Revival Road

Chapter 137 Business Analysis Meeting for the First Half of the Year 1

Chapter 137 Business Analysis Meeting Part [-]
Tao Tang was indeed very tired.Because Fang Ke, whom he least wanted to see, came to "home".The reason why I came to the office was also because of Fang Ke.He knew that Fang Ke had already come to Hiraizumi, but he was already on his way to Beiyang to "meet" Qi Jianmin at that time. He didn't want to see her, so he said the date of the meeting was undecided, and hoped that she would retreat despite difficulties.But he was so concerned about Fang Ke that he actually forgot about Fang Ke after the meeting, and hurried back to arrange to host several important meetings... After work, he received a call from Fang Ke, saying that she was just doing a little trick and had already After registering the room, "It's the one opposite to yours where I lived. No matter how busy you are, you should have dinner with me, right?"

There was no other way, Tao Tang had no choice but to accompany Fang Ke to have a meal at Xiaozhao.When he got back to his room, he felt uneasy. From any point of view, it’s okay to come to his room, but he really couldn’t stand the beauty who kept dangling in front of him, wearing only an apricot yellow dress. The point is that the dress is too big, but this is summer, and he often wears shorts and a vest when he is at home, and Fang Ke refuses to turn on the air conditioner, saying that she has a cold from the rain.

Therefore, Tao Tang left and ran to the office, but was beaten by Lu Qi, and he chatted with Lu Qi about a topic that seemed to him to be completely nonsense.

A political atmosphere that combines both centralization and democracy, both organizational discipline and personal comfort can only be an ideal.Having spent 20 years in a state-owned enterprise, which is also considered an officialdom, Tao Tang can clearly distinguish the difference between ideals and reality.He didn't take Han Zhiyong's "struggle" seriously. Based on his experience, if some differences are regarded as differences, they may be differences; if you don't regard them as differences, they are not differences.So, after the meeting in the afternoon, Zhao Qingmin said on the phone, should he talk to Lao Han?He said no need.Mr. Han's opinion is reasonable to some extent, but it cannot be adopted right now, that's all.

As for the rumors that Lu Qi heard, it was indeed fast enough, but it didn't matter.He was obsessed with martial arts novels when he was in college, but later he can’t even remember the characters. He only has a good understanding of how to win with no moves and have moves. Subordinates may have to think about “tricks” for their superiors, and the way and timing of suggestions should be considered. And other factors, but the top leader is unnecessary, just like some circles where the top leaders are so clueless and obvious, it can only be said to be too stupid.Tao Tang firmly believes that as long as he is out of public interest, he will not have major flaws in dealing with legacy issues such as leaving his post, and will not provide lethal weapons to so-called political enemies.

What is that?The tightness, softness and hardness are all in one's own mind.Those questions will not help you break the situation, but you have to weigh the strength to avoid too large a gap between the front and the back.

But to bring Red Star back to life, the situation must be broken!It is necessary to use a few major events that can really touch people's hearts to shock all levels of Red Star, and then his policy program can be truly implemented, and the "bleeding spots" all over Red Star can stop bleeding and heal, righteousness can be promoted, and the big ship Red Star can sail into it proper course.

Tao Tang was thinking about the recent major events and tomorrow's meeting in his mind, and quickly returned to Xiaozhao.

"Brother-in-law... I thought you would work overtime until 12 o'clock." Fang Ke, who was leaning over his bedside and reading a fashion magazine, looked at Tao Tang with a straight face, "Who is that woman? She is pretty. "That magazine must have been brought by her, there is no such thing in Tao Tang's house.

"Which girl?"

"Just pretend, just pretend for me. Didn't any women go to your office just now?"

"Hey, when did you get KGB training?"

"Is there nothing to say?"

"That's my colleague! We're talking about work!" Tao Tang thought, how did Fang Ke get into the office building?

"I didn't say you did anything else? Why are you guilty?" Fang Ke covered her mouth and smiled, "Brother-in-law, I never doubted that you are looking for a mistress... You can fall in love in a fair manner! But," she dragged With a long tone, "Other people can lie to you, but I, a fool, can't."

"Okay, Xiao Ke, what's the matter with you when you come back?"

"It's okay, I'm just here to accompany you. A friend of mine who likes to play Go said that the enemy's key points are my key points, which must be seized! I'm an idler, and you don't know it. I'm here to rely on you, okay?"

"It's easy to talk about the lack of money. How much do you want? My brother-in-law will give it to you. But I'm too busy and really don't have time to accompany you. You don't know anyone here, and it will be boring..."

"I know you're busy... It's okay, no matter how busy you are, you have to leave work, right? I have no home, and my parents don't want to see me. Their home has long since ceased to belong to me, so I'll take you here as my home. Tomorrow, I will buy some kitchen utensils, and I will cook for you, so you don’t have to eat in the cafeteria anymore...Brother-in-law, isn’t it pretty?”

Fang Ke raised the magazine in his hand, and Tao Tang realized that the fashion girl wearing mink fur fashion with heavy lipstick and eye shadow on the cover was actually Fang Ke.

"How is it better than the woman you just met?"

Tao Tang started to have a headache again.

At 2013:[-] a.m. the next day, Red Star Company held the [-] annual economic activity analysis meeting in the large conference room of the Recruitment Institute.

The meeting was presided over by Executive Vice President Li Luo. First, Chief Economist Luo Chong made an analysis report on economic activities in the first half of the year, focusing on the analysis of ten major operating indicators: sales revenue, profit, net cash flow, inventory, accounts receivable, The cost and expense ratio, EVA (economic value added), quality loss of ten thousand yuan output value, and labor productivity are completed, and the problems existing in the operation in the first half of the year are analyzed, especially the lean management that the company has carried out. .Luo Chong pointed out that since the establishment of the new team, the company has reversed the decline in business operations, and the business situation is developing in a good direction. I hope everyone can clearly understand the situation and strengthen their confidence.In the last part of the report, Luo Chong made arrangements for the key work in the second half of the year, pointing out that the company's primary task in the second half of the year is to protect the market, grab orders, and strive to complete the sales revenue target set at the beginning of the year.And emphasized that the two aspects of quality and safety should not be taken lightly.

Luo Chong's report was nothing new and quite satisfactory.The leaders at all levels attending the meeting were not interested in Luo Chong's report, they wanted to hear Tao Tang's speech more.Recently, "major events" have occurred continuously in the company. Everyone wants to know how Tao Tang judges these events, especially the Yang Kaihe incident that made all levels of the company excited and uneasy.

Next, Li Luo, who presided over the meeting, invited Tao Tang to speak, "The second item of the meeting is now on. Let us invite Comrade Tao Tang, the chairman and general manager of the company, to give an important speech with warm applause."

Tao Tang turned on the microphone in front of him, "Comrades, let's take this opportunity to say a few words, but it's not an important speech. Just now, on behalf of the company, Mr. Luo made a relatively comprehensive analysis of the operating conditions in the first half of the year, focusing on the analysis of ten items. The completion of the indicators and the existing problems, and the emphasis on the key work in the second half of the year, I basically agree...why do I basically agree instead of all? I have a little disagreement with Mr. Luo's judgment on the business situation."

Luo Chong's heart skipped a beat, and it really came.

"You may not have fully recorded the chronological progress of the ten indicators. Maybe some comrades here may not understand some indicators so thoroughly. I suggest that Comrade Luo Chong's analysis done on behalf of the company be sorted out and distributed, so that everyone can fully learn from it. The research... is mainly to study the completion of the indicators. Objectively speaking, the company's business situation this year is not good. From the chronological progress of various indicators, it can be seen that half of the time has passed, but most of the indicators have only completed three points One is strong. This certainly cannot be said that the business situation is good, right? Of course, I agree with Mr. Luo that the second quarter showed a good trend. The reason is that the indicators in the second quarter are obviously better than the first quarter. Don’t think that I It is said that it is for my own face, I am removed in the second quarter. The reason why the second quarter achieved significantly better results than the first quarter, I think there are several factors, the first is the relationship between the seasons of the second quarter, holidays The climate is good, and it is the traditional season of hard work and quick work. The second is that the production, finance, supply, and sales are vigorous, especially the production port, which is worthy of praise.”

Tao Tang took a sip of water, "Yesterday, Secretary Zhao and I went to Beiyang to participate in the meeting of the main leaders of the provincial enterprises convened by the general manager of the group, Qi Jianmin. At the meeting, President Qi emphasized that the business indicators determined at the beginning of the year will not change! Ask all Under the circumstance that the macro economy is showing a downward trend, the company exerts its subjective efforts to the maximum extent to ensure the full completion of the targets at the beginning of the year. Before, some leaders of the team and departments had hoped that I would ask the group for a favor. The responsibility letter at the beginning of the year was signed by the former chairman Yes, it is not so in line with the actual situation, and I request the group to revise certain indicators. I did not mention this, and I cannot make this request. Why? Because we are not doing it for the group leaders, not for the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, we are doing it for ourselves Do it for Red Star's 300 employees and 200 family members. Such a big business has a daily fixed expenditure of [-] million, and it is easy to lower the quota. Where does the money come from? The group will not allocate funds for us... and, As a large state-owned enterprise with more than [-] billion fixed assets, we are obliged to pay taxes and profits to the state. This principle will not be turned around in the world. Therefore, we must have such awareness and mission, that is, we Do your best to fight hard and strive to complete the target. Even if you can't complete it, you must strive for the best results. We are not doing it for our superiors, we are doing it for ourselves first, for our wives and children, and for the parents of Red Star. For the overall target, the group will assess me and our team. If it cannot be completed, those who should be deducted will be deducted, and those who should be moved will be moved. But the overall target is composed of sub-targets on everyone’s heads. Your targets are completely No, the overall target is doomed to failure. Therefore, I am here to express my opinion as the chairman and general manager. The company will strictly evaluate the indicators of each grassroots unit at the end of the year. , Those who should move their seats move, those who should take off their hats!
"Maybe someone will speak objectively. What I want to say is that perhaps the survival and development of nearly [-] employees' families is the greatest objective! Any reason can't stand upright in the face of this tough requirement! The organization puts us in the present The post is to eliminate all difficulties and solve all problems, not to listen to our objective!

"I agree with all the key tasks for the second half of the year listed in Mr. Luo's report. But what I want to emphasize is that the biggest focus is the market, that is, marketing. It is the overriding focus. As long as there is a market and orders, there is no Money can find a way, there is no equipment, and there is no problem. Not enough people are not a problem, even if the product loses money, it doesn’t matter, because we can find a way to reduce costs. But if there is no market and no orders, it will be troublesome and nothing can be done. Let’s talk! Therefore, we will spend a day and a half to study our marketing, the difficulties faced by marketing, and the measures to be taken. The reason why Mr. Luo did not talk about marketing in his report is not because it is not important, but because it is too important Yes, it is so important that we have to devote a day and a half to special research.

"Some people may think that marketing has little to do with them. They are wrong! Comrades in marketing are facing customers, and customers are their gods. Delivery time and product quality must satisfy God, otherwise it will be difficult Get money from God happily...but what about other departments except marketing? We should establish such a concept that what we are facing is the marketing department! The marketing department is everyone's God and my God. All our work is It should revolve around marketing... Everything revolves around marketing work, and the satisfaction of marketing is the standard to measure the quality of our work... Because of the relationship between time and the upcoming marketing meeting, I won't talk about it..."

(End of this chapter)

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