first half of the year will be held, and in the afternoon, it will be transferred to a one-and-a-half-day marketing conference.Before leaving get off work, I heard Liu Xinjun beating Xiao Shi in the office. Because of an error in a report, Liu Xinjun was furious.Lu Qi knew that Assistant Liu had disqualified him from reporting because of tomorrow's economic activity analysis meeting.She comforted her subordinates, but could not explain the real reason.Liu Xinjun, who was always calm in the past, has been very angry recently, always punishing his subordinates for minor mistakes.Duan Hui was the one who received the most training, and the old comrade Duan complained a lot, started clamoring to change units, and started begging Lu Qi for help.Lu Qi vaguely felt that Liu Xinjun's anomaly had something to do with Yang Kaihe's loss of contact. Do you want to tell him about this?

It was very hot in the room, and it was uncomfortable to turn on the air conditioner. Lu Qi changed into a skirt and went out of the house, planning to take a walk outside. It was very pleasant for Hongxing to take a walk outside the house on a summer evening.

Unknowingly, Lu Qi came to the square in front of the office building. This is the most concentrated place to enjoy the cool air. Under the lampposts with changing colorful lights, there are crowds of frolicking people, most of whom are elderly people and children under 12 years old. Rollerbladers, shuttlecock kickers, and chattering while sitting on benches waving cattail fans.Older children go to study at night, but young people who are in love don't come here.Lu Qi suddenly thought of herself. When she was in love with Fan Yongcheng, she was exposed here. Back then, she was considered a famous beauty of the Red Star, and Lao Fan aroused the jealousy and hatred of countless people...

Lu Qi wanted to find a bench to sit on, but after walking around, she couldn't find an empty chair, but she was bitten by a mosquito on her knee. Lu Qi is most afraid of mosquitoes, and had skin infections caused by mosquito bites , so I hurried towards the office and prepared to deal with it with soap.

Building No. 20 is on the north side of the square, Building No. [-] is on the east side, and No. [-] Building where she is located is on the west side, forming an irregular triangle. Between the square and Building No. [-] is a ginkgo forest, which is more than [-] years old. Only thick arms.Lu Qi likes this forest very much, especially in autumn, which brings her intoxicating golden color. When she is free, she always leans against the office window and stares at the golden piece downstairs.When Song Yue first came, she had planned to destroy the ginkgo forest that occupied the core area. Lu Qi firmly opposed it, but she kept her words light. It was the retired old guys who overturned Song Yue's decision...

She walked along the cobblestones through the woods, and saw the lights in Tao Tang's office at a glance.

He is working overtime.Lu Qi forgot what she was doing in the office building, so she went upstairs and knocked on Tao Tang's office.

"Oh, Lu Qi, what's the matter?" Tao Tang stood up from behind the desk.

"What about working overtime?"

"Look at the analysis of the first half of the year drafted by your department... Who drafted this manuscript?"

"The materials come from everyone, including other business departments, and the author is Assistant Liu... What's wrong?"

"Have you seen?"

"I've seen... Is there any problem?" It's always like this now, there is no other topic except work...

"What do you think?" Tao Tang sat on the sofa, "Sit down..."

"I don't see any problem..." Lu Qi sat down opposite Tao Tang, subconsciously tightening her legs.The skirt she changed before going out at night was a bit short, just reaching her knees...

"Internal analysis should focus on finding problems." Tao Tang poured Lu Qi a glass of water with an automatic heating kettle, "Praising yourself is close to deceiving yourself..."

"It used to be this tone, and the grades were always the main thing..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. You also come to the office to work overtime? Are you busy with work recently?"

"No matter how busy you are, I can't compare to you... It seems that you have lost weight..." Indeed, it was the first time that Lu Qi saw Tao Tang so tired.

"Really? I didn't feel it..." Tao Tang touched his cheek subconsciously.

"I don't know if I should tell you something..." Lu Qi hesitated.

Tao Tang laughed silently, "If you think you should say it, then say it, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it..."

"When I got off work this afternoon, I heard that you held a party-government joint meeting in the afternoon. At the meeting, Mr. Han gave you a problem..."

"That's it? I know it will never be kept secret, but the speed is really amazing. It's not a problem, the situation is like this..." Tao Tang calmly, as if he was at the same level as if he was with an outsider friend who had nothing to do with the matter Talk about the meeting in the afternoon.

"The matter of the 2nd branch factory is left there, and it is inevitable that it will be used as an issue... Moreover, it is not handled lightly..."

"Do you think I've dealt with the mid-level officials of the off-duty unit too seriously?"

"Hmm... a bit, the scope of the attack is too wide," Lu Qi considered her words, "Everyone is talking about it these days, and they always feel that the law does not blame the public..."

"On the contrary. It is lighter rather than serious. Han Zhiyong's opinion is not unreasonable. I don't think he is making use of it... But I am really embarrassed about this matter. It is not a law that does not blame the public for more than a dozen units However, I am worried that it will affect the production and operation in the second half of the year. From this point of view, I can't afford to provoke them..." Tao Tang's tone was helpless and desolate, "It is impossible to only deal with administrative duties. If the secretary and Bringing in deputy posts will inevitably lead to unpredictable consequences... So, we can only deduct some money. Few of the current cadres take party discipline punishment seriously."

"Can't afford it?" Lu Qi didn't expect Tao Tang to say that.

"When I first arrived in Shengdong, I was young and did the poem say? 'Going up the tall building alone, looking at the end of the world', since I am the leader, I don't believe that I can't cure everything I don't like. For this reason, I have been criticized more than once, saying that I am immature... Let me tell you, the problem of Red Star is much more serious than that of Shengdong... But after working for a few years, I realized that the leader is right... The leaders of state-owned enterprises do not understand Politics won't work, and the essence of politics is compromise. So, I compromised..."

"However, Red Star has never done anything like you! How many years have you been off the job, no one cares about it, and you actually did it..."

"Once I leave, I will repeat myself, believe it or not? Unless there are two conditions, one is that the successor is as desperate as I am, and the second is that the common people take action... In fact, I am not desperate, otherwise I will not compromise with them ..."

"Are you leaving?" Lu Qi became nervous.

"It's up to me to come, and it's up to me to go."

"I think you're too tired..."

"Sometimes I also feel tired. Endless meetings, endless approval of documents, endless reception of people... I often say things against my will, and I always ask myself, is it meaningful?"

"What do you think?"

"The question is, is it okay to do this? For example, I have always hated meetings and wasted my precious time. Things that can be communicated on the phone have to be brought to the meeting. If you don't go through this procedure, you will violate the process. Dictatorship. A lot of conflicts happened at the meeting to resolve the conflicts, while resolving the conflicts, creating new ones at the same time... Isn’t it ridiculous?”

"Don't trust Li Luo, and don't trust Han Zhiyong..." Lu Qi plucked up her courage, "It hasn't been a year or two since the two of them fought each other for power... They will never be of one mind with you..."

"I never believe that the team will be twisted into one rope. The old people have said that there is no party in the party, and the emperor thinks. Who am I? But I can only use them, who can I not use them? Do you think the headquarters will promise me to change? People? Even if I agree, I can't guarantee that the newcomers will be better than them. Besides, do you think it will stop after you get rid of one faction and the other? The problem may be even bigger..."

Lu Qi felt relieved, Tao Tang knew everything, "It won't be Han Zhiyong who released the news. This person definitely wants to pierce a thorn in your heart... But I hope you don't pursue the leak of the meeting..."

"Lu Qi, thank you for your concern for me. Really. I know that you are doing it for my own good. But I don't care about it. What I do is all based on my conscience. In the current system, promotion is not easy, and bad luck is also difficult. I'm not greedy or fishy, ​​what can they do to me? The worst thing is to change a chair for me..."

"But you don't look like a fool?"

"I've never been a fool. And this is Red Star, the place where I was born and raised... Let me tell you, according to my experience, as long as the bottom is straightened out, the team is just a decoration. By the way, I just now I forgot to tell you, this time Qi Jianmin came to Beiyang and appointed me as the chairman of Anhong Company. I am going to set up a working group, and you are one of the members. Tell me, you need to make preparations, collect relevant information from your channels as much as possible for me..."

"Which thing should be postponed?" Lu Qi didn't understand.

"Forget that I'm breaking up the Compliance Department?"

"Don't..." Lu Qi raised her voice.She suddenly felt an itchy left leg, so she scratched it hard, "First, the regulatory department has lost its assessment function, and the role of the leading unit will be weak. Second..."

"What's the second reason?" Tao Tang's eyes followed Lu Qi's fingers and landed on her smooth and white legs, then he stood up, took soap from the washstand outside and handed it to Lu Qi.

"Thank you... I hate mosquitoes the most... The second is..." Lu Qi considered her words, "Don't let others gossip, don't let people attack you with me..."

"Haha," Tao Tang laughed loudly, "That's right, you are my old tablemate, and I even secretly liked you, so what's the matter? You are really interesting... Do you feel better?"

"much better……"

Her demeanor looks so much like back then... Tao Tang stood up and returned to his seat, which meant that he didn't want to talk any more.

(End of this chapter)

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